Thursday, July 27, 2017

Kylie Jenner Goes Vegan: What Does She Eat?!?

Kylie Jenner is one of the most popular people on the planet, and that means she’s an influential figure amongst the younger generation. 

With her makeup and clothing lines practically selling out as soon as they are available, she has is now focusing on changing her diet. 

It’s clear that people aspire to be just like the 19-year-old, and while that’s sometimes a bad thing, we’re shocked to learn that her latest revelation is not all that controversial. 

In fact, it could actually educate a lot of her fans in the process. The Keeping Up with the Kardashians star took to Snapchat to confirm that she will be looking to plant based ingredients for her meals. 

For some reason, there’s a stigma attached to being vegan or vegetarian. “What do you eat?” is a question that people tend to ask people who steer clear of meat. 

That’s partly because some people just can’t wrap their head around having a meal without animal products, or maybe they’re just too accustomed to hitting up McDonald’s for some cheeseburgers. 

If you keep up to speed with Kylie on Snapchat, she confirmed the vegan news and even gave fans a glimpse into what’s on her menu as she adapts to her new lifestyle. 

“I’m trying this whole vegan thing. Vegan Tacos,” she captioned the above picture. For what it’s worth, it looks like a nutritious meal served with what looks like a fruit smoothie. 

That was not the only meal she shared, however. In another picture, she lifted the lid on vegan pizzas cooking in the oven.

It’s no surprise that Kylie watches what she eats. She’s constantly in the public eye and is always showing her body off. 

Also, she revealed in 2015 that she was cutting dairy out of her diet, so this should not be all that difficult for her to stick to. Restaurants are becoming much better regarding vegan options, so she should be spoilt for choice.

We’re all for someone changing their lifestyle if it benefits them, but we hope Kylie sticks to this. With 22 million followers, she has already received responses on social media from fans who seem enamored by this change. 

Maybe they want to follow suit, and Kylie would be a great ambassador for that. Like we said earlier, anything she touches sells like hot cakes. 

Could we be looking at over 20 million people going vegan on the back of this? Probably not, but that’s not to say some of her fans won’t make the change with her. 

Even PETA is already sharing their thoughts on the reality TV star’s new diet, and think that her followers could actually join her. 

Time will tell. 

We’ve watched the Kardashians do a lot of crazy things to be in the headlines, but something tells us Kylie is genuine about this change. 

Either that, or she’s trying to drum up interest for the debut of Life of Kylie, which would not be very surprising. 

What do you think about all of this? 

Sound off below!
