Showing posts with label Handsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Handsy. Show all posts

Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Weeknd: Drunk Taylor Swift Got Handsy With Me!

Taylor Swift has no rivals when it comes to music sales and forming relationships with hot models.

But if anyone can give Taylor a run for her money in both departments, it’s Abel Tesfaye, aka The Weeknd.

The Weeknd is dating Bella Hadid and he’s already got one monster hit (“Can’t Feel My Face”) under his belt, with more sure to come. 

But hey, Taylor’s not worried about the competition. In fact, when it comes to The Weeknd, she just wants to play with his hella good hair.

“The whole time she was talking, she was kind of, like, petting my hair?” The Weeknd tells Rolling Stone in a recent interview. “I think she was just drawn to it — she must have been a little gone off a few drinks.

“And of course I’m not going to be like, ‘Hey, can you stop?’ I mean, it felt good! But when she started petting my hair, that’s when I was like, ‘I definitely need a drink.’”

When most folks start drunkenly petting your head, you can should immediately tell them to stop, but when the person who’s manhandling your mane makes a million dollars a day – well, maybe you just let them go to town. 

It doesn’t sound like dude minded all that much, but we’re a little disappointed to find out that Taylor’s the kind of person who thinks she can get hammered and do whatever she wants just because it’s The Weeknd.