Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Ben Affleck Goes Wild with Shauna Sexton: See the Pics!

Ben Affleck is out of rehab.

But is the actor out of the woods when it comes to potential dangers that could result from an ongoing drinking problem? No.

However, to celebrate his release from his latest stint inside a treatment facility, Affleck just took a trip into the woods with surprisingly serious girlfriend Shauna Sexton.

It’s been a whirlwind several days for Affleck.

The actor has, at last, finalized his divorce from Jenner Garner; and he’s also left rehab for the third time, following an extended stay that some dumb people on the Internet attributed to Sexton herself.

Free from his wife and free from the bottle, Affleck jetted off this weekend to Big Sky, Montana with Sexton.

The pair clearly wanted to get away from it all, spending their time in the wilderness and the water, with Shauna chronicling a lot of the trip on social media.

Affleck drove, for example:

affleck driving

And Sexton hoped to catch dinner:

shauna fishing

And she even succeeded at one point!

Affleck has a personal connection to where he vacationed with Sexton.

The star has spent the past three Christmases in Big Sky with his ex-wife, Garner, and their three kids: daughters Violet, 12, and Seraphina, 9, and son Samuel, 6.

That makes it sort of interesting that he chose to also go there with Shauna, perhaps signifying to the world just how serious this relationship has become.

Most celebrity gossip followers assume at first that Affleck was merely banging a Playboy centerfold because, well… that seemed very on-brand for him when the two were spotted out together this summer.

But then Sexton visited Affleck in rehab, signaling that this relationship was about far more than mere boot-knocking and/or hip-thrusting.

Days after Affleck agreed to receive treatment for his addiction, Sexton shut down rumors that she played a role in her boyfriend’s relapse, writing on Instagram:

“Ben is a grown ass man, baby. He makes his own decisions.”

And he has clearly now decided to take the romantic plunge with Sexton.

He’s also opened up to the public about his rehabilitation and his hopes for the future.

“This week I completed a forty day stay at a treatment center for alcohol addiction and remain in outpatient care,” Affleck said in a statement last week, adding in more gracious detail:

The support I have received from my family, colleagues, and fans means more to me than I can say. It’s given me the strength and support to speak about my illness with others.

Battling any addiction is a lifelong and difficult struggle. Because of that, one is never really in or out of treatment. It is a full-time commitment. I am fighting for myself and my family.

So many people have reached out on social media and spoken about their own journeys with addiction. To those people, I want to say thank you.

Your strength is inspiring and is supporting me in ways I didn’t think was possible. It helps to know I am not alone. As I’ve had to remind myself, if you have a problem, getting help is a sign of courage, not weakness or failure.

With acceptance and humility, I continue to avail myself with the help of so many people and I am grateful to all those who are there for me.

I hope down the road I can offer an example to others who are struggling.
