Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Donald Trump Shuns Super Bowl Champs, Deserves ALL Your Scorn

God, Donald Trump is an idiot.

There"s really no way to beat around that particular bush in this latest incident, not after the President rescinded his offer to the Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles.

Why are they no longer allowed at the White House?

What does Trump plan to do in place of the ceremony that was going to honor the team?

And how are folks reacting to this decision?

Scroll down to find out!

1. You Will Not Kneel Before Me!

Donald trump an image

The President has made it clear: he believes all athletes should stand for the national anthem, a point he thinks will help him with his political base.

2. As a Result…

The statement

The White House issued this statement a day before the Eagles were scheduled to be honored for their Super Bowl victory.

3. The Trump Follow-Up

Trump on eagles

Tweeted the President shortly after the original statement went public: “The Philadelphia Eagles Football Team was invited to the White House. Unfortunately, only a small number of players decided to come, and we canceled the event. Staying in the Locker Room for the playing of our National Anthem is as disrespectful to our country as kneeling. Sorry!”

4. Yeah, But Here’s the Thing:

Torrey smith

Ignoring whatever side you take on the national anthem debate, this is fact: Not a single Eagles player kneeled during the anthem last year or remained in the locker room while it was played.

5. What About What Fox News Said?!?

Eagles kneel

Fox News is lying. These players are praying before the game, not kneeling during the anthem.

6. Tell ‘Em, Torrey

T smith

This is what wide receiver Torrey Smith said in February, long before any national anthem policy was enacted. Any care to disagree with this logic?

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