Thursday, December 1, 2016

Kanye West: 16 Times He Tried to Call for Help

Oh, that crazy Kanye West.

This is what folks used to say when the rapper uttered something outlandish.

But after Kanye was hospitalized for an apparent mental breakdown, now folks are instead saying:

Oh. That poor Kanye West is crazy.

Should we have seen this breakdown coming? Perhaps, if we more closely examined some of West"s past quotes…

1. We All Make Mistakes

We all make mistakes

Kanye has claimed that he’s learned from his many mistakes, but then he kept right on making them.

2. I’m Not Perfect

Im not perfect

At least he’s been self-aware about his flaws. Maybe Kanye himself saw this coming.

3. I Will Change the Entire World

I will change the entire world

He has changed the focus of the gossip world to a discussion about his mental state. Does that count?

4. Reading is Not Fundamental

Reading is not fundamental

It wouldn’t hurt to pick up a book sometimes, man.

5. Music Trumps Slavery

Music trumps slavery

Yeah. See. His priorities have always been a tad out of order.

6. Be Proud!

Be proud

This is not anything Kanye ever should have bragged about. The guy’s mind has been warped for awhile it seems.

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