Showing posts with label Shauna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shauna. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Ben Affleck: Crap, Did I Bang Shauna Sexton on Camera?!?

Ben Affleck is here to pass along a very important lesson to all young people out there:

Beware of how much you drink…

… lest you end up forgetting whether or not you starred in a sex tape opposite your vengeful ex-girlfriend!

According to Radar Online, this is the exact predicament in which Affleck now finds himself.

The actor ended his relationship with Playmate Shauna Sexton about a month ago, but an insider tells this website that his problems with the sizzling model may only just be starting.

That’s because Sexton may soon release an amateur pornography that she made alongside (or perhaps on top of… or maybe in front of…) Affleck.

Upon being dumped, Shauna “told Ben she didn’t need him, and she was going to be the next Kim Kardashian,” this Radar source explains, adding:

“He and his team took that as a threat that she has a sex tape.”

But… wait.

Wouldn’t Affleck know if Sexton was in possession of a sex tape?!?

Not necesarily.

Not if Sexton turned on the camera during one of the drinking binges that recently landed Affleck back in rehab and the star literally forogt (or perhaps never knew) this transpired.

“He’s been given a stern warning that he can’t trust her,” Radar writes of what Affleck’s inner circle has been telling the actor.

“He was so off the deep end when he was with her, that she could have anything to leak – a sex tape of the two of them, Ben doing drugs or drunk, or him just saying stupid stuff he wouldn’t want anyone to hear.”

Affleck and Sexton were very hot and quite heavy for most of the summer.

Not too long after reports of their relationship went public, Affleck admitted that he needed professional assistance and checked into a rehab facility.

And then not too long after this happened, Sexton clapped back at critics who blamed her for Affleck’s demise.

“Ben is a grown ass man, baby. He makes his own decisions,” Sexton wrote on Twitter, adding in understandable anger:

“Blaming a 22 year old for someone’s 3rd time in rehab is just ridiculous. He is human. I am human. You are human.

“We all are going to fuck up it’s just a matter of learning from it. Don’t be so quick to throw shade on people.

“Take a step back, accept that we are all on our own journey, and be a little less critical.”

Affleck allegedly broke up with Sexton at the advice of friends and loved ones.

They thought she was a bad influence on the star as he aimed to sober up for good.

Now, however, Affleck may need to reconcile with the lovely young woman — maybe not romantically, but in some sense at least.

“Ben originally ignored Shauna, but he plans to talk to her so she calms down,” says this Radar source. “He’s letting her think a reconciliation is in the cards…

“Everyone’s worried about how much she knows. And she could know a lot, because for at least two weeks of their so-called relationship, Ben was off the rails.”


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Ben Affleck Comes to Senses, Dumps Shauna Sexton

Last night, the Boston Red Sox triumphed over the New York Yankees in the American League Divisional Series. 

All over the New England region, inebriated fans engaged in all manner of impulsive behavior, giddy with the possibility of their flagship city taking home its 47 bajillionth championship in the past 20 years.

But Ben Affleck can’t drink anymore so he just dumped his girlfriend.

We kid Beantown Benny, of course.

We give the guy all the credit in the world for committing himself to the hard work of getting sober.

That said, we’re about to gently slow roast him like a side of pork because that’s how we show love around here.

As you’ve probably heard by now, Affleck checked into rehab for the third time last month.

Though he didn’t always seem to take his treatment all that seriously — Ben was in the habit of leaving the facility to work out at his home gym every day — he stuck it out and even stayed on longer than initially intended.

Ben Affleck-Shauna Sexton

We don’t know what kind of program Ben is working, but it seems he just reached the “drop all the excess baggage you picked up during your last bender” step.

According to People magazine, Affleck has broken up with Shauna Sexton, the 22-year-old Playboy model he briefly dated before checking into a treatment center last month,

“There was nothing to split from as it has been casual,” a source tells the magazine.

“He enjoyed being with her but is working on himself, and being together with her at this time is not something that works,” the insider adds.

“He will date in the future, but for now his focus is on his sobriety, family and his next project.”

All joking aside, it sounds like focusing on his family and sobriety is the best thing Ben could be doing at the moment.

Upon leaving treatment, Affleck issued a heartfelt statement filled gratitude and optimism:

“The support I have received from my family, colleagues and fans means more to me than I can say. It’s given me the strength and support to speak about my illness with others,” the Oscar winner wrote.

“Battling any addiction is a lifelong and difficult struggle,” Affleck continued.

