Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: FINALLY Ready to Dump Tristan Thompson?!

Another NBA season is upon us, which means Tristan Thompson will be spending much of the next several months traveling with the Cleveland Cavs. 

And it seems Khloe Kardashian is not too keen on the idea of spending her winter wondering if her husband is sleeping around.

As you’re no doubt aware, Tristan spent much of last season cheating on Khloe while she was pregnant with his child.

Against all odds, the couple patched things up over the offseason, but it seems the peace they reached was tentative at best.

Now, with Tristan returning his attention to basketball, it seems Khloe is harboring some serious doubts about the future of her relationship.

“She very much seems over Tristan,” a source close to the situation tells People magazine.

“Not sure how they went from fine to being apart for weeks, but Khloe is doing great.”

The source adds that Khloe has not followed Tristan back to Cleveland, as was expected — but for the time being, everyone seems content with the current living situation:

“It doesn’t seem to bother her that she isn’t with Tristan in Cleveland,” the insider says.

“She seems to know what she wants in her life right now. And it definitely doesn’t seem like she wants to be with Tristan.”

As for whether or not Khloe and Tristan have officially broken up, it seems the couple is remaining mum in the issue for now:

“Khloe isn’t saying that she and Tristan split. It seems she hasn’t decided yet what she wants to do about their relationship,” the source tells People.

“And she seems fine about this.”

For months, we’ve been hearing reports of the Kardashians pressuring Khloe to dump Tristan, so it should come as no surprise that Kim and company are quite pleased by this development:

“Her family is happy that she is still in L.A. and wants her around for as long as possible,” the insider says.

“No one is pushing for her to go back to Cleveland to be with Tristan. This will be her decision to make.”

But despite the dissolution of both her relationship and the dreams of a traditional nuclear family that have been with her since childhood, those her know her best say Khloe has never been happier:

“It’s amazing to see what a great mom she is and how much she enjoys it,” says the insider.

“She is very much just focused on the happy things in her life. True, of course, makes her the happiest.”

Sounds like Khloe is once again focused on doing what’s best for her baby — and for herself.
