Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Brielle Biermann, Kenya Moore, & Kim Zolciak: Here"s How Their Fight Started!

Brielle Biermann SLAMMED Kenya Moore on Twitter, and had everyone wondering what in the world her social media mini-rant was all about.

Well, now Kenya Moore’s responded — by pretending that she’s above it all.

And, more importantly, we know what this is all about.

E! did some digging and, per their source, can explain exactly what was going on that got Brielle Biermann so hot under the collar.

Apparently, it all went down at NeNe Leakes’ annual White Party (and sure, why not?).

“Kim and Kenya were already not getting along — they do not like each other.”

Well, yeah.

“Kenya started trash-talking Brielle,” and apparently that “really set Kim off.”

Who the hell trash-talks somebody’s kid?

Like, we know that Brielle is an adult, so it’s not the same as taking a jab at a child.

But isn’t Kenya supposed to be the adult?

Apparently, Kim felt the same way.

“You do not talk about her children. She is a very protective mama bear.”

That’s no surprise — Kim is a lot of things, but she’s kind of a good mom, you know?

In general, Kim Zolciak tends to support Brielle, which shows a healthy relationship.

“She said something to Kenya along the lines of, ‘Don’t talk to my mom, talk to me."”

It was apparently a “huge scene,” so we really hope that it all got caught on camera.

“There is definitely no love lost between Kim and Kenya.”


Kenya Moore indirectly addressed the conflict on Instagram.

Though, honestly, her message was more hashtags than anything else.

“#aboutlastnight Everywhere you look there are haters… don’t let them dull your shine or steal your joy. #shine #happy #thatsMrsDalyToYou #whytheystaymad #obsessed #kenyamoore #rhoa”

Seriously — one or two hashtags would be enough.

At this point, since she’s not doing it ironically, it makes her look desperate, you know?

So, basically, Kenya insulted Brielle, which got her into a fight with Kim, which got Brielle to stand up for herself.

Kenya’s still in the wrong, then, it sounds like.

(We’d still like to know more)

Despite ourselves, we’ve found that we’re fans of Kim and Brielle’s mother-daughter dynamic.

Not so much their habit of twinning, because Brielle looks her best when she appears her own age.

(That’s not an insult to Kim Zolciak, who still looks great)

But Kim Zolciak’s given Brielle some good advice over the years, including suggesting that she test out different guys before getting married.

(That’s great advice, and our poisonously sex-negative culture too often encourages parents to shame their daughters for their sexuality instead of encouraging them to live their best, happiest lives)

The two of them, both adults, standing side-by-side and standing up for themselves is an encouraging image.

But … we do wonder what got it all started.

It’s always possible that what Kim perceived as an “attack” was a fair point.

As intriguing as all of this conflict is, hopefully they can just settle their differences.

Kenya Moore can keep flaunting her new husband, and Brielle Biermann can occupy herself with her ludicrously hot boyfriend.

But maybe Kenya can also remember that she’s supposed to be a mature adult.

Sure, Brielle got a little heated on Twitter afterwards.

But it sounds like Kenya started it all. Why? To stir up drama? To give herself a Real Housewives of Atlanta storyline?

Wait … that might actually be it.
