Showing posts with label Affleck's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Affleck's. Show all posts

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Ben Affleck"s Rumored New GF Shauna Sexton Thongs Out in Malibu

Shauna Sexton — the Playboy model who’s been grabbing food with Ben Affleck lately — is lookin’ like a snack herself … in a sexy swimsuit. Playboy’s Miss May 2018 hit the sand in Malibu Wednesday — without Ben — rocking a head-turning…


Ben Affleck"s Rumored New GF Shauna Sexton Thongs Out in Malibu

Shauna Sexton — the Playboy model who’s been grabbing food with Ben Affleck lately — is lookin’ like a snack herself … in a sexy swimsuit. Playboy’s Miss May 2018 hit the sand in Malibu Wednesday — without Ben — rocking a head-turning…


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Ben Affleck"s Dad: It"s Not His Fault My Boy"s a Boozer!

Back in 2016, Ben Affleck appeared on Bill Simmons’ short-lived HBO show and screamed about his love for Tom Brady in what appeared to be a drunken tirade.

At the time, the unhinged rant was mostly laughed off, and it was only later that the world learned that Affleck was battling alcoholism and was in the depths of his addiction at the time of the interview.

As you’ve no doubt heard, Ben’s beloved Patriots lost to the underdog Philadelphia Eagles in Super Bowl LII on Sunday.

As the world marveled at Eagles’ fans willingness to lay waste to their own city, many wondered how Ben – arguably the most famous Pats fan and a close friend of Tom Brady’s – was handling the news.

Back in December, Affleck checked into rehab for the third time in less than a year.

These days, he’s out of treatment and reportedly sober, but after falling off the wagon so many times, Ben is no doubt aware that alcoholism is a lifelong battle.

Ben’s father, Tim Affleck, has also struggled with addiction and earlier this week he opened up about his son’s struggles in a candid interview with Radar Online.

It seems the elder Affleck believes his son’s struggles are mainly the result of the career he chose.

“Hollywood is a disgusting place!” Tim told the outlet.

“I’m not a big fan of the entertainment world. I know it’s taken its toll [on Ben].”

Tim says he’s witnessed some major changes in his son’s character over the course of his decades in the industry.

“You’re kind of forced to develop a persona that is hard to shed and go home to your family,” Tim says.

“It affects your whole life. I think that’s one of the dangers of the film industry.”

Ben has spoken at length about his father’s alcoholism and the ways in which it affected his childhood.

“I know what he’s going through,” says Tim, who’s been sober 27 years.

“Of course we speak about it, and we do have a shared history, at least in terms of struggle. Ben’s always been serious about getting sober. He wants a balanced life and he’s working at it.”

Tim believes his son has what it takes to remain sober, but believes Ben may be too reliant upon the women in his life.

“I don’t necessarily believe one person should be with someone forever,” Tim says.

“Some people might, but history has proven it often doesn’t work.”

Affleck has been dating Lindsay Shookus since the summer of 2017.

We’re guessing she’s not thrilled with his dad’s latest comments.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Lindsay Shookus: ACTUALLY Pregnant With Ben Affleck"s Baby?!

It’s been two months since we first learned that Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus are dating, and surprisingly, the couple has been pretty open about their relationship status.

They haven’t made any official announcements, because that’s just not how the Batfleck rolls, but they’re certainly not hiding their romance from the tabloid press.

Affleck and Shookus attended the Emmys together on Sunday night, and while they didn’t walk the red carpet together, Ben reportedly stood up and cheered when she won an award for her work on Saturday Night Live.

So either Ben and Lindsay are moving pretty fast by the standards of two recently divorced people, or there’s some truth to the rumors that they started dating while they were both still married.

Either way, it’s a relationship that has the rumor mill churning non-stop.

There have been near-constant rumors that Ben and Lindsay are secretly engaged, so perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that some gossip outlets already have the couple taking an even bigger leap together.

Both Radar Online and several tabloids reported this week on rumors that Lindsay is pregnant with Ben’s baby.

“There have been whispers that she might be pregnant with Ben’s child, and that’s why they decided to reveal they were together,” says one insider.

Obviously, the couple has not confirmed any of these reports, and they should probably be taken with several grains of salt.

