Thursday, July 13, 2017

Lauren Bushnell Has a New Boyfriend ... But Who is He?

They may have won each other’s hearts on The Bachelor, but no relationship can escape from entropy — that is to say, Lauren Bushnell and Ben Higgins broke up.

That was a whole thing, but Lauren’s now in a new relationship, and while at first we’d heard that she’d reconnected with an ex, we now know that the man that she’s dating is someone new. …

At first, rumor had it that Lauren had gotten together with her ex, Sean Evans.

That’s the kind of thing that happens all of the time.

Especially shortly after a breakup, when you might be feeling vulnerable and uncertain and want a familiar face.

(So long as the breakup with said old flame was amicable, anyway)

But that’s not the case, as Lauren Bushnell is dating a guy named Devin Antin.

And while some reports say that these two have dated before, Devin is — at the very least — “new” to the public.

Thanks to Twitter, we at least know what Devin looks like — a handsome guy, to be sure.

This image was reportedly taken in 2015, before The Bachelor, which does seem to suggest that Lauren and Devin have dated before.

We suspect that now that people know, Lauren might speak about it publicly and tell us a little more.

Because the world could use some clarification.

In the mean time, we still have more to go on, thanks to Us Weekly‘s source.

And it sounds like, after Lauren’s split with Ben Higgins back in May, it wasn’t long before she and Devin became an item.

“They have been dating for a while now.”

We also know that Lauren knows or has at least met his family.

“She was at a Golden State game with his sisters.”

Awww, that’s sweet!

But not surprising since they seem to have a history together.

We’re sure that she could use a break after her highly publicized breakup from Ben Higgins.

Lauren and Ben had a real connection on The Bachelor, but their relationship ended up fizzling, step by step.

One major factor in their breakup was filming Happily Ever After together, where they couldn’t honestly communicate with each other because of the presence of the cameras.

Though the sex remained great, Lauren started to feel isolated when they moved to a city where she didn’t know anyone.

Another factor, however, was when she learned that Ben Higgins had told JoJo Fletcher and Lauren Bushnell that he loved them.

Both of them. Separately.

She learned, it’s said, when that episode aired, and felt embarrassed and a little confused.

We wonder if Ben Higgins is wishing that he’d gone with JoJo Fletcher, you know?

Actually, do you guys remember that brief period when some of us were hopeful that The Bachelor would have a polyamorous twist?

It was when Ben confessed that to both of them.

We wondered if he was just going to try to propose to both of them.

We didn’t dare to hope, really.

(And also, for a polyamorous relationship to work, everybody needs to be on board from the get-go)

But it would have been cool.

Maybe it’ll happen with a different thruple in a future season.

But now Lauren and Ben are no more, so … all of that drama built up to what ended up being a very short relationship.

Sometimes, that’s life.

As for Devin Antin, there are still things that are uncertain or just entirely unknown.

But he has a great name and he’s handsome, so that’s two points in his favor.

As soon as we know more about Devin Antin, we’ll be sure to let you know.

We can, however, safely say that he’s a lucky man.
