Thursday, December 15, 2016

Leah Messer Posts "Makeup-Free" Photo, Gets Slammed By Fans

Leah Messer has a complicated relationship with Teen Mom 2 fans.

She seems to be the primary reason that many viewers tune in … but only so that they can criticize Leah’s parenting.

She has over 1 million Instagram … but many of them seem less interested in receiving updates on Leah’s life, and more focused on tearing her down.

Yesterday, Leah posted the above selfie, along with the following caption:

“We are beautiful inside and out, with or without makeup! We are beautiful no matter what! I challenge you all to post a pic without makeup! #BeYou #WhoCares #Natural is #Beautiful!”

Yes, Ms. Messer is the latest to jump on the makeup-free bandwagon, and usually, stars who dare to go bare are praised for their beauty, their bravery, and the positive example they’ve set for for their younger fans.

We probably don’t need to tell you that wasn’t the case with Leah.

“That eyeliner though. Dark photo. Possible filter. Don’t fool yourself,” wrote one fan, like she was breaking down the freakin’ Zapruder Film.

“You forgot to take your eyeliner off!” commented another.

Another went full class-warrior, writing:

“Of course it’s easier to feel beautiful without makeup when in reality you can afford high dollar facial products and things to keep your skin looking nice! Don’t let this fool you ladies.”

Like we said, Leah’s “fans” can be an ornery lot.

That said, if she knowingly posted a “makeup-free” selfie while wearing makeup, well … that’s corny.

It’s a bit strange that so many get such a kick out of tearing Leah down, as unlike Jenelle Evans or Farrah Abraham, she’s not one to respond to the negativity.

In fact Leah’s only response (if it can be called that) so far are these words of encouragement, posted just moments ago:

“The goal of each day should be to become a better version of you,” Leah writes.

“If you’re spending time with those who bring out the stress in you, there’s no way to sync up with the best in you. Line up with the people and energy that bring out the greater part of you.

“Energies are contagious! Become a match to what you want. Align with those who raise your vibration of positivity. The better you attract, the better you become. Live Your Standard!”

We can hear keyboards of angry haters all over the country pounding away.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to decide for yourself if Leah deserves so much criticism.
