Monday, October 8, 2018

Kim Kardashian: Yeah, I"m Done With Kanye West and His BS

In the wake of Kanye’s pro-Trump rant on Saturday Night Live, a lot of his former fans are wondering where Kim Kardashian will draw the line.

A new report says that she already has.

In fact, Kim and Kanye are allegedly living separate lives and just hoping that no one will notice.

Life & Style reports that Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, though still married, are leading separate lives.

“Kim and Kanye have grown further and further apart,” the insider reports.

This separation is said to exist on multiple levels.

The source says that Kim and Kanye have grown distant both “emotionally and physically.”

That does not sound like a healthy marriage.

“They not only sleep in separate rooms,” the insider continues.

The source says: “[but] they’re also leading separate lives at this point.”

Separate bedrooms isn’t so unusual — some people love each other but have different schedules, or prefer different sleeping environments.

But this report claims that Kim and Kanye aren’t just accommodating their respective sleeping needs — that they’re essentially no longer living as husband and wife.

As the insider claims: “They’re pretty much estranged.”

As an example, the tabloid cites September 23.

On that date, Kim was cheering on North at her very first fashion show.

At the same time, Kanye was with Saint at a Cubs game, throwing the first pitch — thousands of miles away.

To hear Life & Style tell it, this isn’t just how their schedules worked at that moment.

It was, instead, an alleged example of how Kim and Kanye have chosen to consciously separate their lives.

Kim and Kanye have allegedly been “fighting a lot.”

There’s the infamous incident in which Kanye West needed a band-aid., as described on a recent episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

Kim revealed that he became increasingly agitated with Kim as she brought him different bandages, because none of them met his standards.

Instead of getting it himself or having their housekeeper get it for him, Kanye seemed adamant that Kim cater to him.

“I think so many husbands feel neglected when you start having kids,” Khloe theorized. “And then all of their attention gets taken away.”

Khloe has some theories that paint a really horrifying vision of what relationships in her family are like.

“Sometimes men still want to be treated as, like, the first baby,” Khloe says, to our horror.

“I know Kim is so overwhelmed,” Khloe says, as if Kim needs an excuse. “And I think sometimes it’s easy to get distracted”

“But your husband still wants you to take care of him,” Khloe says.

Khloe’s bad advice continues: “I’m sure with three kids you’re tired at the end of the day and you don’t make that a priority, but she really has to.”

In real life, of course, if your husband is acting like an entitled baby who wants you to mommy him, unless that’s some sort of kink that you share, it’s not great.

Rather than rearranging your life so that you can get him his special big boy bandages, the better choice might be to find a husband who is, like, an adult.

That said, we’re not convinced that Kim and Kanye are silently separated. That’s not really Kim’s style.

Kim will stand by her man — to a fault. She’s hardly the only one in the family to do so.

It’s difficult to imagine that she and Kanye are leading separate lives. At the very least, we can’t picture Kanye keeping it a secret.
