Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Kanye West Ruined My Career!

Toward the end of 2016, rumors of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West getting divorced seemed to be everywhere.

The reports may have been exaggerated, but the couple clearly hit a major rough patch.

Kim was traumatized from being robbed in Paris; Kanye checked into a mental health facility following an emotional breakdown.

All-in-all, things were just not great in Kimye Land.

But in time, the dust settled, and against all odds, Kim and Kanye were able to work things out and figure out a way to come back together as man and wife.

As couples that veered dangerously close to Splitsville often do, they enjoyed a brief second honeymoon period, but that appears to be over now.

These days, Kim is being surpassed by her sisters in terms of popularity and she’s ready to ride into Calabasas on a dragon and reclaim her place as the Khaleesi of social media.

But it seems that knocking Kylie and company off her throne hasn’t been as easy as she expected.

And some insiders Kim is blaming Kanye for that.

“She knows that everyone is just over her now and she is right. But she just doesn’t know what to do about it,” a source close to the couple tells Radar Online.

The insider says Kim thought her marriage to Kanye would legitimize her career and take her to Beyonce-like levels of fame. 

Now, she feels he’s nothing more than a volatile liability, whose outbursts and erratic behavior are doing irreparable damage to the image she worked so hard to create.

Though there was a time when she thought they’d overcome the events of last year, Kim reportedly now looks at late 2016 as the couple’s breaking point.

“Kim thinks that things have never been the same since then and she is blaming Kanye for all of it,” says the source.

“That is why she has been focusing so much of her time and energy into her makeup empire. It’s all she really has left,” the insider claims.

We assume she meant to say, “That’s all she has left aside from her kids, her close-knit family, her massive fortune, and her legion of adoring fans.”

But maybe she’s focusing on makeup now because that’s Kylie’s thing, and Kim is a totes jelly 36-year-old mom.
