Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Kim Kardashian Does It! Alice Johnson to Go Free From Jail!

We’re about to take a deep breath, close our eyes, do our best to keep our lunch down and do something we’ve never done before in the history of The Hollywood Gossip:

Dole our praise for both Kim Kardashian and Donald Trump.

Granted, the former may never have been famous if she didn’t let Ray J rail her on video and she may often set a horrid examples for young women across the country.

And the latter may be a narcissistic racist who has molested women and who doesn’t know the words to “God Bless America.”

But in one unexpected instance last month, they came together for a very good cause.

As previosuly reported, Kardashian met with Trump in the Oval Office on May 30 in order to discuss the case of Alice Johnson.

Kardashian learned about Johnson, a 63-year old great grandmother who was sentenced to life in jail without parole in 1996, last year after watching a video on Mic.

The reality star was immediately curious about why a non-violent offender without a previous record had received such a harsh sentence for money laundering and drug conspiracy charges.

She then made it her mission to find out more about Johnson and advocate for her release, following 21 years behind bars.

In an interview with Mic after her Presidential meeting, Kardashian said Trump “really spent the time to listen to our case that we were making for Alice.”

She added of the Commander-in-Chief:

“He really understood, and I am very hopeful that this will turn out really positively.”

And now it has:

On Wednesday afternoon, President Trump commuted Johnson’s sentence.

She is expected to be released from Aliceville Correctional Facility in Alabam either today or tomorrow.

Kardashian responded to this decision by declaring it the “best news ever.”

Kim Kardashia response

She later added in an extended statement:

I’m so grateful to President Trump, Jared Kushner and to everyone who has showed compassion and contributed countless hours to this important moment for Ms. Alice Marie Johnson.

Her commutation and forthcoming release is inspirational and gives hope to so many others who are also deserving of a second chance.

I hope to continue this important work by working together with organizations who have been fighting this fight for much longer than I have and deserve the recognition.

While many critics scoffed at Kim meeting with President Trump last week, simply due to the history and personalities of those involved in the meeting, there’s no real debate over the outcome here:

Kardashian chose to use her very public profile for a cause far more important than diet shakes and/or weight loss lollipops.

She should be applauded for it.


There is one downside here, of course.

Just think of how irritating Kanye West is about to be with his even-more passionate support for Donald Trump.

And just think: Could this fuel a legitimate Kanye Presidential run? Does Kim now think she’d make a strong First Lady?

If so, we remain very happy for Alice Johnson/

But we’re suddenly scared to death for the rest of the country.
