Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Scott Disick to World: I Am Still Banging a VERY Young Model!

In case you haven’t checked in on Scott Disick in a while, and you were hoping that his cradle-robbing relationship with Sofia Richie had quietly come to an end … we have some bad news for you.

While Disick and Sofia did break up over the summer in a brief burst rationality, they’ve since resumed their ill-advised romance.

And as you can see, Scott reminded the world of that fact in somewhat uncomfortable fashion over the weekend

It seems he and Sofia traveled to Las Vegas to attend UFC 229 on Saturday night.

Sofia posted this pic on her Instagram page pre-fight.

“The man in the mirror,” she captioned the image.

Of course, at that point in the evening, Scott and Sofia had no idea what was in store.

As you may have heard, the evening’s main event was a much-hyped bout between outspoken Irishman Connor McGregor and the undefeated Russian juggernaut Khabib Nurmagomedov.

After McGregor was forced to tap out, all hell broke loose, as Khabib leaped into the crowd to fight a heckler.

Several members of the Russian’s team entered the ring with the intention of attacking McGregor, and arena security was forced to rush front row attendees to safety.

“So the night ended with us getting rushed out!” Richie later wrote in an Instagram story.

“Of course I attend the fight that ends in a riot.”

We’re sure it was an unpleasant experience, but Sofia has been with Scott for quite some time now.

So by now, she must be accustomed to short, angry dudes exhibiting wild bursts of erratic behavior.

Anyway, there’s been enough coverage of the fight and its totally bonkers aftermath.

We’re here to discuss the fully-clothed, yet oddly-intimate photo that Scott took and Sofia posted.

Now, Sofia is 20, which means she’s a consenting adult, and her relationship with Scott is perfectly legal, and yada, yada, yada.

But when they started dating, she was still in her teens, and since he’s a 35-year-old father of three, there’s a considerable ick factor to this relationship.

Perhaps part of the problem is that Sofia looks so young and Scott looks, well … not, but whatever the case, there’s something unsettling about him having her sit on the bed for skeevy hotel room pics.

Or maybe it’s just us.

Either way, you should probably just go ahead and avert your eyes, Lionel.
