Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: If I Get Pregnant Again, Tristan Will Cheat!

Keeping Up With The Kardashians recently teased Khloe going into labor right after Tristan Thompson’s cheating scandal broke.

Now that fans have relived that moment, a report says that Khloe wants another baby. Already.

But apparently she’s terrified that, if she gets pregnant again, Tristan is going to grow restless and cheat.

Khloe wants to hold off on getting pregnant again until she can keep her eye on Tristan, an inside source tells HollywoodLife.

“Khloe would love to have another baby right away,” an insider reveals.

The source says that this is her desire, “but she’s really terrified of being pregnant during the NBA season.”

Tristan, of course, is a basketball player, and his sports schedule takes him on tour … and apparently into the path of temptation.

“She can’t help but have flashbacks to what she went through with Tristan the last time when he was away on the road,” the insider explains.

As the entire world knows, when Khloe was pregnant with True, Tristan couldn’t keep his hands or penis to himself. Not even a little.

Khloe was pregnant, the source reminds, “and she really couldn’t travel with him that much because of her pregnancy.”

To be clear, this does not mean that Khloe thinks that pregnancy is some sort of cheating-inducing curse.

“She would never blame it on her pregnancy,” the insider clarifies.

“But the reality is,” the source says. “Things did happen and their relationship kind of fell apart for a while.”

“She worries about getting pregnant again,” the insider confesses.

Her fear is based on history repeating itself, the source says, “and how it will affect their relationship.”

“It was painful and humiliating” when Tristan cheated on her, the insider confirms.

If she gets pregnant again while he’s on the road, she reportedly worries of what might happen.

“And Khloe can’t imagine going through that again,” the source says.

“That being said, she absolutely wants more children with Tristan,” the insider affirms.

Well, True is just as cute as a button, so we can definitely understand that.

“And she’s not going to wait until he’s done with his NBA career to make that happen,” the source adds.

“So the reality is,” the insider continues. “She’s going to have to face her fears eventually.”

“But for now her plan is to wait some more time before getting pregnant,” the source concludes.

Honestly? Whether or not this report is accurate with regard to Khloe’s state of mind and her hopes and fears … waiting is a good idea.

True will turn 6 months old in a little over a week.

But just because this precious little baby is growing up before our very eyes doesn’t mean that she’s not still a baby.

Not only does Khloe need time to recover from pregnancy, but she needs more time to adjust to being a parent.

And for that matter, so does Tristan. Parenting is hard work.

Now, if Khloe really is consumed by the idea that Tristan will cheat the minute that her uterus is once again in production mode, there’s a solution.

And no, it does not require that she wait until Tristan retires from his profession.

Kim had a surrogate for Chicago because Kim’s difficult births with North and Saint were only getting worse, and giving birth again would risk her life.

While Khloe’s situation is a little different (okay, a lot different), Khloe could get a gestational carrier and still be fully capable of keeping an eye on Tristan while expecting.

Or, you know, she could get a significant other who won’t cheat on her, even when he’s away from her, even if she’s pregnant — or especially if she’s pregnant.
