Showing posts with label Shookus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shookus. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Ben Affleck Confirms Breakup With Lindsay Shookus

Well, folks, it looks like everyone’s favorite SNL power couple has called it quits.

No, not Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande. No, not Colin Jost and Scarlett Johansson. Okay, maybe “everyone’s favorite” was a bit of an exaggeration …

Ben Affleck, Lindsay Shookus

There, that’s the one.

Yes, after just over a year of dating, Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus have broken up.

Rumblings of a split began over the weekend, when Affleck was spotted on a date with Shauna Sexton, a 22-year-old Playboy model.

And today, reps for the actor confirmed that he and Shookus have decided to go their separate ways.

Ben and Shookus

“They are still very amicable and have stayed friends,” a source tells E! News.

“They both tried to make it work, but the distance just proved to be too much for them right now,” the insider adds.

“Family comes first for them both.”

Yes, it’s the usual boilerplate nonsense, and as expected, it isn’t fooling anyone.

We all know what really happened here. 

And it’s exactly what we all predicted from the very start of this relationship:

Lindsay is a smart, successful career woman in her late thirties.

She has a child, and those who know her best hold her in high esteem, both as a mom and a TV producer.

She makes sense as a partner for a rich, divorced dad in his mid-forties.

Which is exactly why Ben had to kick her to the curb.

Look, on a long enough timeline, Affleck is eventually gonna Affleck.

He probably woke up one day and remembered that he’s Batman and could easily be banging Playboy models in their early twenties.

Then he went out and did exactly that — possibly getting hammered first in celebration of his newfound freedom.

We all know a guy like Ben:

He recognizes that he needs to change, and he makes occasional half-hearted attempts at progress, but those are quickly abandoned in favor of the behaviors that keep dragging him down.

We suppose it’s to his credit that he keeps trying, but maybe he should sort some things out by himself before he enters another serious relationship.

Poor Lindsay probably never knew that she was more attractive to Ben as an idea than as a person.


Friday, August 17, 2018

Ben Affleck Has Dinner at Nobu Malibu with Playboy Model, Not Lindsay Shookus

Ben Affleck’s latest sighting shows all the signs of a bachelor lifestyle, which has us wondering … has he broken up with GF Lindsay Shookus? Ben was spotted Thursday night leaving Nobu Malibu rocking a very casual single-guy look — loose…


Ben Affleck Has Dinner at Nobu Malibu with Playboy Model, Not Lindsay Shookus

Ben Affleck’s latest sighting shows all the signs of a bachelor lifestyle, which has us wondering … has he broken up with GF Lindsay Shookus? Ben was spotted Thursday night leaving Nobu Malibu rocking a very casual single-guy look — loose…


Friday, July 27, 2018

Jennifer Garner to Lindsay Shookus: Stay Away From My Kids!

Long before Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson or Colin Jost and Scarlett Johansson, another SNL staffer entered an unexpected romance with a Hollywood A-lister.

We’re talking, of course, about Lindsay Shookus, who’s been dating Good Will Hunting screenwriter and noted awful tattoo enthusiast Ben Affleck for over a year now.

For the past several months, rumors about Affleck and Shookus getting married have been circulating non-stop.

In fact, some have gone so far as to claim the only thing holding the couple back is the fact that Ben is still married to Jennifer Garner.

While that’s technically true, we’re sure the couple could iron things out and sign the papers in a hurry if need be.

After all, it’s not like they’re getting back together, and they’re both independently wealthy.

Ben was Batman, and Jen’s Capital One commercials now feature cameos from Captain Obvious himself!

Now, sources say what’s really holding up the proceedings are concerns about Affleck and Garner’s kids.

But this isn’t your typical Hollywood custody battle — sources say Ben and Jen both want to divide up time with their children as equitably as possible.

No, what’s holding up the parade is the fact that Jen reportedly doesn’t want Lindsay anywhere near her kids.

“Jen doesn’t want the kids around Lindsay or having her in their lives. She has many reasons,” a source tells Us Weekly.

“Ben understands and has honored her request.”

Needless to say, Jen’s stance complicates the situation just a bit.

We imagine it’s tough to be a good stepmom when you’re not allowed to see your stepkids.

But amazingly, it seems Ben is totally cool with his ex’s request.

“They’re good friends,” the source adds.

“She wants him to be honest and he usually is. She tends to find out about things, and Ben is very open with her. They both want what’s best for the kids and have made a commitment to see that through.”