We’re not saying that Lindsay is definitively not pregnant with Ben’s baby, but the rumors don’t exactly jibe with reports that Ben and Lindsay are drinking heavily

We doubt Ben would publicly fall off the wagon by getting hammered with his pregnant girlfriend.

The man’s had his issues over the years, but he’s not Charlie Sheen.

We’re inclined to believe that Ben and Lindsay are headed for the altar eventually, but we imagine they’ll take things rather slowly.

After all, they both have kids, and they’re both newly divorced.

Plus, for now, it seems like they’re just enjoying being single.

It’s hard to balance a newborn and a bender.

Plus, there’s that whole laying off the sauce for nine months while you’re pregnant thing, and that doesn’t seem to fit with Ben and Lindsay’s current lifestyle.


Friday, August 11, 2017

Jennifer Garner to Lindsay Shookus: Ben Affleck"s Boozing Is Your Problem Now!

Back in March, Ben Affleck checked into rehab to be treated for alcohol addiction.

Just a few weeks later, Jennifer Garner filed for divorce from Affleck.

The two events may not be related, as Affleck and Garner had been separated for over a year at the time of Garner’s filing.

Still, according to insiders, Affleck’s drinking was a factor in the couple’s decision to part ways, so the timing may have been significant.

Some have speculated that Jen wanted to give Ben an opportunity to get sober before filing, so that she could work out an equitable custody arrangement with her ex and not fear for her children’s safety.

Whatever the case, Jen is likely well aware that staying sober will be a lifelong battle for Ben.

And while it seems she trusts him enough to let him spend time with their kids on his own, sources say that she’s also happy that the task of making sure Ben stays away from the bottle is no longer on her.

These days, Ben is dating Lindsay Shookus – an SNL producer he met during an appearance on the show – and Jen is reportedly happy to hand her ex’s problems off to his new flame.

“Of course Jen worries about Ben’s health because he is the father of her children, but she feels like she’s done everything she can to help him over the years,” a source close to the situation tells OK! magazine.

Unfortunately, it seems Shookus may have already given Jen reason to doubt that she’s up to the task of helping to keep Ben sober.

Last month, Ben and Lindsay were spotted leaving a liquor store together while vacationing in Maine.

“Jen is very surprised that Lindsay is drinking around Ben,” the insider says.

“But she feels that ultimately it’s up to Lindsay how she wants to handle the situation.”

It’s believed that Affleck is still abstaining and doesn’t feel tempted when he’s around others who are imbibing.

Ben and Lindsay’s relationship is still in the early stages, but sources close to the couple say it’s getting serious fast.

Though Shookus is reportedly still worried about meeting Affleck’s family, the couple has reportedly been discussing details of their future together.

Those who know Ben best say they’ve never seen the actor-director happier.

Hopefully, his newfound bliss will help the father of three stay off the sauce.


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Lindsay Shookus: TERRIFIED of Meeting Ben Affleck"s Family!

As you may have heard by now, Ben Affleck is dating Lindsay Shookus, a Saturday Night Live producer whom he met during one of his appearances on the show.

This isn’t like the many other dating rumors that have plagued Affleck in the months since his divorce from Jennifer Garner became final.

Affleck and Shookus are the real deal, and by all accounts, their relationship is getting serious.

But there’s one major milestone that the couple is apparently eager to put off as long as possible.

According to Radar Online, Lindsay is “terrified” by the prospect of meeting Ben’s family, with whom the actor is said to be very close.

For starters, Lindsay reportedly fears the Afflecks will blame her for the dissolution of Ben’s marriage.

“Lindsay’s been avoiding this so far, but meeting Ben’s mom, his brother Casey and the extended family is something’s she’s going to have to face,” a source close to the situation tells Radar.

“She’s terrified at facing their questions on how she and Ben met and fell in love,” the insider admitted.

“But she’s starting to run out of excuses – and Ben’s family members are beginning to wonder what’s up.”

Given the rumors that Ben started dating Lindsay while he was still married, we suppose it’s no wonder that she’s worried about how she’ll be perceived by the Affleck clan.

On top of all that, Lindsay is from Buffalo, which means she has to meet with Ben’s family prior to the start of the NFL season, so as to avoid being mocked relentlessly.

And don’t get us started on the challenge of deciphering Casey’s mush-mouthed mumbling without the assistance of closed captioning.

We can already hear Ben’s mother asking why he can’t settle down with a nice girl, like his friend Matt.

