Monday, July 24, 2017

Brielle Biermann Rants Against Kenya Moore: What "Dumb Ugly Evil Bitch!"

Kim Zolciak did not raise her daughter to shy away from premarital sex.

She didn’t raise her daughter according to the maxim “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all,” either. Quite the opposite, in fact.

That much is now evident.

This past Saturday night, for example, Brielle Biermann just came right out and Tweeted the following:

“Kenya is a dumb ugly evil bitch.”

The 20-year old later added that Moore “stalks” her and her mother.

Moore did not respond directly to the insult, although she did share something on Instagram that could easily be interpreted as a reply.

‘#aboutlastnight Everywhere you look there are haters… don’t let them dull your shine or steal your joy,” she wrote, getting carried away with hashtags and adding:

“#shine #happy #thatsMrsDalyToYou #whytheystaymad #obsessed #kenyamoore #rhoa.”

With Zolciak headed back to The Real Housewives of Atlanta, this social media feud may simply be fuel for future ratings fodder.

Which is not to say that Moore and Zolciak haven’t clashed often in the past on this Bravo reality hit.

In one famous fight, Kenya slammed Kim for getting injections on occasion – and Moore appeared on The Breakfast Club radio show this past May in order to say that Zolcick is returning to the franchise because she “need a check.”

Dissing a Housewife’s finances is pretty much the most guaranteed way to get under her well-manicured skin.

“Hmm this s–t is funny!!” Zolciak clapped back on Instagram at the time, going into defensive mode and adding:

“6 seasons in on Don’t Be Tardy, multi million dollar skincare line in less then 6 months @kashmerekollections meanwhile you sell your hair care products out of the trunk of your car and paying Sally’s beauty supply to do an appearances there AND you are spending what you do have on your 3rd paid boyfriend.”


For whatever it’s worth, Moore is now a married woman.

So Zolciak may need to find a new line of insults for her when they meet again on air down the line.

“Sweetie don’t try and come for me so you can have a story line for next season,” Zolciak added to Moore during their tiff this spring.

At the time she wrote this, it was unclear whether folks who tune in to watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online would actually see Zolciak on their screens when the series comes back next season.

But Kim finally made it officially just a few days ago.

“FINALLY! After many months of negotiations, I’m happy and excited to confirm that as of today my deal is done!” she wrote in an Instagram post, concluding:

“I’m coming to play with the ladies over at RHOA.”

Play? Or fight?!?

Is there really any difference in this world?