The insider says that in all likelihood, Jen will eventually relax her anti-Shookus stance.

But one thing she’ll remain vigilant about is Affleck’s drinking.

“The one thing she’s not flexible on is sobriety,” the source tells Us.

“Jen is hesitant to sign off until she’s certain that the kids will be in the best hands at all time.”

The insider adds:

“Finalizing the divorce has been a long process because of it.”

The source was mum on the question of whether or not the fact that Ben and Lindsay have been seen drinking together has contributed to Garner’s skepticism.

But you don’t have to be the world’s greatest detective to piece that one together. 


Monday, July 9, 2018

Ben Affleck & Lindsay Shookus: Engaged and Expecting a Child?!?!

Pretty much from the time they started dating, rumors of Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus getting married have been circulating non-stop.

And in fairness, they really did seem to move rather quickly from the very beginning.

Ben and Shookus

Of course, there’s still the minor obstacle of the fact that Ben is technically still married to Jennifer Garner, but it seems Affleck and Shookus won’t allow that pesky little detail to stand in their way.

According to Radar Online, Ben and Lindsay are currently in the process of planning a Hawaiian wedding.

“They want to do it before the end of summer when Lindsay goes back to work on SNL,” an insider told Radar. “They love Hawaii and had a great time there in April when Ben was filming Triple Frontier.”

Is it just us, or does a Ben Affleck movie set in Hawaii with the title of Triple Frontier sound like something from an SNL sketch?

But we digress.

“Ben’s talking luau, leis and Hawaiian shirts,” the source added.

Ben Affleck, Lindsay Shookus

“He’s already asked Jen to watch the kids while he’s away,” says the source.

Wow, if that’s not the ultimate act of passive aggression.

Hey, Jen do you think you could watch the kids during the one weekend I’m supposed to have them this summer? Lindsay and I have plans. I already bought the rings and everything.

Anyway, the most interesting part of all this is the fact that Ben and Lindsay are reportedly expecting a child together.

“People suspect the sense of urgency is because Lindsay’s pregnant,” the insider claims.

“And nothing hides a bump better than a muumuu dress.”

Well, if the speculation is based on nothing other than the fact that these two seem to be in a hurry and some traditional Hawaiian attire is baggy, then we’re gonna have to go ahead and call BS.

But who knows?

Maybe Lindsay really is pregnant with Ben’s baby, as the tabloids have been claiming for most of the past year.

If so, our sincere congrats go out to a couple that most folks didn’t give much of a chance to.

Just keep Ben away from those mai-tais at the wedding!


Friday, June 22, 2018

Ben Affleck & Lindsay Shookus: Planning a Wedding Even Though He"s Still Married?!

It’s been almost a year since the world first learned that Ben Affleck and Lindsey Shookus are dating, and these days, the couple is reportedly ready to take the next step together.

Unfortunately, there are some sizable barriers blocking their path.

According to a new report from Entertainment Tonight Lindsey is seeking a commitment from Ben, who seems hesitant to pop the question.

But to his credit, there’s a very good reason for that:

“Lindsay and Ben are very much in love,” a source tells the outlet.

“During Ben and Jennifer [Garner’s] split, Lindsay truly felt villainized. Every day she spent with Ben out in the world for people to see felt like another day of public scrutiny, but her love for Ben was worth it,” the insider adds. 

“They both learned to stick by each other during those painful months.”

See, therein lies the issue.

The source makes it sound like Affleck and Garner’s split was an ugly chapter in their lives that’s now over and done with.

But the fact is Ben and Jen still aren’t divorced.

Yes, despite the fact Affleck and Garner have been separated for three years, they’re still legally married.

We’re sure that’s primarily because of legal and financial entanglements, but still …

Lindsay probably isn’t too thrilled about the situation.

The insider adds that Ben and Lindsay are planning to spend their lives together, but have thus far avoided any public discussion of marriage:

“Ben has worked incredibly hard on his sobriety and Lindsay has been his rock. He will be forever grateful for all her love and support,” says the source.

“They are both constantly being asked if they are planning to tie the knot, but for now they taking it one day at a time.”

It’s good that he’s taking his recovery seriously, but we can’t help but think Ben’s leaning pretty hard on that “but, babe, my sobriety” excuse:

“Ben knows he loves Lindsay, but he wants to take things slow for the sake of his sobriety. He’s actually been told to take it slow and he’s heeding that advice,” the insider claims.