That, of course, may prove enough to cause a transition into Sad Affleck mode, or even a wild rage, as he does anytime someone dares to suggest that DeflateGate was anything other than a simple misunderstanding.

Lindsay is in a tough spot, as she lives in New York City, and hails from upstate, which means if she tries to kiss ass by praising the Red Sox or the Pats, she’ll instantly melt like an Indiana Jones Nazi.

We wish her the best of luck.

She’d do best to focus the conversation on the superiority of New England clam chow-dah over Manhattan and the wicked pah-kin’ nightmares created by the Big Dig.

Either that, or pretend she’s the person who saw and enjoyed Gigli.


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Jennifer Garner Takes Friendly Stroll with Ben Affleck"s Mom

Jennifer Garner’s not just good at getting along with her ex — she’s still totally cool with his mom too. Jen was out for a walk Tuesday with Ben Affleck’s mother, Chris, in Brentwood … and they looked like 2 old friends yukkin’ it up. As we’ve…


Casey Affleck"s Wife Files for Divorce

Casey Affleck’s wife of 9 years, Summer Phoenix, is filing for divorce, and according to her the split’s been a longtime coming. Summer filed the divorce petition Monday in Los Angeles … citing irreconcilable differences. The couple has 2 sons –…


Monday, July 17, 2017

Lindsay Shookus: Is Ben Affleck"s Girlfriend Pregnant?!

Regardless of what’s actually going on in their relationship, Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus’ romance is moving at breakneck speed in the pages of the world’s most salacious tabloids.

It was just last week that we learned Affleck and Shookus are dating, and already, rumors about flying about the couple taking major steps forward together.

Of course, it’s been widely reported that Affleck and Shookus dated in secret for several years, but that’s a topic for another time.

The big Shookfleck news of today comes from an Australian tabloid called Woman’s Day, and should thus be taken with several grains of salt.

The magazine claims that Shookus is pregnant and Ben’s ex-wife, Jennifer Garner, is “devastated by the news.”

An insider explains to the outlet that Ben and Lindsay decided to stop being secretive about their relationship after learning they’re expecting.

The source says Ben recently broke the news to Jennifer, who was understandably less than thrilled:

“Ben told her they’d just had their first doctor’s appointment,” claims the tipster.

Now, in all likelihood, this is a load of bull, but a Batfleck baby would explain a lot.

The normally secretive and downcast-looking Affleck has been out and about with Lindsay in plain view of the paparazzi in recent weeks, and what’s truly amazing is that he’s often smiling.

Of course, the most likely explanation is that he’s simply happy to have found love again after one of the most high-profile celebrity splits in recent memory.

Affleck and Garner separated back in 2015, but only finalized their divorce earlier this year.

There were rumors that they were trying to sort things out, and the actors were even spotted attending church and couples counseling together.

It was a dark time for both, no doubt, but after two years of darkness, it seems they’re both finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel.

Affleck is newly sober after completing a stint in rehab, and friends say they haven’t seen him this happy in years.

Both he and Shookus are already parents, but if the relationship is progressing as rapidly as some claim, we wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a baby in their future.

We just doubt it’s in their immediate future.


Saturday, July 8, 2017

Lindsay Shookus: Was She Ben Affleck"s Mistress?!?

According to multiple new reports, Lindsay Shookus is dating Ben Affleck.

According to a bombshell report, however, Lindsay Shookus is not the new girlfriend of Ben Affleck.

She’s actually been seeing the actor for awhile now.

Like, for THREE YEARS.

An insider tells Us Weekly that Affleck actually started his romance with Shookus way back in June of 2015, back when he was still married to Jennier Garner.

“Ben and Lindsay started their affair about three years ago, just a few months after she became a mom,” this source tells the tabloid, adding in further detail:

“They were not casually dating – they were having a full-blown affair.

“They were sleeping together, sending each other cute texts and meeting up whenever they could.”


There had been rumors of an Affleck affair nearly since the beginning of his turmoil with Garner.

It’s basically been confirmed, for example, that Affleck slept with his family nanny, but sources have claimed this dalliance took place after he was separated from Garner.

The same, though, cannot be said for Shookus.

