Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: I"ll Get Better at Sex So Tristan Thompson Won"t Cheat!

Despite her hurt and humiliation, Khloe Kardashian is still staying with Tristan Thompson … for now, at least. And she doesn’t want anyone’s advice.

A report says that part of how she’s bouncing back from both the betrayal and from giving birth to precious baby True is through reigniting the spark of their sex life.

And from what this insider is saying about sex toys and new positions, it sounds like she’s going above and beyond to keep Tristan from straying again.

HollywoodLife spoke to an insider who is talking all about Khloe and Tristan’s revitalized sex life.

Like so many parts of a relationship, it sounds like this has taken some work.

“Khloe has made a concerted effort to sex up her relationship with Tristan,” the source reveals.

The source goes on to say that this is a priority “because amazing sex was something they really connected with when they first got together.”

“Towards the end of her pregnancy,” the source reports. “The last thing on Khloe’s mind was having sex.”

Well, of course.

The source continues, saying: “Then she was recovering from True’s birth, and trying to work through her feelings following the cheating scandal.”

That must have been a grim time for her.

“But now,” the source reveals. “Khloe is feeling pretty much back to her old self.”

The source says that Tristan’s job has also kept them apart, adding: “And with the playoffs out of the way, she thinks it’s time to bring the spark back”

Another factor has been their daughter, True.

She might be the only reason that Khloe gave Tristan a second chance, but it sounds like she was also keeping her mom very busy.

“True’s sleeping is really improving,” the source reveals. “And she’s no longer constantly waking up to be fed every couple of hours throughout the night.”

(There is some anecdotal evidence that suggests that babies that feed extremely regularly like that are destined to be on the tall side — just putting that out there)

When you’re feeding a baby every two hours, 24 hours a day, you can forget about getting a good night’s sleep.

You can also forget about banging your hunky baby daddy. You can barely work up the energy to feed yourself.

“So,” the source continues. “Khloe is making the most of no longer feeling exhausted 27/7.”

So what steps has Khloe taken to spice things up again?

The insider gets specific.

“She’s bought of copy of Karmasutra — 245 Karmasutra Positions With Pictures,” the insider says. “And she’s determined to try out all of them with Tristan, a different position each night.”

That’s not an uncommon book or tactic, but Khloe’s going the extra mile.

“Khloe’s has also splashed some serious cash on a ton of new sex toys and hot lingerie.”

Sex toys and lingerie can really add up, but money is no object to Khloe.

(Contrary to some people’s misconceptions, sex toys are not just for solitary activities)

According to this report, Khloe’s very deliberate sexual reawakening is doing wonders for them both.

“She’s in full femme fatale mode,” the insider says. “Tristan is in seventh heaven right now.”

If we take femme fatale in a traditional sense, that would explain Khloe allegedly leading Tristan’s sports team to ruin.

But it seems clear that the source just means that she’s being very seductive.

“The Khloe he met and fell in love with is back, in full force,” the source describes. “And he’s loving every single minute of it.”

We would imagine so!

Some would say that Khloe is coming across as desperate.

That she’s seducing her own boyfriend and baby daddy because she needs to feel desirable and powerful again after he humiliated her with his cheating scandal.

Others would say that she is effectively rewarding him for his behavior.

If your man cheats on you and your response is to up your sex game, you’re basically saying that you totally sympathize with him for taking his business elsewhere, and have taken steps to improve his satisfaction.

Aren’t monogamous relationships supposed to be a commitment?

Khloe shouldn’t feel like she needs to compete with every other beautiful woman on the planet.