“Ben isn’t ready to propose and has no plans to get engaged anytime soon, but Lindsay feels he is worth the wait.”

We’re rooting for ya, Shook.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Moving Day for Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus at New $19 Million Home

Ben Affleck is finally moving into his new mansion, and it looks like his girlfriend, Lindsay Shookus, will be spending a lot of time there, too. Ben was spotted rolling up to his $ 19.25 million Pacific Palisades home Thursday with a…


Friday, May 11, 2018

Jennifer Garner & Lindsay Shookus to Ben Affleck: Stop Being a Douche!

It’s been almost a year since the world first learned that Ben Affleck is dating Lindsay Shookus, and though the couple has kept their relationship as low-key as possible, in that time, fans and the press have jumped to the same conclusion about the couple’s dynamic.

Whether it’s fair or not, the picture that’s emerged is one of a self-indulgent manchild meeting his ideal enabler.

This might have something to do with the fact that Ben and Lindsay were spotted drinking together in her hometown shortly after they started dating.

Normally, that wouldn’t be a big deal, but Affleck has been in and out of rehab several times in the past few years, and his friends and family were understandably concerned that he seemed to be throwing caution to the wind.

As for Garner, she’s said to be unconcerned about the relationship and has reportedly informed Shookus that Ben’s drinking is her problem now.

So Lindsay and Jen obviously don’t quite get along, but it seems they’re willing to join forces when the stakes are high enough.

Such as when Ben’s notorious temper threatens to have a negative impact on the lives of his three young children.

Recently, Ben and his kids were hounded by some paparazzi during their weekly visit to their local church.

Ben was less than pleased, and he made his feelings know with an irate tweet:

“Still not sure what is urgently newsworthy about a middle-aged man taking his kids to church,” Affleck wrote.

According to Radar Online, both Jen and Lindsay agreed that his response would only serve to make the situation worse.

And apparently, they joined forces to make Ben see their error of his ways.

After reportedly consulting with Jen, Lindsay addressed the issue with Ben:

“Lindsay told him he doesn’t want to come off negatively like other celebrities when they spout off on their social media,” a source tells Radar.

“It doesn’t make him look good. They argued about it.”

Eventually, Ben came around to Jen and Lindsay’s way of thinking.

“He’s super remorseful and wants to make it right,” says the insider.

So there you have it.

All Ben needs to do to live a drama-free life is to consult with both his girlfriend and his ex before he makes any type of decision.


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Ben Affleck & Lindsay Shookus: Back Together After Low-Key Split?!

It’s been a rough few weeks for Ben Affleck, aka Batfleck, aka Beantown Benny, aka He of the Horrendous the Back Tatt That Looks Like Something From A Blacklight Poster in a Head Shop.

For one thing, the whole world has been roasting Affleck’s tattoo for the very good reason that it’s the ugliest sight anyone has laid eyes on since that time Trump went golfing in white shorts.

But there’s more here than just that just the hilarity that is the #PhoenixFail.

You see, Ben has been in Sad Affleck mode in a big way lately.

His melancholia has reached the point that even the tortoise shell-framed Vassar grads at The New Yorker were forced to take a break from writing captions for sketches of animals in therapists’ offices in order to pen a typically high-minded assessment of Ben’s mental state.

Yes, even the actor’s number one confidante Matt Damon has enjoyed ragging on Affleck in recent weeks, a development that’s almost certainly led Ben to text his friend something along the lines of “I don’t like them apples at all.”

Needless to say, these are trying times in the House of Affleck.

Fortunately, Ben has been able to find solace in the fact that he’s still rich and famous and thus, will always find someone willing to overlook his giant mythological back bird. 

Ben has been dating Lindsay Shookus for the better part of the past year, but it seems there was a brief hiatus in the relationship that began around the same time as Ben’s latest round of troubles.

However, according to People magazine, Affleck and Shookus are 100 percent back on these days.

The couple was spotted hanging out in Hawaii earlier this week, and witnesses say they looked very coupled-up.

They may have even engaged in a bit of canoodling.

Sources tell People that Ben and Lindsay are “not rushing anything,” but they “enjoy each others company” and “are in a committed relationship.”

Of course, the question on the mind of many Ben-watchers is – are Affleck and Shookus still drinking together?

Yes, even after Ben’s multiple stints in rehab, he and Lindsay were spotted hitting the sauce together during their travels.

