Monday, December 12, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Back to Work in SUPER Racy New Video!

At this point, it"s been two long, hard months and counting since Kim Kardashian has been her usual thirsty self — her absence sure does leave a hole, right?

She"s got a great reason for lying low these days, what with the trauma she"s dealing with from being robbed at gunpoint in Paris, and now with her husband dealing with a total mental breakdown.

But still … we miss you, girl.

Things just haven"t been the same without her nude selfies, her bikini selfies, her lingerie selfies … really, we"d take a fully-clothed selfie with duck lips and a sad peace sign right now.

We"d even take some paparazzi photos of Kim trying to rock a ridiculous fur coat or some kind of boots that obviously cut off the circulation in her legs — that"s how desperate we are.

It"s bad.

But fear not, friends, because it looks like Kim understands our distress. She understands, and she"s willing to throw us a bone.

A lingerie-covered bone. In video form.

Get psyched, y"all, because Kim stars in today"s video for Love magazine"s advent calendar!

Her bra is way too tight, she"s got that classic fur coat on, she"s making "sexy" faces and seems incapable of closing her mouth all the way.


Check out the truly miraculous video below:

Kim kardashian back to work in super racy new video