Thursday, December 1, 2016

Kim Kardashian Responds to Kanye West Divorce Rumors

Divorce rumors have plagued Kim Kardashian and Kanye West since their wedding day, but in recent weeks, the couple has endured one of the most difficult rough patches of their marriage.

It all started when Kim was robbed at gunpoint at a hotel in Paris last month.

Just a few weeks later, Kanye was hospitalized following an emotional breakdown, requiring over a week of in-patient treatment at the UCLA Medical Center.

Needless to say, it was a month that would put any marriage to the test, and insiders say Kim and Kanye are most certainly feeling the strain. 

There have been rumors that Kim and Kanye were on the verge of divorce in the weeks leading up to his hospitalization, and that his crumbling marriage was one of the things that led to the rapper’s psychological collapse.

The narrative went something like this:

Kim turned to Kanye for support in the wake of her traumatic experience in Paris.

She found that her husband’s reputation for self-obsession and emotional instability were well-earned, and he was not up to the task of supporting a partner in the midst of a crisis.

Sources claimed Kim was standing by Kanye’s side following his release from the hospital on Wednesday, but that when he was in a more stable place, they would continue discussing separation options.

Neither party has addressed the issue directly, but today, an insider sanctioned to speak for Kim issued a statement to People magazine.

“That is not accurate,” says the source, in reference to the divorce rumors.

“There are frustrations and problems, like any relationship, but they love each other deeply.”

The insider stated that Kim still considers Kanye to be “her best friend and soul mate.”

“Kanye is at home with Kim and the kids,” says a different source.

“He seems okay and happy to be home. Kim’s family is visiting.”

The second insider concedes that Kim has asked Kanye to make some changes:

“He needs to learn how to better balance his work and family life,” says the unnamed friend of Kim’s.

Our thoughts go out to the Kardashian-West clan, and we hope Kanye is able to receive whatever sort of help he needs.