“Because of that, one is never really in or out of treatment. It is full-time commitment. I am fighting for myself and my family.”

We wish Ben and his family all the best.

We can’t say the same about the Red Sox, who will hopefully go down in humiliating fashion in the ALCS.


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Ben Affleck Goes Wild with Shauna Sexton: See the Pics!

Ben Affleck is out of rehab.

But is the actor out of the woods when it comes to potential dangers that could result from an ongoing drinking problem? No.

However, to celebrate his release from his latest stint inside a treatment facility, Affleck just took a trip into the woods with surprisingly serious girlfriend Shauna Sexton.

It’s been a whirlwind several days for Affleck.

The actor has, at last, finalized his divorce from Jenner Garner; and he’s also left rehab for the third time, following an extended stay that some dumb people on the Internet attributed to Sexton herself.

Free from his wife and free from the bottle, Affleck jetted off this weekend to Big Sky, Montana with Sexton.

The pair clearly wanted to get away from it all, spending their time in the wilderness and the water, with Shauna chronicling a lot of the trip on social media.

Affleck drove, for example:

affleck driving

And Sexton hoped to catch dinner:

shauna fishing

And she even succeeded at one point!

Affleck has a personal connection to where he vacationed with Sexton.

The star has spent the past three Christmases in Big Sky with his ex-wife, Garner, and their three kids: daughters Violet, 12, and Seraphina, 9, and son Samuel, 6.

That makes it sort of interesting that he chose to also go there with Shauna, perhaps signifying to the world just how serious this relationship has become.

Most celebrity gossip followers assume at first that Affleck was merely banging a Playboy centerfold because, well… that seemed very on-brand for him when the two were spotted out together this summer.

But then Sexton visited Affleck in rehab, signaling that this relationship was about far more than mere boot-knocking and/or hip-thrusting.

Days after Affleck agreed to receive treatment for his addiction, Sexton shut down rumors that she played a role in her boyfriend’s relapse, writing on Instagram:

“Ben is a grown ass man, baby. He makes his own decisions.”

And he has clearly now decided to take the romantic plunge with Sexton.

He’s also opened up to the public about his rehabilitation and his hopes for the future.

“This week I completed a forty day stay at a treatment center for alcohol addiction and remain in outpatient care,” Affleck said in a statement last week, adding in more gracious detail:

The support I have received from my family, colleagues, and fans means more to me than I can say. It’s given me the strength and support to speak about my illness with others.

Battling any addiction is a lifelong and difficult struggle. Because of that, one is never really in or out of treatment. It is a full-time commitment. I am fighting for myself and my family.

So many people have reached out on social media and spoken about their own journeys with addiction. To those people, I want to say thank you.

Your strength is inspiring and is supporting me in ways I didn’t think was possible. It helps to know I am not alone. As I’ve had to remind myself, if you have a problem, getting help is a sign of courage, not weakness or failure.

With acceptance and humility, I continue to avail myself with the help of so many people and I am grateful to all those who are there for me.

I hope down the road I can offer an example to others who are struggling.


Monday, September 10, 2018

Shauna Sexton Actually Visits Ben Affleck in Rehab

All across the Internet these days, there are cries of concern over Ben Affleck.

That’s what happens when you sadly enter rehab for a third time.

But if you listen closely enough, there’s another sound starting to make its way around the Web.

Or at least the possibility of a sound.

By which we mean the following:

Might wedding bells be ringing down the line for Shauna Sexton and Ben Affleck?!?

This is not anything we could have imagined writing back when the actor started dating the Playmate this summer. It seemed at the time like the epitome of a fling.

Mere weeks after talk of the romance spread throughout the globe, Affleck entered rehab because it had become clear that he fell hard off the wagon while partying with Sexton.

But… well… Sexton is still around.

She and Affleck may be about more than bumping proverbial uglies after all.

Last week, we reported that Affleck actually left his treatment center for a brief period of time in order to hang out with Sexton.

And now comes the news that Sexton paid Affleck a visit in rehab on Sunday morning.

The 22-year-old was spotted leaving the Malibu treatment facility at which Affleck has been staying at for the last three weeks, according to People Magazine and other outlets.

She was even driving Affleck’s Ford SVU at the time.

This seems like a big deal for two reasons:

FIRST, because a man does not just lend a woman his wheels unless things are very serious.

SECOND, because this means Affleck is letting Sexton see him at his most vulnerable… and that she wants to see him at his most vulnerable.

The previous assumption had been that she was just sticking around for the booze and the wealth and the Hollywood lifestyle. But here she remains. Still around.

