Thursday, November 1, 2018

Sofia Richie: Pissed that Scott Disick Doesn"t Post Pics of Them Anymore

Even though Scott Disick is still banging a very young model, it’s been a while since he bragged about Sofia Richie on Instagram.

According to a report, this has begun to hurt Sofia’s feelings. 

She feels slighted. Why would Scott want to hide her away?

HollywoodLife reports that Sofia Richie is feeling a little underappreciated because Scott isn’t putting up photos of the two of them.

“Sofia is super confident in her relationship with Scott,” the insider affirms.

“But,” the source admits. “Sometimes she gets sad.”

Life’s like that, sometimes. But apparently she has a specific gripe.

Sofia doesn’t it, the insider shares, “when he does not share more photos of them together on his social media accounts.”

Before you put her on blast for being petty, hear her out — well, hear the source out.

“Sofia loves showing Scott off to the world,” the source says. “And is proud of her man.”

“She sees posting their pics as a way of proclaiming her love for him,” the insider explains.

“And,” the source adds. “She gets disappointed when Scott does not do the same for her.”

Reciprocity is key to any relationship, right?

“Although Scott has occasionally posted a few photos of them together on his Instagram stories,” the insider begins.

The source continues, lamenting: “he hasn’t posted a permanent pic on his page in months.”

That’s true, as we’ll detail for you below.

And yes, where on Instagram you put a photo really matters. Not everyone has time to check everyone’s Stories.

The insider says that this is something “which makes Sofia wonder why he is not as excited about their relationship as she is.”

So, what possible reason could Scott have for not constantly posting pics of his super hot 20-year-old girlfriend?

“Sofia can’t help but think he doesn’t want to make Kourtney jealous,” the source mentions.

That sounds like a very possible explanation.

“But,” the insider says of Sofia. “She doesn’t really care” about Kourtney’s feelings.

That may sound harsh, but it’s a reasonable way to feel about your boyfriend’s ex.

“And,” the source continues, Sofia “hopes he to steps up his social media game big time, ASAP.”

This photo, right here, is the most recent couple’s pic that either of them have posted to their main Instagram page.

Sofia uploaded this snap on October 6, 2018.

To be fair, it was clearly Scott who took the picture.

It has been months since Scott has posted a photo of him with Sofia.

Most of his pics are of him or of his kids.

In fact, he’s posted a snap of Beyonce and Jay-Z together more recently than he has of him and his girlfriend.

If this story about Sofia feeling slighted is true, there are probably two big factors.

One is the age difference. It’s almost a generational difference.

She is 20 and he is 35. Those ages make them both Millennials.

(Yes, I know that some in recent years have said that Gen Z should start at 1995 instead of in the early 2000s, and that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, which is saying a lot considering how much reality television I’ve watched)

But they’re on outer extremes of the generation. Scott was born in 1983, and missed being Gen X by just a few years.

Sofia was born in the late ’90s, and is only a couple of years from being Gen Z.

We mention their ages because it influences how they view Instagram.

Sofia grew up with the internet and blossomed into adulthood in the age of social media.

For her, social media is about branding — of course, she’s a model and celebrity.

But you know that she also uses it for herself and sees it as a form of self-expression.

Scott, in the meantime, uses social media a lot — but it looks like he primarily uses it for branding and of course for endorsements.

(Remember that time when his Instagram captions for an ad were just the direct instructions from the company? Good times)

On top of their 15-and-a-half-year age gap, Scott’s life story comes with baggage.

It may be that he and Kourtney struck some pact with one another.

Maybe they agreed to not (metaphorically) rub their respective lovers’ junk in each other’s faces on social media.

If so, Sofia has to know that, right? 

For that matter, if this source is mistaken about Sofia’s feelings, maybe Sofia and Scott agreed to cool it on the ‘gram.

There is such a thing as overexposure, folks.
