Friday, December 16, 2016

Kristen Stewart & Stella Maxwell: Dating!

In the years since her breakup with Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart has made the most out of being single.

K-Stew (as she hates to be called) has been linked to men and women of various ages and walks of life, and doesn’t seems to have zero f-cks to give with regard to folks throwing shade at her love life.

As recently as October, Kristen was dating St. Vincent (the singer, not the actual saint), but now it looks like she’s moved on to a younger model.

We mean that in the most literal way possible.

Stella Maxwell is both younger and a model. Discuss.

You may remember Stella from her relationship with Miley Cyrus

It didn’t last long, which might mean that Stella’s not the commitment type, which might mean that she’s perfect for Kristen.

We’re not saying that these two definitely won’t last, but Kristen does seem to prefer shorter relationships these days.

And it seems not all of her recent exes have been on the same page.

Remember when Kristen was dating Soko (the French singer, not a bottle of Southern Comfort) earlier this year?

No one would blame you if you forgot.

It was a blink-and-you-missed-it kind of relationship, which Soko apparently wasn’t cool with.

She blasted Kristen as a cheater in a scathing social media tirade after they broke up.

(Or, perhaps more accurately, after Kristen was caught sleeping with someone else.)

Like we said, she’s keeping it casual these days, so hopefully Stella is on the same page.

On a somewhat related note, is it safe to assume Ms. Maxwell is a giant pothead?

It can’t just be a coincidence that she’s hooked up with two of the biggest weed aficionados in Hollywood, can it?

If she moves on to Willie Nelson or Snoop Dogg after this, then we’ll be expect her to have her own strain in dispensaries some time in 2017.

In conclusion, Kristen and Stella will probably have a good deal of fun together.

For about six weeks.