Fortunately, it sounds as though Ben has put the plug in the jug for good these days, and he and Lindsay reportedly drank nothing stronger than coconut water during their time on the big island:

“He has been very on top of his health and responsible,” added the source.

“He wants to be sober and healthy.”

Sounds like Ben might finally be turning things around!

If only there were some sort of mythical creature whose story might provide a suitable analogy for Affleck’s current state of rebirth.


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Ben Affleck & Lindsay Shookus: Already MARRIED?!

It’s been less than a year since we first learned that Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus are dating, but the couple has been moving at warp speed in recent months.

Affleck checked into rehab for the fourth time in December, and sources say he went straight from treatment to an apartment in New York that he now shares with Shookus.

Ben and Lindsay

And it seems moving in together isn’t the only major step forward the couple has taken in 2018.

Some insiders close to Ben and Lindsay say wedding bells are in the near future for the Oscar winner and the SNL producer.

Meanwhile, others claim they’ve already gotten hitched and are simply waiting for the right time to make the announcement.

Witnesses say Lindsay has been sporting some new bling on her left hand in recent weeks, but the jury’s still out as to whether it’s an engagement ring or a wedding band.

Whatever the case, it seems there’s no denying that Ben and Lindsay are head over heels for one another.

“He’s fallen hard,” an insider tells Life & Style.

“It’s no surprise that they’re now taking their relationship to the next level.”

There are conflicting accounts as to whether or not the knot has already been tied, but there’s no doubt these two are in it for the long haul.

“They both want to spend the rest of their lives together.”

“They can’t bear to be apart and spend every free moment they have together,”

One insider says the only thing holding the couple back is the fact that Ben’s divorce from Jennifer Garner is not yet finalized.

“It hasn’t been a straightforward procedure,” explains the source.

“They’ve spent months behind closed doors working out how to divide assets, finances and custody of their children.”

Yes, if there’s a downside to possessing tens of millions in assets (big if), it’s that having so much stuff makes a very complicated divorce.

“They are getting close to finalizing things. Once their divorces are both out of the way, Ben plans to walk down the aisle with Lindsay,” says one insider.

So it sounds like despite claims to the contrary, Ben and Lindsay are not yet married.

But it also sounds like they’ll be taking the plunge as soon as legally possible.


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Ben Affleck: Did He Leave Rehab For Christmas? Is He Moving In With Lindsay Shookus?

Earlier this month, it was revealed that Ben Affleck had checked back into rehab, marking his third stint in an addiction treatment facility in 2017.

The decision to seek medical assistance reportedly came after a relapse that left friends and family concerned for the actor’s safety.

Ben has spoken openly about his struggles with alcoholism over the years, but news of his latest round of treatment became public knowledge only after the Oscar winner was spotted attending a group therapy session at a Passages facility in Malibu.

Reported reasons for the secrecy vary, but many believe Affleck has decided to eschew the traditional 12-step method of treatment in favor of Passages’ more personalized–and controversial–approach.

Given the timing of his treatment, fans wondered if Affleck would be able to spend time with his three children during the holiday season.

Many rehab centers strictly forbid patients from coming and going, but it seems Passages takes a more relaxed approach, as Page Six is reporting that Ben was indeed released from the facility to spend Christmas with his kids.

The outlet claims that Ben went straight from rehab to a home owned by his estranged wife, Jennifer Garner.

There, he celebrated Christmas with Garner and his three children, Violet, 12, Seraphina, 8, and Samuel, 5.

Ben apparently remained out of treatment for at least two days.

On Tuesday, he was spotted enjoying dinner with girlfriend Lindsay Shookus in Malibu.

Affleck reportedly remained sober throughout the meal.

Sources say Affleck and Shookus are still going strong and are currently planning a major step forward together as a couple.

According to Page Six, Affleck and Shookus, a producer on SNL, recently purchased an apartment together in 15 Central Park West, one of Manhattan’s most exclusive buildings.

Affleck will reportedly join Shookus in the new digs once he completes treatment.

A Boston native, Ben’s no stranger to the East Coast, but he’s spent most of his adult life living in Southern California.

The return east represents a major change for Ben, and while his relationship with Shookus has reportedly had a positive effect on his mental health, some are concerned that the 45-year-old is “pulling a geographic” and attempting to flee from his addiction.

Affleck’s three children will reportedly remain in the Los Angeles area, where Ben will continue to own a home and visit frequently.

We wish Ben and his family all the best during this difficult time.


