Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Chelsea Houska Shares Photo of Baby Watson; Fans Lose It

If you watched the Season 8 premiere of Teen Mom 2 Monday night, you know that while much has changed in the original four moms’ lives since last season, their personalities remain very much as we remember them.

Jenelle is still angry; Leah is still exasperated by the constant drama in her life; Kailyn is still … well, she’s also pretty angry, come to think of it.

As for Chelsea Houska, for many fans, she remains the living definition of #LifeGoals.

Of course, the show filmed several months ago, which means fans can currently live vicariously through Chelsea both on TV and on social media.

Houska is currently on vacation in Florida, and photos like the one above have been a big hit with TM2 fans.

The focal point these days, of course, is not Chelsea or her husband, Cole DeBoer, or even her daughter, Aubree.

No, what fans seem most interested in is the startling growth rate of Chelsea and Cole’s son, Watson DeBoer.

Chelsea welcomed Watson just six months ago, and the little guy is growing up much too fast for some fans.

“Oh my gosh, Watson’s leg rolls,” one Instagram user commented on the pic.

“What a big beautiful baby! Soon enough he’ll be carrying you!” jokes another.

Your circle is complete! Take it all in and enjoy your blessings,” wrote a third fan.

Longtime fans of the show witnessed how much Chelsea struggled as a result of her relationship with her first baby daddy, Adam Lind.

These days, Lind may be soon to lose custody of both of his kids as a result of testing positive for meth shortly after a visit with his youngest daughter, Paislee.

So it’s not hard to see why fans are so protective of Chelsea and so happy to see her doing well:

Many fans have experienced similar difficulties clearly identify with Houska, and it seems she’s become an aspirational figure to some:

“I don’t know if you will read this but you’re such a incredible mother,” one fan commented on the photo.

“You always put your babies first and I’m so happy for you and your family. You so deserve to be happy and have a loving supportive husband like Cole.”

She certainly does.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive the bumpy road that brought Chelsea to where she is today.
