Monday, June 18, 2018

Kim Kardashian: Sure, I Could Be President!

These are some wild and crazy times we’re living in right now.

And, based on this new interview with Kim Kardashian, things could be getting even wilder and crazier.

Thanks to the weird, tragic events that took place during the last presidential election, the U.S. has pretty much proven that we’ll throw anybody into the White House.

Literally anybody.

After Donald Trump, a businessman and a reality star, became president, a good few other celebrities began thinking they could do the same one day.

Because hey, if the guy who was recorded talking about grabbing women by the pussy can get elected to the highest office in all the land, what’s stopping Kanye West from taking over in 2020?

Like we said, these are some wild and crazy times.

But it’s starting to sound like Kanye isn’t the only member of his family who’s thinking about getting into politics.

Kim Kardashian in 2024, y’all!

Kim did an interview on The Van Jones Show over the weekend, and Van asked her directly about the idea of running for office.

At first, she said “I don’t really think that’s even on my mind.”

He pointed out that a reality star is currently the president, and she told him “I know, that’s why Kanye loves him, it’s the idea that anything could happen.”

“I guess never say never,” she conceded, “but that’s not going to be like a ‘Kim’s running,’ that’s not what I’m going for. I just want to help, starting one person at a time.”

“I think sometimes if more people would just put their personal feelings aside and talk about really important issues that have to be discussed, then so much more could get done.”

It sounds like Kim has been very inspired by her work with helping to free Alice Johnson, the woman who’d been in prison serving a life sentence for a nonviolent drug charge.

She said as much in the interview, telling Van that “I felt like she’s a good person, you can see that in her,” and that she identified with her because “she got desperate” and made a bad decision out of a desire to care for her children.

“I know that I would do anything for my kids,” she explained, “so I just felt this connection to her. Like instantly, I just wanted to help her.”

And she really did — Alice was released from prison after Kim’s meeting with Trump earlier this month.

Also in the interview, Kim expressed interest in becoming a lawyer.

Yes, really.

She said she’d totally go for it “if there wasn’t the long college process,” but after researching the idea, she found that “in the state of California, I could assist an attorney for three years and just make the bar.”

Would she actually do that though? Honestly, probably not, at least not anytime soon.

She’s got three young children and a very successful career already, so even if she was able to find a lawyer willing to offer her a job, she’s probably way too busy right now.

But still, can you imagine, Kim Kardashian, attorney at law?

We don’t know about you, but we’re pretty proud of how ambitious our Kimmie is becoming lately!

Finally, Kim sort of touched on Kanye’s love of Trump — a love she definitely doesn’t share, by saying “Even if you don’t see eye to eye and there’s a lot going on, I think always be real.”

“We have really good communication. No matter what it is, if I agree, if I don’t agree, I’m always there. I think it’s just really important to be supportive.”

“It’s kind of a no-brainer for me to just be there and help be that sounding board if he needs advice on anything,” she said.

… Sure, girl, whatever you say.

Going forward, we’d recommend less talk about Kanye and less justification for his bizarre views and more of the “maybe I’ll be a lawyer someday, I love helping people” stuff.

Because the Kim Kardashian of 2018 is shaping up to be pretty cool.
