Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Angelina Jolie: Having a Meltdown Over New Custody Arrangement?

Last week, the court ordered Angelina Jolie to let Brad Pitt spend time with their children.

Now, an insider reports that Angelina is not handling it well. Worry about her children is allagedly taking its toll on her health.

It sounds like she’s having a breakdown.

RadarOnline reports that Angelina Jolie’s custody fight is triggering an emotional meltdown. Especially after this latest setback.

“Brad’s in a far stronger position now he’s scored a greater share of custody,” their insider reveals.

As you may recall, the judge ordered Angelina to allow Brad tos pend time with her children for hours each day — unsupervised.

She was also required to give him her children’s cell phone numbers so that he can text and call them.

The source goes on to say that this is a source of worry for Angelina, “and she’s not handling it well at all.”

Custody fights can be nasty, and when you’re concerned about the well-being of your children, it can take its toll.

“The stress is all consuming,” the insider says. “And she’s been skipping meals and losing a lot of sleep.”

That doesn’t sound good!

The source goes on to say that Angelina had feared that this was inevitable … but had perhaps been in denial about it.

“She knew this day would come eventually,” the insider says. “But she got so used to the way things were.”

It’s easy to put off worries by pretending that the future will never come.

The source goes on saying that she denied this outcome “and hoped Brad would abide by her terms instead of pushing for a greater custody share so aggressively.”

That has now happened, and a judge agreed with Brad that he was entitled to time with the kids — ostensibly for the well-being of the children themselves.

“Ultimately,” the insider says. “Angie can’t deprive Brad of seeing the kids.”

Angelina is in England to film Maleficent 2.

Brad has been spending time in the country just to be closer to his kids.

And the insider says that the entire situation is weighing heavily on Angelina.

“The movie is a hugely important project for her,” the source describes. “But she’s finding it hard to focus.”

We would imagine so.

Angelina’s career — and all of the people (especially young girls) impacted by this film means a lot to her.

But her own children, of course, come first.

Angelina never wanted the details of her new custody arrangement to come out, and slammed the “deplorable” leak.

“From the start, Angelina has been focused only on [the kids’] health and needs,” her representative’s statement began.

Remember that it was after an alarming alleged incident that Angelina resolved to end her marriage. She’s all about her kids.

“Which is why,” her representative explains. “It was so important that this last court hearing be conducted privately.”

The statement continues as the representative excoriates whoever it was who leaked the details of their latest court battle.

The representative says: “It’s deplorable that someone, for their own selfish reasons, leaked selective portions of the confidential and sealed court record to create an inaccurate and unfair picture of what is really happening.”

Is the court right? Was Angelina doing a disservice to her children by keeping them away from Brad Pitt as much as possible?

Or is he, if no longer an alleged danger to their physical well-being, still a bad influence or otherwise negative presence in their lives.

We should note that Maddox is 16, and not impacted by this ruling, at least. He can choose where to spend his time.

But we wonder how Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Knox, and Vivienne feel about all of this.

And what is truly in their best interests.
