Thursday, December 22, 2016

Generation KKK: Yes, This Actually IS a Real Show

Hey, so this is seriously unfortunate.

A&E, the television network that"s brought us reality shows like Intervention and Duck Dynasty, has this new show premiering next month: a show called Generation KKK.

"Oh no," you"re probably thinking as the overwhelming dread and "WTF" starts to flood your senses. "Oh no, no, no …"

And if you are thinking that, then good on you for having amazing instincts, because this show is a damn trainwreck that should have never been conceived, let alone actually made.

The premise for the show is honestly kind of confusing, but it looks like cameras will follow four families that are deeply involved with the terrible racist organization.

The catch is that each of those families has one member that wants to leave the KKK.

There will also be a group of activists in there, trying to push those members to leave.

According to sources who spoke with TMZ, the Klan members wanted to do the show "because they feel they"re misunderstood," and they want to convince America that they"re not racists, they"re a "race preservation group."

A&E didn"t pay these people anything — the poor dears just wanted to do the show so they wouldn"t be so darn misunderstood.

Can you believe this mess?

It"s reprehensible to try to normalize a group as hateful as the KKK, and literally everyone involved here should be ashamed of themselves.

Check out the horrifying trailer for the show below:

Generation kkk yes this actually is a real show