Friday, June 22, 2018

Tristan Thompson to Cavs: Khloe Kardashian Will Dump Me If I Get Traded!

It’s been two months since Tristan Thompson was caught cheating on Khloe Kardashian, and yet somehow, the Cleveland Cavaliers forward remains un-dumped.

Sources say Khloe and Tristan are trying to make their relationship work, and they’ve both been making sacrifices.

Hell, Khloe is so committed to making this relationship work that she relocated to Cleveland.

No offense, Cleveland, but you know damn well the shores of Lake Erie have nothing on sunny southern California.

Anyway, C-town is one thing, but would Khloe be willing to relocate to Indiana? Milwaukee? Oklahoma City? Utah?!

We may be soon to find out.

If you’re a basketball fan, then you’re probably aware that the Cavs need to do some restructuring this season in order to assemble a roster of players who are able to remember what the freakin’ score is in the last seconds of a finals game.

That could be bad news for Tristan, who’s reportedly terrified of being traded.

“Tristan going to be in many draft day discussions and could be moving to a new team and he is dreading it,” a source tells Hollywood Life.

He doesn’t have a no trade clause so he can go anywhere and if he heads to a new city it would be a sore thumb for his relationship with Khloe,” the insider adds.

They would have to worry about moving all summer instead of enjoying the summer.”

We’re not sure this person understands how the “sore thumb” idiom works, but that’s neither here nor there.

It seems weird that Khloe would happily uproot her life and give birth to her first child in Cleveland, but she draws the line at moving a second time.

Like, that’s the deal-breaker? Really?!

It’s not the fact that Tristan was banging strippers while Khloe was eight months pregnant with his kid?!

Because we would think that that edges out moving to Minnesota on the terribleness index.

Not by a lot, mind you, but at least by a point or two.

We swear it wasn’t our goal to piss off the entire Midwest with this article.