Garner and Shookus’ ex-husband, Kevin Miller, both learned about this allegedly sordid relationship in 2015, Us Weekly claims:

“They were devastated when they found out about the affair,” the tabloid writes, while a second insider makes it clear:

“Lindsay was the main reason that Jen decided to leave Ben. They had a multitude of problems, but this was the breaking point for Jen.

“This wasn’t just sex, this was infatuation and a full-blown relationship that Ben and Lindsay were having while they were both married.”

Someone close to Affleck disagrees with this assessment, however, along with the entire Shookus timeline/allegation in general.

“Lindsay was not what led to the end of their marriage. They had a ton of other problems,” says this mole, who insists Affleck has only been giving it to Shookus for a few months.

“Ben is enjoying Lindsay’s company, and they will continue to see each other.”

Affleck and Garner finally got divorced this past April.

It took them two years to make the break-up official, as rumors of a reconciliation floated around the Internet for about two years.

The stars are committed to a healthy friendship in order to co-parent their three kids in a healthy environment, even spending this past July Fourth as a family.

As for Lindsay Shookus?

A friend tells E! News that she “the kindest person” and is very “down to earth.”

She grew up in cold climate of Buffalo, New York and attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in journalism.

Her very first job out of college was as an assistant to a producer on Saturday Night Live.

“I was watching Bruce Springsteen perform from 30 feet away on my fourth day,” she told The Hollywood Reporter in 2015. “I remember thinking, ‘How is this my job?’”

Shookus moved up the ranks to become an associate producer for the NBC program and later a producer for dozens of episodes and specials, including the 40th anniversary special, for which she won an Emmy.

She sort of discovered Kristen Wiig, spotting her early on and pushing for her to audition for SNL.

She has one child with the aforementioned Miller, who she met when he worked as writers’ assistant on SNL and who now works as a supervising producer on Late Night with Seth Meyers.

They got married in 2010.

Did they then get divorced because of Affleck?

Yes, if you believe this scandalous story.


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Jennifer Garner: ACTUALLY Pregnant With Ben Affleck"s Baby?!

Ever since Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner separated back in the summer of 2015, new rumors of their reconciliation have seemed to surface weekly.

Normally, we’d be eager to see the tabloids and social media give up on that narrative, but we have to admit:

These two have given the world ample reason to believe they’re on the verge of getting back together.

For starters, it’s been 18 months since they separated, and neither Affleck or Garner has filed for divorce.

On top of that, sources say Affleck is still living with Garner.

Of course, that doesn’t mean the same thing that it would for most couples, as the Afflecks co-habit on a sprawling multi-acre estate in separate buildings.

But if this latest rumor is true, well … Ben and Jen might as well just make it Facebook official and quit toying with us.

Radar Online is reporting today that Garner is pregnant with Affleck’s baby.

If the rumor is true (big if), it would be the couple’s fourth child.

Obviously, neither Ben nor Jen has confirmed the reports, but Radar isn’t the first outlet to make this claim.

It seems unlikely, but hey – a year ago it would’ve seemed unlikely that Ben and Jen would still be living together.

“Jen couldn’t be happier,” a source tells the site.

“All she’s ever wanted is for Ben to stop boozing and partying — and to recommit to their family. With this new baby on the way, he’s making all the right promises.”

The “insider” adds that Jen kicked Ben to the curb after finding out about his affair with Christine Ouzounian, but she never had any desire to legally end their marriage.

“While Jennifer called it quits, she never wanted a divorce,” the source claims.

“Jen wants them to be a real family again — and they can, if Ben quits acting like a 20-year-old trapped in a 40-year-old’s body.”

So Ben stopped getting sh-tfaced every night and banging nannies, so Jen thinks it’s an ideal time to have a baby?

Sounds like a great idea.

What could go wrong – ya know, besides absolutely everything?


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Jennifer Garner: Pregnant With Ben Affleck"s Baby?!

It’s been almost almost a year since Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner announced their separation, but still neither party has filed for divorce. 

During that time, Ben and Jen have attended couples counseling together and been photographed out and about with their kids more often than when they were together.

(Though it’s worth noting that they weren’t of huge interest to the paparazzi until we learned they were having problems.)

All-in-all it’s not hard to see why rumors of Affleck and Garner getting back together persist even as the anniversary of their Splitsville announcement draws near.

