Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Briana DeJesus Thinks Javi Maybe Cheated on Her

The bombshell has been dropped.

But the ramifications are still being felt.

With Javi Marroquin expecting his second child at some point this year or early next year, many fans out there are sending the Teen Mom 2 star their best wishes.

But others are craning their necks and looking toward Briana DeJesus.

Considering the timing of her relationship with Javi, combined with the timing of he and Lauren Comeau getting back together, one obvious questions remains:

Did Marroquin cheat on DeJesus with Comeau?

Briana has been asked this question, among others, by Radar Online.

Scroll down for her response…

1. Their Flame Burned Fast and Strong

Javi and briana

Marroquin and DeJesus dated for just a few months, from the end of 2017 through the very beginning of 2018. They seemed to split up on mostly amicable terms.

2. But What Happened?

Javi briana

Why did the relationship end? We’ve never gotten an exact answer, with Briana only giving the vaguest of quotes at the time of the split.

3. It Was Just This Simple, Apparently:

Briana and javi make it official

“Javi and I are not together anymore,” Briana told Blasting News in January. “Our future just doesn’t line up. He doesn’t want me to get my surgery for a breast lift, lipo, and tummy tuck … because it’ll look bad on his name at work. Also, I don’t plan on moving in with him in the summer, and for these reasons, he broke up with me.”

4. But Was It Really That Simple?

Javi and briana

Javi got back together with Comeau, who is also dated last summer, just several weeks after breaking up with Briana. That’s when they got back together IN PUBLIC, at least.

5. In Private?

Briana with javi on instagram

Had they started bumping proverbial uglies while Javi was also giving it to DeJesus? The timeline may add up, now that Lauren is expecting a baby with Marroquin.

6. Briana Reacts!

Briana d pic

This is what she told Us Weekly upon first learning Javi was going to be a father again: “I’m happy for them. I wish them nothing but the best.”

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