Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Aaron Carter Breaks Down, Insists: I Don"t Drink!

Aaron Carter is having a difficult 2017.

The singer endorsed Donald Trump in semi-crazy fashion a few months ago… then his dad passed away… then he ended up in the hospital… then he got arrested for DUI and drug possession.

In response to the latter incident, Carter sat down this week for an interview with Entertainment Tonight, pleading innocent, making bold statements and breaking down in tears.

“Basically, I’ve been listening to America and Stevie Wonder and the O Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack,” Carter told Jennifer Peros about how he’s been coping in the days since he was taken into custody.

The artist says he hasn’t been able to sleep at all since Saturday night.

As previously reported, Carter was arrested over the weekend on charges of DUI refusal, possession of marijuana less than one ounce and possession of drug related objects.

“I do not drink alcohol at all,” he says of the drunk driving charge, clarifying a bit and adding: I’ll occasionally have a sip of beer or something like that, but I can’t even drink IPAs.”

So, what happened? How did he end up getting charged with a DUI?

“Somebody said I was driving recklessly on the road, that’s what the police report said, but the alignment was off on my car, so I went to AutoZone to see if I could do anything about it,” Carter explains to ET.

“A motorcyclist reported that I was swerving all over the road, but the alignment was off a little bit on the new tire.”

According to the police report, Carter was arrested while at an AutoZone.

He claims the arresting officer never even saw him behind the wheel; he simply responded to the 911 call about his driving and everything snowballed from there.

Carter says he told the cop that a small amount of pot was in his car, but insists the last time he had smoked was nine hours before the arrest.

He says he smokes marijuana for his anxiety, chronic pain and to increase his appetite.

“I am willing to do a polygraph test,” Carter says in this interview. “I take Xanax, Propranolol for high blood pressure medication, and I took oxycodones for my mouth.”

But that’s it, he adds. No illicit substances.

In the wake of his arrest, some critics and even some fans out there have been saying that Carter needs professional help.

They assume he’s a drug addict or has a drinking problem.

But he has a message for these people:

“I don’t need help. What I need is for people to understand that I’m human and I make mistakes just like every other human in this world, but I would never risk my life or my girlfriend’s life.

“I do not drink. Hire a polygraph person, a professional. Strap me up.”

Carter had earlier sent this same message to his very own brother.

“I love u no matter what & if u feel the need to reach for help, I am here and willing to help you get better,” Nick Carter Tweeted after his sibling’s arrest, adding:

“Family isn’t always easy, but we’re all here for you.”

Aaron was NOT having this, however.

Almost immediately after the Tweet went live, he fired back as follows:

If my own blood (Nick) truly cared about my well-being, why wouldn’t he call me directly and have a conversation instead of making this about him through a very public forum?

That’s not cool at all to use me for this PR and kick me out while I am down. I love my family despite it through thick and thin.