But even those of us who have been expecting the former couple to officially reconcile for quite a few months now weren’t expecting this:

According to Radar Online, Jen is pregnant with Ben’s baby

Yes, even after bearing witness to the cinematic abortion that was Batman v Superman, she said to herself, “This is a guy I should have unprotected sex with.”

We kid! Our congrats to these two if the news is true. (For now, that remains a big “if.”)

“Friends are expecting an announcement very soon that Jen is pregnant,” one insider tells Radar.

“She’s always wanted another child with him. Even since they split, she’s gushed publicly about how he is the love of her life.”

So why kick him to the curb in the first place if she always felt this way about Ben?

Well, apparently it was all part of Jen’s master plan to make Ben realize how much he’d miss her in his life. Kinda like when a little kid runs away from home for ten minutes:

“She was determined to make him ‘walk the plank’ over his wild ways,” says the source. She believed he would come to his senses and they could save their marriage.

“When she gave birth to Samuel in 2012, she hoped things would change, since all Ben talked about was how much he wanted a son. But he fell back into his same old bad habits.”

The insider added, “In many ways, Ben’s been a lousy husband – but Jen still loves him and missed their steamy sex life!”

Why is that only tabloid sources use the word “steamy”?

Anyway, here’s hoping the rumors are true.

Sad Affleck was funny for a while, but it’s starting to get old. 

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Jennifer Garner: PREGNANT With Ben Affleck"s Baby??

Is Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck pulling a Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green?

As you may have heard, the latter couple announced plans to divorce last August, then got back together after a post-filing nookie encounter led to Megan’s current pregnant status.

Now, Life & Style claims that Jennifer Garner is prego, and yep, the father is Ben Affleck.

These two filed for divorce 10 months ago, but are reportedly trying to keep things amicable.

Very amicable, it seems. 

“Their friends are expecting an announcement very soon that Jen is pregnant,” a source told the magazine.

“Given Jen’s age (she is 44), she’d want to be cautious about saying anything too early,” continued the source.

“But Ben’s been very attentive to Jen, making sure she’s taking it easy. He’s even bringing her breakfast in bed.

“Jen has been absolutely glowing!”

According to an eyewitness, the couple were getting cozy while taking a walk with their son, Samuel, earlier this month.

“They were laughing and very touchy-feely with each other,” said the source.

“Then they got in the same car to go home. They seemed close.”

This news comes in stark contrast to the comments Garner recently made in Vanity Fair.

While she didn’t completely trash her husband, she did confirm that he had an affair with their nanny, Christine Ouzounian.

Will this alleged pregnancy bring them back together? Perhaps Jen should consult Megan for advice.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

JLo: Ben Affleck"s Back Tattoo Is FUGLY!!!

It"s equal parts painful and entertaining to watch Andy Cohen grill his guests to the point where they cry "UNCLE!" and want to move on.

On last night"s Watch What Happens Live, Cohen invited Jennifer Lopez back to the clubhouse for a third appearance.

Cohen put Lopez on the spot, first with a Marry-Shag-Kill game involving her American Idol co-stars, Harry Connick, Jr., Ryan Seacrest and Keith Urban.

It got too weird for Lopez, who giggled and insisted they move on to the next question, which had to do with her ex-fiance, Ben Affleck.

"What is your honest opinion of Ben Affleck"s phoenix back tattoo?" Cohen asked the Shades of Blue star, showing a photo of Affleck and his skin mural from December 2015.

"It"s awful!" she declared. 

"I mean, I would tell him that. I would tell him," she insisted, adding she would ask Affleck, "What are you doing?"

"It has too many colors. His tattoos always have too many colors. They shouldn"t be so colorful. You know what I mean?" she said. 

"They should be cooler."

Be honest, JLo. You"d still hit it.

In addition to the eye sore on his back, Affleck has a bunch of tattoos covering the right side of his body.  

A dolphin on his right hip covers up the name of his high school girlfriend, according to E!.

His right bicep features a barbed wire tattoo, while initials are inked on his right shoulder blade, and complicated design made up of a fish, skull and crossbones covers his right arm.

About that dolphin tatt…

Jlo ben afflecks back tattoo is fugly

Friday, October 30, 2015

Jennifer Garner: Still in Denial About Ben Affleck"s Cheating?

It’s been three months since Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner separated, but the couple still hasn’t filed for divorce.

Some say they’re still hammering out the terms, while other sources insist that Ben and Jen are getting back together.

