Friday, June 1, 2018

Bobby Brown: I"d Like to Slap the S--t Out of Kanye West!

With a very controversial album art choice, Kanye West has antagonized Whitney Houston’s entire family.

Kanye’s been pissing people off left and right, but this seems to cross a line.

Bobby Browns says that he may just have to slap Kanye over it.

Kanye West decided to use his licensed photo of Whitney Houston’s bathroom as Pusha T’s album art. Famously, the late, great Whitney was found deceased in her bathtub.

Bobby Brown tells Rolling Stone that he is outraged at Kanye. That is very understandable.

“Why would he post that on his album cover?”

That is a good question.

“That’s really disgusting that he would do that.”

It sure is.

“That’s in really bad taste.”

That … is an understatement.

Bobby Brown then goes on, with one of the most ominous lines that we have ever read someone say in an interview.

“Something should happen to Kanye.”

He does not, we imagine, mean a surprise party.

“He’s already crazy.”

Don’t let Kim hear you say that. Kim thinks that Kanye isn’t unstable — that he’s a genius.

And people who grapple with mental illness don’t want to be associated with Kanye, either.

“I knew that when I first met him.”

Well, Kanye is known for being an impulsive provocateur.

But like many others, Brown believes that Kanye has crossed a line.

“Now he’s pushing the bar a little bit.”

And Bobby has a particular idea of how to restore some sense and decency to Kanye.

“He needs somebody to slap him up or something.”

To what now?

“And I’m just the person to do it.”

For the record, we here at The Hollywood Gossip do not endorse violence. Not even against Kanye.

Now, the album art is on Pusha T’s album, Daytona, not on Kanye’s album, Ye.

So … why isn’t Pusha T on the receiving end of Bobby Brown’s ire?

Well, because this was Kanye’s call. Pusha T explains:

“He changed my artwork last night at 1 a.m.”

He explains why Kanye made the unilateral alteration.

“He wasn’t feeling it.”

So it wasn’t shocking or “edgy” enough, we suppose.

“The [original] artwork … was pictures that we all agreed on.”

Kanye loves attention. Positive or negative, he thrives upon it.

While the Kardashians use that as publicity, Kanye sees attention as validation of his art.

Praise from fans, he expects, as his “genius” needs to be glorified. Even crticicism comes to him as a sort of validation.

In the mind of the esteemed Mr. West, his critics simply lack the mental capacity or artistic taste to understand his art and his actions and his words and his behavior.

Which sounds like a convenient excuse to do whatever you want and demand that no one ever call you out on it.

While we of course do not endorse Bobby Brown’s proposal to correct Kanye’s behavior through the application of violence, we can understand his anger.

The late Whitney Houston was an absolute gift. Her death was nothing short of a tragedy. But ultimately, no one was hurt more than her family.

They should not see their pain and loss mocked on an album cover.