Sexton recently clapped back at a fan on Instagram who accused her of getting Affleck “thrown in rehab.”

She made it clear that she isn’t about to take misguided flak from a bunch of strangers.

“Never drank around or with him for the record,” Sexton wrote in a number of responses in the comments section of a photo of her drinking red wine, adding:

I love to drink and party! Absolutely dude. Most 22 year olds do…

“Do these mistakes mean I would disrespect someone’s hard-earned sobriety by drinking with them or in front of them? Hell no. I have limitless respect for those who take action and actually do something about it.

“With that being said, Ben is a grown ass man, baby. He makes his own decisions. Blaming a 22-year-old for someone’s 3rd time in rehab is just ridiculous.

“He is human. I am human.”

Amen. Well said, Shauna.


Monday, September 3, 2018

Shauna Sexton: You Think I Sent Ben Affleck to Rehab?!?

Yes, Shauna Sexton makes a living by taking off her clothes.

But the Playboy model is not about to take it from misguided and very mean critics.

No way and no how, people.

Shauna Sexton split

Sexton rose to mainstream fame a few weeks ago after it came out that she was spending time with Affleck.

Almost immediately after the actor split from long-time girlfriend Lindsay Shookus, paparazzi snapped pictures of him out and about with Sexton.

And then almost immediately after that, Affleck checked into a rehab facility for the third time.

Putting two and two together and jumping to a really dumb conclusion, some folks out there blamed Sextion for Affleck’s troubles.

They figured Affleck would have remained clean and sober if not for Sexton’s bad influence, which is obviously absurd.

But plenty of people out there are absurd, especially when given the chance to write things to strangers on the Internet.

Which brings us to the photo above.

In response to a follower on Instagram who accused her of getting Affleck “thrown in rehab,” Sexton clapped right on back.

And she did so with force.

“I love to drink and party! Absolutely dude. Most 22 year olds do. Yes you’re correct,” she wrote to a hater, acknowleding a couple run-ins with the law and adding:

“I got put in the drunk tank when I was 17 for having a fake ID and drinking underage at a bar in Virginia Beach, and despite the fact most people have used a fake ID as well as drank underage, it was a dumb mistake on my behalf and an embarrassing one at that.

“Then the weekend of my 21st birthday I got obliterated and wound up getting left at a bar at the ocean front in Virginia Beach.. where I was again taken to the drunk tank for being intoxicated publicly ..while attempting to find a ride home.”

She continued:

“Do these mistakes define me? No, stupid minuscule shit I learned from. Do these mistakes mean that I am human? Yes. Do these mistakes mean i would disrespect someone’s hard earned sobriety by drinking with them or in front of them? Hell no.

“I have limitless respect people who have the humility and maturity to admit when they need to fix something in their life. I have even more respect for those who take action and actually do something about it.”

And when it comes to Affleck in particular?

“With that being said, Ben is a grown ass man, baby. He makes his own decisions. Blaming a 22 year old for someone’s 3rd time in rehab is just ridiculous.

“He is human. I am human. You are human. We all are going to fuck up it’s just a matter of learning from it. Don’t be so quick to throw shade on people. Take a step back, accept that we are all on our own journey, and be a little less critical.”


What a perfect response.

Affleck admitted himself to a treatment facility back on August 22.

In the days that followed, multiple reports gave credit to ex-wife Jennifer Garner for swooping in, staging a mini intervention and convincing Affleck that he needed professional assistance.

For someone who has a disease, this clearly would have been the case at some point whether or not he ever met Sexton.

Insiders have said Affleck tumbled off the wagon awhile back and recognized fairly quickly that he was in trouble.

It’s unclear at the moment just when Affleck will emerge from rehab, but we hope he’s a healthier man when he does so.

Best of luck, Ben.


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Ben Affleck"s Rumored New GF Shauna Sexton Thongs Out in Malibu

Shauna Sexton — the Playboy model who’s been grabbing food with Ben Affleck lately — is lookin’ like a snack herself … in a sexy swimsuit. Playboy’s Miss May 2018 hit the sand in Malibu Wednesday — without Ben — rocking a head-turning…


Ben Affleck"s Rumored New GF Shauna Sexton Thongs Out in Malibu

Shauna Sexton — the Playboy model who’s been grabbing food with Ben Affleck lately — is lookin’ like a snack herself … in a sexy swimsuit. Playboy’s Miss May 2018 hit the sand in Malibu Wednesday — without Ben — rocking a head-turning…
