Monday, December 19, 2016

Marc Anthony & Shannon De Lima Are Really Over

If you thought celebrity couples were finished breaking up for the year, you were sadly mistaken. 

The latest casualty on the celebrity couple front is Marc Anthony and Shannon De Lima

There were rumblings earlier in the year that the couple were calling it quits, but they have now released a joint statement confirming their decision to separate. 

“After much consideration, we have mutually and amicably decided to end our two year marriage,” the two said in a statement to E! News.

“We ask for privacy during this difficult process, and no further comments will be made from either one of us about this personal matter.”

The pair probably decided it was best to address the rumors rather than let them pile up.

It is a classy move to say they won’t be making further comments on the matter, but we’ll see how long that actually lasts. 

Amicable splits in the celebrity world are pretty much non existent, but time will tell. 

As for the reason for the split, we have no idea, but Anthony’s father, Felipe Muñiz referenced it recently when he spoke to Telemundo Puerto Rico’s Dando Candela earlier this month. 

“He’s going through tough times right now, but he knows how to accept what comes out of this,” Anthony’s father said. “He has a lot of experience (in separations).”

The part about the experience was a pretty random comment to make, but he kind of has a point. 

Anthony was first married in 2000 to Miss Universe Dayanara Torres. Their relationship was pretty rocky with them splitting up in 2002, before reconciling. However Dayanara filed for divorce in 2004. 

That same year, Anthony married Jennifer Lopez, with the pair splitting up in 2011.

They finalized their divorce in 2014, paving the way for Marc to move on with De Lima. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!