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Ben Affleck Introduces to Lindsay Shookus to Jennifer Garner!

There’s awkward, and then there’s … well, just about everything Ben Affleck does these days.

The Batfleck is living proof that you can be a world-famous, wildly successful millionaire, and something of an incorrigible f-ck-up at the same time.

It would almost be endearing. Ya know, were it not for all the groping and whatnot.

These days, Ben is dating Lindsay Shookus, a relationship that’s done wonders for his mental health and well-being–if you ask Ben Affleck.

Insiders say many others are somewhat less enthused about Shoofleck pairing, including Ben’s long-suffering ex-wife, Jennifer Garner.

The problem, it seems, is not that Jen doesn’t like Lindsay, but rather that she feels Shookus might be a bad influence at a time when Ben should really be focusing on self-improvement and maintaining his relationship with his children.

Sources say Ben and Lindsay enjoy drinking together, which is a problem, as Ben’s been in and out of rehab several times.

Just before getting romantically involved with Shookus, he had reportedly informed Jen that he’d put the plug in the jug for good.

Following his most recent stint in treatment, Ben has apparently sworn off the sauce again, but insiders claim Garner is understandably still skeptical of his new relationship.

Because Ben only makes good decisions when he’s in the director’s chair, he apparently decided the best solution to this was to arrange a sit-down between Lindsay and Jen.

We assume the idea to spend the afternoon with his ex-wife and current girlfriend came to Ben during a shaky, sweaty rehab nightmare, and the guy is clearly a believer in making his dreams come true.

According to OK! magazine, the meeting took place Saturday afternoon at Jen’s home.

“Ben and Lindsay looked so happy to finally be making their relationship legit with Jen,” a source tells the tabloid.

“They’ve had to tiptoe around and Jen has resisted having the kids hang out with Lindsay,” the insider adds.

“Ben was dressed up and seemed to really want to make a good impression on Jen–like, how clean and healthy he looks. Lindsay looked a little nervous, but was getting support from Ben.”

This is a man who presumably has a form-fitting Batman costume in his closet, yet he apparently doesn’t rock it when he’s trying to make a good impression?

We’re rooting for you, Ben, but you might be beyond hope, bruh.

But hey, maybe he was afraid that any reminder of Justice League’s less-than-stellar reviews and box office returns would cause him to lapse into Sad Affleck mode.


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Ben Affleck & Lindsay Shookus: Moving In Together?!

It’s been three months since we first learned that Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus are dating, but there are many who believe the couple has been together much longer than that.

In fact, according to one persistent rumor that’s plagued the actor and the SNL producer from the start of their relationship, Ben started dating Lindsay while he was still married to Jennifer Garner.

We have our doubts about that one, as it would mean that Ben and Lindsay kept their relationship on the down-low for a full year after he and Garner separated, which seems impossible.

Ben’s notoriously secretive about his personal life, so we may never find out exactly when he started hooking up with Lindsay, but whatever the case, these two are definitely at the “serious” stage of their relationship.

How serious are they, you ask?

Well, it looks as though Affleck and Shookus are soon to purchase a pricey piece of real estate together.

Yes, according to TMZ, Ben and Lindsay have been house shopping, and an $ 18.5 million property in Santa Monica seems to have caught the couple’s eye.

Witnesses say Affleck and Shookus spent more than an hour touring the home, and she was spotted leaving the property with a spec sheet in her hand.

In order to fully appreciate the significance of this news, you have to understand that in Southern California, buying property together ranks above adopting a dog and just below adopting a child on the spectrum of commitment gestures.

We’ve been hearing rumors about Ben and Lindsay getting engaged for months now, but we mostly dismissed them.

After all, Ben can barely commit to a superhero project, and getting married is a slightly bigger deal.

But if these two are buying a house together, all bets are off.

Granted, Lindsay doesn’t fit the mold of a typical Affleck significant other (She’s neither famous, nor named Jen.), but perhaps this is the dawn of a new era in Ben’s life.

Of course, there’s still the minor problem of the fact that Lindsay is based out of New York, and Ben seems to have no intention of leaving LA.

But maybe Affleck can pull some strings and have SNL relocated to the West Coast.

The guy’s effing Batman, and “live from Los Angeles” has a decent ring to it.


