Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Oh God, Is She Pregnant Again?!

You remember those reports from early last month that claimed that Travis Scott was making love to Kylie like a madman, trying to give Stormi a younger sibling?

We dismissed it as rumor at first. But now a report is claiming that their, ahem, hard work has paid off. 

Is Kylie Jenner pregnant again? Already?!

NW‘s cover story is a claim that Kylie Jenner is once again pregnant.

Only four months have passed since Kylie gave birth to Stormi Webster.

But, as you’re about to see, their cover shows Kylie … well, she’s at the very least wearing a somewhat oversized sweatshirt.

It would be easy to believe that she’s harboring a baby bump under there.

What’s more, the tabloid claims that — according to their insider — Kylie was not actually expecting to be pregnant so soon.

Apparently, a friend of hers thought that she might be pregnant and Kylie took a test alongside her out of solidarity. That sounds so sweet!

And so she was reportedly shocked when her own result came back as positive.

Kylie Jenner NW cover story

There are three lines of reasoning that would normally allow a person to dismiss a story like this out of hand.

Unfortunately, none of them really work with Kylie.

One, some people can easily take a year to get pregnant. Kylie and Travis would have had only about a month.

But then … we remember that Kylie got knocked up after only seeing Travis for a month, at the longest. So they both clearly have the potential.

Two, it wouldn’t make any sense for a 20-year-old to have her second child with her boyfriend of one year so soon.

But then … none of this made any sense in the first place. Kylie makes decisions differently than we commoners do.

Three, most celebrity parents are happy to announce a pregnancy.

But then … Kylie waited nearly half a year after the story of her first pregnancy broke before confirming anything. She didn’t acknowledge that she was preggo until three days after giving birth.

However, while Kylie’s personal history of fertily, surprising decision-making, and secrecy all makes this story believable …

… There are a few holes in it.

For one thing, as the ever-vigilant folks over at Gossip Cop have noted, that photo of Kylie is from February of 2017.

That was, so that we’re all remembering the timeline of things correctly, back before Kylie was pregnant. By a few months.

While it’s fairly standard to recycle older photos of celebrities — hey, fans love a good visual reference — some are upset to see an older photo seemingly presented as new material.

So … is any of the report true?

Unfortunately, while it’s totally conceivable based upon her history that Kylie is once again pregnant, the anachronistic photo throws the entire story into doubt.

We may never know what really went down with the alleged friend who was dealing with a pregnancy scare.

Reportedly, Kylie had her own pregnancy scare last month — though scare may or may not be the right word for that.

But that, too, is unconfirmed. And that’s sort of what you’d expect from young Miss Jenner.

It is absolutely Kylie’s right to keep her private life private. Her uterus, her business.

That does, however, mean that a lot of people are going to be relying upon stories and reports — some of which have dubious origins.

If Kylie is pregnant, maybe she’ll tell the world this time.

After all, this would be her second pregnancy.

But maybe, just like last time, she will want to keep it under wraps and “special” for as long as possible.

If she one day decides to give Stormi a little sibling, we’ll be excited.

For now … she’s probably feeling overwhelmed enough with her very different lifestyle as a mom.

Perhaps she and Travis will be wise enough to cool their jets for a bit.
