Monday, July 10, 2017

Rob Kardashian: Blac Chyna Choked Me, Beat Me with Metal Rod & Smashed All My Stuff!

Blac Chyna plans to tell a judge today about how her relationship with Rob Kardashian turned violent, but two can play at that game. 

Rob is now firing back at Chyna, alleging that his former fiance once choked him and beat him hard before smashing his stuff.

Both parties have now made accusations of domestic violence against the other, and both claim the incidents were captured on video.

Based on the alleged violence he inflicted, both mentally and physically, Chyna wants a restraining order against Rob, effective today.

Kardashian says she’s the real abuser, however.

To hear Rob tell it, back in December, the day Chyna moved out of the house she and Rob were sharing, she went absolutely ballistic.

Blac tried choking him with an iPhone charger and beating him with a metal rod, the troubled brother of Kim, Khloe and Kourtney claims.

(This was the infamous day in which Kris Jenner’s boyfriend Corey Gamble had to break up the fight between the enraged, feuding duo.)

According to Rob, Chyna allegedly ransacked his house, smashing TVs, doors and other items and causing more than $ 35,000 in damage.

Sources close to Kardashian claim that he has surveillance video of this incident, as well as correspondence that will vindicate him.

Rob’s lawyers supposedly have texts from the time Chyna moved out in which she told a friend that Kardashian “would never” hit her.

Insiders say these messages may help to clear Rob’s name when it comes to Blac’s alarming claims that he punched and shoved her.

In newly released court documents, however, Chyna claims that in April, she and Rob got into a fight in front of her son with Tyga, King.

He began criticizing Blac, she asked him to stop, Rob responded “I can say whatever the f-ck I want,” and lost it, according to Chyna.

She says he grabbed her phone away from her and began “aggressively shoving me by the side of my arm and hitting me on the thigh.” 

Chyna claims she ran to her bedroom and shut it behind her, only for Rob to break it down (she says she has photos and videos of this).

Afterwards, she says she had trouble walking, he hurt her so bad; Chyna also says they never got back together since the fight in December. 

“Rob has been violent with me in the past and I am afraid to be around him,” she says, explaining why there was no reconciliation.

Blac is also mounting a PR offensive against Rob, speaking out on the revenge porn campaign he waged in an interview with GMA.

“I was devastated, of course. I’m like, how could somebody, like, post these pictures of me?” Chyna said of Robert posting her nudes.

“This is a person that I trusted.”

“I confided. I felt comfortable, you know, with even sending these pictures and even talking to him about certain things, you know.”

“I just felt … betrayed.”

Some have speculated that reality star could face revenge porn charges for doing this, as he even stated his motive was payback.

According to Rob, he may have gotten Chyna pregnant when he, um, finished inside her right before she slept with another man.

What better, more productive way to vent your frustrations than by shaming the mother of your daughter on social media, right?

In any case, the court showdown between them begins momentarily. Buckle your seatbelts, grab a hat and hold the f–k onto it.
