Friday, July 21, 2017

Life of Kylie: Almost Everything You Need to Know!

Kylie Jenner has very large lips and very large breasts and she"s about to have a very large opportunity:

On August 6, the Instagram model will premiere her very own reality show, Life of Kylie.

According to Kylie herself, it will reveal a side of herself that viewers of Keeping Up with the Kardashians have never seen before.

We"ll soon find out whether or not that"s the case, but Jenner recently invited a bunch of fans to ask her questions about the upcoming series… and we"ve rundown her semi-revealing answers below!

1. You’ve Got Questions?

Youve got questions

Ask away. I may have answers!

2. Will We Be Seeing Kylie’s Puppies on the Show?

Will we be seeing kylies puppies on the show

Yes! Hooray! (They’re downright adorable.)

3. What Can We Expect from the Premiere?

What can we expect from the premiere

Something pretty awesome, apparently!

4. How Long Will Episodes Be?

How long will episodes be

Nice. We strongly approve.

5. Will Kylie’s BFF, Jordyn Woods, Appear on the Series?

Will kylies bff jordyn woods appear on the series

You know it!

6. How Many Episodes Will Comprise Season 1?

How many episodes will comprise season 1

Eight, huh? That’s a strong number.

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