Friday, July 7, 2017

Bella Thorne Shows Off Love Letter, Flowers From Scott Disick; Fans Cringe

When we first learned that Bella Thorne was hooking up with Scott Disick, we felt nothing but sympathy for the 19-year-old model/actress/singer/Instagram celeb.

It seemed a simple case of a naive young woman getting caught up in a much older man’s downward spiral without realizing.

At the time they started dating, Disick was in the midst of a bender that was epic even by his own lofty standards, and there were rumors that he was simply using Bella to make Kourtney Kardashian jealous.

When Bella came home from Cannes ahead of schedule and seemed eager to wash her hands of Scott, we were hopeful that she’d seen the era of her ways and maybe learned a valuable lesson about the importance of not getting involved with depressed, drunk dads hell-bent on self-destruction.

But alas, shortly thereafter, we learned that Scott and Bella were still hooking up stateside.

(Not dating, Bella assured fans … just “hooking up.”)

And now it seems their casual fling is rapidly progressing to the full-blown relationship stage.

Thorne took to Snapchat last night to share photos of flowers and an affectionate note that Scott had sent her.

She recently released a new song, and Disick apparently wanted to offer his congrats on her success:

“Congrats on the new song,” his note read.

He signed it, “Love, Scott,”

Seems innocent enough, right?

Well, it would, were it not for the fact that this is Scott Disick we’re talking about.

This is a guy who’s basically abandoned his three kids and their mother in order to travel the globe contracting every STD.

We have a hard time believing he’s suddenly morphed into the kind of considerate soul who sends loving notes and flower arrangements to women he’s not banging.

But hey, it seems like Bella is enjoying the attention, so we guess the arrangement works out for everyone.

We just hope Bella doesn’t get too caught up in this thing.

There’s ten seasons’ worth of evidence that Scott isn’t the greatest partner for a serious relationship.
