Friday, June 22, 2018

Joe Giudice: Yup, He"s Getting Deported!

The United States immigration debate is about to hit home for Teresa Giudice.


Meaning what, exactly? Scroll down to find out…

As has been previously detailed on The Hollywood Gossip, Joe Giudice is currently in jail.

He’s serving a lengthy prison sentence for his role in a bankruptcy fraud scam that previously landed wife Teresa behind bars.

But while the controversial Real Housewives of New Jersey was set free after just about a year in the slammer, and immediately given a new contract by Bravo to star once again in this franchise…

… her law-breaking husband will apparently not enjoy such perks upon his eventual release.

Indeed, a few months after we wrote about how Teresa is concerned that Joe will soon be deported from the country, a Radar Online report confirms this is the exact plan.

And its source is none other than the United States government.

You see, Joe (real name: Giuseppe) is not an American citizen. He’s Italian.

Having defied the laws that govern the country in which he’s been a guest, Giudice is “in deportation proceedings while he’s in custody,” an ICE spokesperson told Radar, adding of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement department:

“ICE has lodged a detainer, and he is in removal proceedings.”

Joe is scheduled to be released in March of 2019.

He and his wife pleaded guilty in 2016 to charges that they attempt to defraud the government by lying about their assets, shortly after they claimed they were officially broke.

The spokesman in this case says Joe may actually serve the remainder of his sentence abroad.

“If he is ordered deported while in custody, he will be removed from the U.S.,” the spokesperson continued.

Earlier this year, Teresa said she “wouldn’t mind” moving to Italy if her husband gets deported. There certainly are worse places to live, after all.

“I mean, Italy’s a beautiful place to live,” Teresa said on last season’s Real Housewives reunion, adding on stage:

“I wouldn’t mind, you know, I’m just saying. Listen, whatever God has planned for me, that’s what’s going to happen. I will embrace it the best I can.”

Let’s face it, though: This ain’t gonna happen.

Giudice makes a living in the U.S. her reality show contract and various appearances; we can’t fathom she leaves that behind.

We especially can’t fathom she does so for a man who has been accused of cheating on her.

There have been plenty of rumors that the Giudices are going to divorce because Joe wasn’t loyal to Teresa.

Joe and Teresa have often put on a brave public face, but there has been chatter for years that there’s trouble at home.

Therefore, with one half of this couple perhaps being thrown out of the country entirely, it wouldn’t surprise us one bit of the other half used that as an opportunity to split from him once and for all.

Stay tuned.
