Friday, July 7, 2017

Blac Chyna: Will She Lose Custody of Her Kids?

Blac Chyna is clearly in trouble with Rob Kardashian.

In the eyes of her former fiance, the reality star and model is a liar and a cheater who led him on and broke his heart.

But might Blac Chyna also be in trouble as a parent? Might she actually lose custody of her children as a result of her ongoing feud with an irate Kardashian?

By now, you must be familiar with the insane drama surrounding Chyna and Kardashian.

On July Fourth, the former allegedly sent the latter a video of her kissing some random rapper named Ferrari.

This taunt set Rob off (BIGLY!), prompting him to lash out via one scathing Instagram post after another, as Kardashian slammed Chyna for her promiscuity, her gold-digging and even her supposed drug use.

At multiple points, he even shared explicit nude photos of Blac Chyna.

Kardashian was eventually kicked off Instagram for these inappropriate actions and he may even face revenge porn charges for the unauthorized release of the aforementioned naked pics.

“I am exploring all legal remedies and protections available to my client at this time in attempts to best advise her on how she may want to proceed,” a lawyer for Chyna said in a statement on Wednesday.

drug accusations

But while Kardashian’s idiotic, possibly illegal behavior has turned Chyna into a victim, multiple sources report that she still may see her children far less than before as a result of this mess.

We’ll start with King Cairo, the toddler she created through unprotected sex with ex-boyfriend Tyga.

“Tyga is not a fan of what he is seeing and what he has seen between Rob and Blac, and he doesn’t want King Cairo to be in that volatile household and environment,” a source close to the artist tells Hollywood Life.

This website adds:

“He is scared of the ramifications of King being in a household with such craziness, and he is looking into ways he can have King more often in order to get him out of all of that hysteria.

‘”He is mulling over possible legal ways to pursue it, and also considering just asking Blac to have him more.”

As things stand at the moment, Tyga is already the primary caregiver for his son.

We don’t know the exact legal situation he and Chyna have agreed to when it comes to little King.

But we do know the four-and-a-half year old spends more time with Dad than Mom. It wouldn’t surprise us if this ratio becomes even more prevalent over the next several weeks.

Asked about the volatility surrounding his ex and Kardashian, Tyga said the following to TMZ yesterday:

“I’m just focused. Taking care of my business and taking care of my son. You feel me?”

We feel ya, man.

What about little Dream Kardashian? What about the adorable baby born to Chyna and Rob in November?

She was just with her daddy on Thursday, as Rob took a break from slamming Dream’s other parent in order to share the video below on Snapchat:

TMZ, meanwhile, writes that Kardashian has cut Chyna off completely. He won’t pay for any of her cars any longer or any of her jewelry.

However, a source tells the site that Chyna has no plans to ask Rob for child support in court.

She’s afraid that going in front of a judge may expose her to an “adverse ruling” of some kind due to her array of major issues.

In other words, Chyna could go in there to ask for child support… and leave without any legal custody of Dream whatsoever.

Kardashian has made it clear that he wants to raise his daughter by himself and TMZ claims that Chyna is not “putting up much of a fight” on this front.

Still, this doesn’t mean the fighting in general between the ex-lovers is over. Far from it, we think

“We are taking this assault against Chyna very seriously and still exploring all available legal remedies to her at this time,” Chyna’s attorney, Walter Mosley, told The New York Post on Thursday.
