Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Scott Disick and Sofia Richie: Broken Up After Public Fight?

While it’s true that Scott Disick is still banging a very hot model, he may have spent a night or two on the couch.

The self-styled Lord and Sofia Richie had a very public fight. There were tears.

And Sofia reportedly has the sympathies of Kourtney Kardashian, of all people.

Over the weekend, Scott Disick and Sofia Richie were out attending Derby Day in Melbourne, Australia.

Unfortunately, their day didn’t exactly go as well as they had planned.

The two of them were spotted in what appeared to be a heated argument.

At one point, eyewitnesses could see Sofia wiping tears from her eyes.

At another, Sofia was seen speaking to Scott in a manner akin to “scolding.”

Eventually, their apparent quarrel died down.

Scott was seen giving comfort by resting his hand on Sofia’s arm.

Despite this perceived resolution to whatever conflict they seemed to have had, there may have been some lingering hard feelings.

Scott and Sofia reportedly left the event early.

The pair had been in Australia for a week as Scott made various appearances, and by the looks of things, they’d been just fine until this.

No one seems to know what triggered this heated and very public argument.

The two were spotted departing on a plane at Melbourne the next day and headed for Los Angeles.

HollywoodLife reports that Kourtney, of all people, felt a swell of sympathy for Sofia over the squabble.

“Kourtney feels bad for Sofia,” the insider reveals.

That’s not normally how you expect a guy’s ex to feel about a woman almost 20 years younger than she is.

The source adds that “Kourt is well aware of some of the troubles Scott and Sofia have been dealing with.”

“So,” the insider reports. “Her heart goes out to Sofia.”

“Kourtney knows first hand how challenging and frustrating it can be to be in a relationship with Scott,” the source says.

Literally no one would know better than Kourtney, right?

The insider notes that “Kourt has experienced how stubborn, unpredictable, and sometimes immature Scott can be.”

“But,” the source says. “Kourt also knows how wonderfully charming, sweet, and loving Scott can be too.”

“So she know how tough it can be to be in a relationship with him,” the insider says.

And there’s more — though this much, at least, we’re taking with a grain of salt.

“While Kourtney feels sympathetic to Sofia,” the source begins.

The insider continues: “a small part of her also hopes things end soon between Scott and Sofia too.”

Oh, my.

“Kourtney still misses Scott,” the source claims.

The insider says that Kourt “has feelings for him and has never given up the idea of having more children with him.”

Like we said, we’re not so sure about that last bit about Kourtney wanting Scott back.

It’s very normal for people to miss an ex, but that’s not the same as wanting to get back with them.

We don’t know what Sofia’s dispute with Scott was about.

It’s our suspicion that Kourtney has to guess, almost as much as the rest of us do.

Whatever it is, arguments aren’t usually great for relationships, especially when they’re in public.

Hopefully, Scott and Sofia can put that behind them and move on — no matter how badly some folks want to see Scott get back with Kourtney.
