Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Shannon Beador Tearfully Confronts David: Just Pay Your Spousal Support!

In July, we told you that Shannon Beador and David Beador reached a support settlement. It wasn’t set in stone, however.

Now, David is trying to amend the agreement and is claiming that Shannon makes much more money than the court agrees.

Their latest hearing was so stressful that Shannon confronted David, in tears, outside of the courtroom. Oh, dear.

RadarOnline reports that Shannon Beador and David Beador’s latest hearing dragged on for three hours.

Anda pparently it was so contentious that Shannon was biting back tears as she confronted him outside of the courtroom.

“You are such a nickel and dimer!” Shannon was reportedly heard saying to David.

She is said to have then lamented: “It’s disgusting!”

An exchange like that really makes you wonder what went on in that courtroom.

Fortunately, we do not have to wonder — because we also have the details.

On Monday, October 15, Shannon and David appeared in court.

Their previous agreement, which covered both spousal and child support, had allowed that the court could later revisit spousal support if David chose to.

Well, David chose to.

David had been paying a total of $ 22,500 per month.

$ 10,500 of that was spousal support for Shannon, and the rest was child support for their three daughters.

David asked to modify the amount that he pays out to Shannon on a monthly basis.

Well, on Monday, David says that he should be paying less — and that it’s all Shannon’s fault.

He told Judge James L. Waltz that Shannon’s paperwork does not accurately depict how much money she is making.

David claimed that Shannon makes $ 900,000 per year and therefore does not need spousal support from him.

That’s interesting, because the forensic accountant doesn’t believe that to be the case.

According to the accountant, Shannon rakes in $ 24,000 per episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County.

That’s a lot of money, but until RHOC starts making 37-episodes per year, it doesn’t look like the numbers add up. But David disagrees.

David, acting as his own attorney, 

“I’m just trying to provide a basis for the fact that he’s using $ 300,000 as her year-per-year salary,” David argues.

David continues: “When she was making far more than that.”

“That’s all I’m trying to prove here,” David announced.

“Honestly, I hate this,” he admitted.

Yeah. Divorce is zero fun.

“And,” David explained. “I just want to settle the whole thing.”

Shannon’s attorney disagreed, citing that David’s 2017 income was about $ 108,168 per month in 2017.

David argued that his earnings fluctuate during the course of his business, so he sometimes does better some months than others.

It turns out that acting as your own attorney isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be.

(Don’t do this unless you have no other choice, folks)

The judge admonished David for his income and expense declaration paperwork, citing it as incomplete.

David explained that he’d only gotten the chance to work on it during his lunch hour.

It doesn’t sound like that went over well with the judge. Kind of like how teachers in high school can usually tell when you did your homework during lunch.

Ultimately, the judge did decide that the court should see more up-to-date financial filings from both parties.

(We’re sure that the forensic accounting will look through both, so no cheating!)

In the mean time, however, David is ordered to continue paying Shannon the current amount.

Things may have driven Shannon to tears in that courtroom, but it sounds like their relationship has improved.

Remember earlier in their divorce when David reportedly shut off water to Shannon’s house, where his daughters live?

This sounds contentious, but a lot less hateful than they were earlier this year.
