Thursday, December 8, 2016

Chelsea Houska Jumps Into Farrah Abraham vs. Kailyn Lowry Feud

In a recent interview, Farrah Abraham bafflingly accused Kailyn Lowry and Chelsea Houska of getting pregnant just to boost their public profiles and become more famous.

Kailyn responded to the comment, pointing out that both she and Chelsea got pregnant with their second children when they were in their twenties, in committed relationships – and already starring on a reality show.

Farrah doesn’t “do” facts and logic, so instead of replying with a reasonable counter-argument, she went on a Twitter tirade in which she called Kailyn a “puppet” of the company that produces Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2.

In the early stages of the feud, Chelsea Houska remained silent.

Last night, she acknowledged it for the first time, but in keeping with her reputation as the most emotionally stable mom in the franchise, Chelsea stopped short of jumping into the fray and indulging in some Farrah-bashing of her own.

Asked on Twitter if she had seen what Farrah was saying, Chelsea replied simply:

“Kail just showed me hahaha.” 

Obviously, the laugh is in reference to the absurdity of Farrah’s comments, but its worth noting that Chelsea refrained from taking any real jabs of her own.

Her father, Randy Houska, however, was not quite as forgiving.

Randy has a reputation for rushing to his daughter’s defense, and it seems her latest dust-up has definitely caught his attention”

“#hilarious I wonder exactly which TM would do ANYTHING to be famous,” Randy tweeted yesterday.

“Chelsea flies so far under the radar, @MTV forgets about her #teenmom2”

Farrah’s been uncharacteristically quiet on social media the past 24 hours, perhaps finally sensing that she’s badly outnumbered and outwitted.

Or maybe she’s just spent an entire day composing the ultimate take-down tweet.

We’re sure we’ll find out soon enough.

Based on her recent descriptions of her co-stars as “stooges,” whom she’d like to “slug,” we’re guessing Farrah won’t be reversing her opinion of her co-stars any time soon.

Farrah endorsed Donald Trump for president during the 2016 campaign, and it seems she’s taken a page from her political idol’s book when it comes to social media beefs:

Never surrender, no matter how insanely petty the feud, or how massive the waste of your time.

Watch Teen Mom online to remind yourself of just how absurd a human being Farrah really is.
