Wednesday, July 12, 2017

This Man Got Arrested. Then He Proposed. In Handcuffs.

Getting John Stamos to help you propose is pretty cool.

But not letting a pair of handcuffs or a possible forthcoming jail sentence get in the way of a proposal is downright epic.

On July Fourth of this year, a 35-year old Oklahoma man named Brandon Thompson was celebrating both his birthday and the birthday of this great country.

However, the celebration took a decidedly negative turn after a police officer recognized Thompson as someone with six felony warrants out for his arrest.

The officer and his partner proceeded to arrest Thompson on his driveway, going so far as to handcuff him… before he made an unexpected request.

"I asked the officer if I could propose," Thompson told CNN. "The officer said, "You want to do what?" and I said, "I want to propose to her.""

One of the officers on the scene was wearing a body camera, so this very romantic and wholly stunning proposal was recorded for all to eventually see online.

"It took us by surprise that he asked if he could do it," said officer Lincoln Anderson, who told Thompson the handcuffs had to remain on – but that they could be switched to the front position.

This was good enough for Thompson.

He got down on one knee in front of Leandria Keith (with a cigarette still in his mouth!) and simply said: "I love you. Will you be my wife, please?"

After Keith said yes, and after Thompson was taken into custody before being released on bond and told to appear at a hearing on July 17, the 35-year old explained to CNN:

"When you"re in love with somebody and you know that you want to spend the rest of your life with them, you just want them to know how you feel

"I wanted a new start for me and with the police taking me to jail I didn"t have to worry about my warrants anymore."

Watch the unusual proposal take place below:

Oklahoma man gets arrested proposes to girlfriend in handcuffs