Saturday, July 15, 2017

Ariel Winter: I"m Not a Whore for Wearing Short Shorts!

Ariel Winter … so great, right?

She just seems like she’s so happy with herself, like she’s proud of who she is and the choices she makes, and it’s really inspiring to see.

And hey, are we seriously going to complain about an extremely attractive lady who enjoys wearing minimal clothing?

But, as it turns out, plenty of people do complain about Ariel’s fashion choices.

Particularly, they claim about her passion for short shorts — can you imagine?

Take, for instance, the most recent photo on her Instagram account.

In the photo, she’s surrounded by a large group of friends, and she looks like she’s having a great time.

She’s also wearing her beloved daisy dukes and a fancy crop top.

While the comments on the photo did contain several compliments, most people weren’t so kind with their words — in fact, many people got super nasty.

“LMAO and you are the only one running around looking like about to do a porn,” one person wrote.

“Looks like you gave a lap dance to the whole squad,” another suggested.

“So funny,” yet another hater commented. “Everyone else dressed normal. She is dressed like a hooker.”

A great number of Ariel’s followers had similar comments — that she looks like a “hooker,” a “skank,” a “slut” and so on.

Several of them stated that she looked like a stripper or an escort that the group had hired for the evening, and lots of people theorized that she’s out in her underwear.

Some suggested that she has no self-worth, and others begged her to cover up more.

It’s all really, really bizarre.

Because the thing is, and it’s hard to understand why so many people struggle with this fact, Ariel is a grown woman who is allowed to dress however she wants.

Her style may not be your cup of tea, and that’s fine.

You can even communicate something like “Wow, I’d never wear that!”, that’s acceptable.

But to go as far as to call her a slut because she’s wearing shorts and a crop top?

Come on, people. We’re better than that.

And in a rant Ariel posted on Twitter, it seems like she agrees.

“Pretty annoyed about the focus on the fact that I wear shorts,” she began, “and the commentary that I’m ‘squeezing’ into them or the idea that it’s not okay for me to wear shorts.”

“It’s SUMMER. Get over it. It’s hot, I’m obviously going to wear minimal clothes.”

She’s right — it is very, very hot in many parts of the U.S. right now, and if someone feels more comfortable in short shorts, then good for them.

“I’m not going to suffer in a turtleneck to please anyone,” Ariel continued.

“I’m not a whore because I wear shorts and tank tops. I’m a normal girl.”

“Also, I’m not ‘squeezing’ into anything,” she added. “My shorts fit me and everything I’m doing is just fine.”

“Please leave young women alone. We’re just living our lives. It’s really troubling that we even have to deal with this kind of stuff nowadays.”

Isn’t it though?

She concluded by asking people to “Please stop criticizing everything everyone does!”

It would be a wonderful world if that would happen — at least to the people who don’t deserve so much criticism — but we have a feeling Ariel’s got quite a few more rants waiting to be written in her future.

But in the meantime, girl, you do you.
