Thursday, July 20, 2017

Pilot Jones: Blac Chyna is a Master Manipulator!

It sounds like we won’t have to wait for The A-List Miami to hear Pilot Jones spill more Blac Chyna secrets.

After being cyberbullied by Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian just a few months ago, Pilot Jones isn’t the most sympathetic voice to Blac Chyna’s current cyberbullying plight.

And he’s once again speaking out, now revealing further details about his history with Blac Chyna.

For a guy who recently blasted Blac Chyna for being a hypocrite, this starts off remarkably positive.

Before Pilot Jones call Blac Chyna a master manipulator, he has some really positive things to say about their relationship in this Us Weekly interview.

Starting with how they first got acquainted.

“We actually met at a party that I was hosting, so we got really close around the end of 2015 for sure.”

It sounds like they hit it off.

“We didn’t have to put a title on anything. We both kind of knew how we felt about each other.”

Most people have been there with a “friend” at some point or another in their lives, right?

“Most of our relationship at that point was pretty much business. We were really, really great friends.”

Yeah, but it wasn’t their “business” relationship that made Rob Kardashian flip out and threaten Pilot Jones’ safety.

(Though it’s pretty clear by now that Rob Kardashian has a lot of issues)

“I just don’t like some of the decisions she’s made as of recent, but other than that she’s a great person.”

We’re pretty sure that he means that Pilot is referring to her actions towards him, and not her actions to distance herself from Rob Kardashian.

(There’s still no love lost between Pilot and Rob)

“She’s not a little bit of a bully, she clearly did bully me — there’s no ‘little bit’ to it.”

Tristan is referring to cyberbullying from Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian, which apparently included Rob threatening his life — forcing him to leave L.A. for a time.

Blac Chyna also outed Pilot Jones as “gay” in the process, though Pilot is bisexual.

(He was not yet out at the time)

“The fact is that she tried to intimidate me via social media, and I don’t think that that is OK, and I don’t think that that’s right.”

He’s absolutely right.

She might be a victim of some pretty serious things right now, but victims can also be perpetrators.

“At the end of the day, all of us in this situation are parents and look at the example that we are teaching. …”

Pilot Jones is a dad, if you’ll recall.

“These platforms are being used to really harass people.”

That’s true.

Most of us use social media to connect with friends and like-minded strangers and to follow the antics of famous folks and some of our favorite content-creators.

Some people misuse platforms like Twitter to attack others. It’s a shame.

“I was outed on social media.”

As we discussed recently when Thomas Dekker came out as gay, that should always be someone’s choice and never forced upon them.

As for claims that Pilot had leaked the photo of the two of them kissing or tried to extort money from Blac Chyna during her relationship with Rob Kardashian, well …

“I think that this was just another you know, another mastermind manipulation that she does.”

Most people wouldn’t have attributed a word like “mastermind” to Blac Chyna.

But you know what? Most people wouldn’t use that word to describe Paris HIlton, who is genuinely intelligent and an extremely savvy businesswoman.

Appearances and branding can both be deceiving. That could be the case with Blac Chyna.

Pilot Jones certainly thinks so.

“She’s a master manipulator.”

That doesn’t mean that she somehow forced Rob Kardashian to do the things that he’s done, of course.

Pilot Jones has more to add about his history with Blac Chyna.

“I’m not the only bisexual man that Blac Chyna has dated, and I was not the last, you know what I’m saying?”

We can see how that must have made it that much more painful when Blac Chyna publicly betrayed him.

(Even if she mistakenly believed that Pilot Jones was responsible for spreading a photo of the two of them kissing and thought that he’d betrayed her, her response was unacceptable)

“I feel like the thing that brought us together, she’s used against me.”

That sounds like such a source of torment.

“She tried to make me feel ashamed of who I am, and that’s not OK.”

He’s right — it’s never okay.

He talks about the depression that he experienced afterwards.

“Literally my lowest point in my life.”

Awful. And understandable.

“I look back at it and I don’t understand how I even made it.”

But he did pull through, and that’s what matters the most.

We already know that, during this dark period in his life, Pilot Jones turned to Buddhism to cope.

He also shares that he’s been writing — which can be a fantastic strategy for processing your experiences.

“What’s gotten me through my depression was writing about the situation and putting it on paper.”

Finding a way to deal with it can make the difference between life and death.