It’s hard to imagine these two actually working things out, but they have been spending an awful lot of time together lately.

In fact, some insiders claim Affleck and Garner have been attending marriage counseling as part of a last-ditch effort to save their relationship.

Those same sources say it’s actually working  – largely because Jen still refuses to believe the rumors about Ben and Christine Ouzounian.

Yes, despite countless reports about Ben’s nanny-banging, Star magazine claims that “Jen has chosen to believe her husband didn’t cheat on her.”

“That meant a lot to Ben,” says one insider. “And although he still swears nothing ever happened with Christine, he accepts his part in allowing the rumors to start.

“That’s why she decided to forgive Ben – and give their marriage another chance.”

The source says Garner also took a big step by admitting that she was too hard on Ben during the final months of their marriage:

“She’d scold him like a child whenever he had a beer, or make him feel bad for having a night out with the boys. It made him feel like he was always walking on eggshells around her and he started to resent her for not letting him do what he wanted. He told her that in therapy.” 

The source also claims that Ben said he’ll never stop drinking and gambling, but will “pull back on it” for Garner’s sake.

So Ben doesn’t have to apologize for cheating and he gets to continue boozing and playing poker? Sounds like Garner’s getting a raw deal on this reconciliation.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Jennifer Garner: Pregnant With Ben Affleck"s Baby, Source Claims

Ever since Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner announced their divorce, the ex-couple has been the subject of countless wild rumors. 

At first, it seemed like a pretty straightforward celebrity divorce, complete with reports that Ben was banging the nanny. Then something strange happened.

Weeks after they formally separated, Affleck and Garner continued to spend time together.

Naturally, this led to rumors that Ben and Jen were back together. Reps for both parties have claimed that’s not the case, but that even so, In Touch is taking things to the next level and claiming that Jen is pregnant with Ben’s baby.

“Jen was shocked when she found out about the pregnancy,” a source tells the magazine. “She was still committed to going through with the divorce, at least up until the past few weeks.”

We’re having a tough time buying that, but it’s even harder to believe that Ben is actually happy about welcoming a fourth child with his ex:

“Ben is ready to commit totally to Jen and fall in line as a faithful and dedicated family man,” says the insider.

“But they have a long way to go. Ben is thrilled at the thought of another child. He sees it as an insurance policy that Jen will give a permanent reunion serious thought.”

To the surprise of absolutely no one, Jen’s team is already issuing statements claiming that the story is BS.

Sometimes it feels like the tabloids aren’t even trying anymore.

We suppose it’s possible that Jen could be pregnant with Ben’s baby, but doe they do they really expect us to believe that Affleck wants to be a “faithful and dedicated family man?” Come on!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Matt Damon Says Jason Bourne Could Beat Up Ben Affleck"s Batman! FRIENDSHIP OVER??

Na na na na na na na na… DAMON!

Matt Damon and Ben Affleck aren’t just Hollywood A-listers, they’re lifelong besties! But this bold statement could change all that!

Even though Matt claims he hasn’t asked Ben about Batman — or heard the Batman voice yet — he still has his own ideas about Ben’s upcoming Batman V Superman flick — specifically how tough Batman is!

[ Related: Batman Takes Over For Taylor Swift In HIGHlarious Music Video Parody! ]

The Bourne actor revealed in an interview that:

“Jason Bourne would kick the s**t out of Batman – absolutely!”

Whoa! Don’t get overconfident about your supremacy just yet! Matt did add:

“Batman’s gotta take on Superman first. If he could beat him then maybe he could take on Jason Bourne.”

Not that we TOTALLY agree with.

Damon has been playing Bourne for over 13 years now, so he might just have the upper hand against his friend and Good Will Hunting co-star — if they fought for real that is.

[ Related: Would Tom Hardy Return For More Batman Movies? ]

Damon was also asked about the possibility of signing on to a superhero flick, to which he responded:

“I think they’re kind of out of superheroes. Ben’s going to be like the sixth or seventh Batman, so I don’t think there’s really any left. So I’m good. Jason Bourne is my superhero.”

We’re not sure that Damon won’t become a superhero at some point down the road, but until then, we’ll TOTALLY settle for another Bourne movie — which happens to be due out July 29, 2016!

What do you think? Could Damon’s Bourne take Affleck’s Batman in a fight?


[Image via Twitter.]