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Ben Affleck and Girlfriend Lindsay Shookus Go Home Shopping

Ben Affleck was house hunting … no big surprise since he’s apparently in the market after moving out of the family home, but what’s interesting is that he brought his girlfriend along for the ride. Ben and Lindsay Shookus were all over the west…


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Lindsay Shookus: ACTUALLY Pregnant With Ben Affleck"s Baby?!

It’s been two months since we first learned that Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus are dating, and surprisingly, the couple has been pretty open about their relationship status.

They haven’t made any official announcements, because that’s just not how the Batfleck rolls, but they’re certainly not hiding their romance from the tabloid press.

Affleck and Shookus attended the Emmys together on Sunday night, and while they didn’t walk the red carpet together, Ben reportedly stood up and cheered when she won an award for her work on Saturday Night Live.

So either Ben and Lindsay are moving pretty fast by the standards of two recently divorced people, or there’s some truth to the rumors that they started dating while they were both still married.

Either way, it’s a relationship that has the rumor mill churning non-stop.

There have been near-constant rumors that Ben and Lindsay are secretly engaged, so perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that some gossip outlets already have the couple taking an even bigger leap together.

Both Radar Online and several tabloids reported this week on rumors that Lindsay is pregnant with Ben’s baby.

“There have been whispers that she might be pregnant with Ben’s child, and that’s why they decided to reveal they were together,” says one insider.

Obviously, the couple has not confirmed any of these reports, and they should probably be taken with several grains of salt.

We’re not saying that Lindsay is definitively not pregnant with Ben’s baby, but the rumors don’t exactly jibe with reports that Ben and Lindsay are drinking heavily

We doubt Ben would publicly fall off the wagon by getting hammered with his pregnant girlfriend.

The man’s had his issues over the years, but he’s not Charlie Sheen.

We’re inclined to believe that Ben and Lindsay are headed for the altar eventually, but we imagine they’ll take things rather slowly.

After all, they both have kids, and they’re both newly divorced.

Plus, for now, it seems like they’re just enjoying being single.

It’s hard to balance a newborn and a bender.

Plus, there’s that whole laying off the sauce for nine months while you’re pregnant thing, and that doesn’t seem to fit with Ben and Lindsay’s current lifestyle.


Monday, September 18, 2017

Ben Affleck & Lindsay Shookus: We"re Award Show Official!

There are many stages of celebrity relationships.

It starts with the tabloid rumors and pap-dodging parking lot dashes, in which the lovebirds remain ten feet away from one another, like that’s gonna fool anyone.

After that comes the “we know you know, and we’re cool with it” stage, which is where Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus have been all summer.

The new-ish couple spent surprisingly little time attempting to hide their relationship.

(Unless of course, the rumors about Ben and Lindsay hooking up while they were both still married are true, in which case, they did an impressive job of keeping things on the DL for several years.)

There’s been no grand announcement, because Ben’s just not that type of dude, but at this point, Ben and Lindsay are clearly in a serious relationship, and they’re making no effort to hide it.

And last night, they reached a new tier that’s reserved only for the most committed and/or thirstiest celebrity couples.

That’s right – Ben and Lindsay are Award Show Official.

Yes, the 2017 Emmy Awards were held last night, and Lindsay, a producer on Saturday Night Live, took home a trophy for one of the evening’s 43,000 categories.

Of course, it’s not really news when a producer of late night sketch shows that have been on since the dawn of time wins an award that no one outside of the industry cares about.

It is news, however, when her date for the evening is none other than the Batfleck.

Witnesses who attended the ceremony said that Ben was in attendance as Lindsay’s date, but he did his best not to upstage her.

Yes, though he’s no stranger to giving acceptance speeches himself, this award cycle has seen Ben assuming a supporting role.

He was on hand when his brother, Casey Affleck, won the Oscar for Best Actor back in February, and last night, he showed his support while Lindsay took home the prize for Outstanding Achievement In We’re Legally Obligated to Give Lorne Michaels One of These Every Year.

Interestingly, it was right after the Oscars that Ben checked into rehab, so this was probably his first sober award show.

Good for him.

Of course, we’d be lying if we said we weren’t a little disappointed by the fact that he didn’t get drunk and go off on Sean Spicer backstage, but we’ll get over it.


Monday, September 11, 2017

Ben Affleck & Lindsay Shookus: Boozing It Up In Her Hometown?

It’s been several months since we first learned that Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus are dating, and it seems the couple is very much enjoying the heady rush that accompanies the start of a new relationship.

(There are those who believe Ben and Lindsay’s relationsip isn’t all that new, but that’s a discussion for another time.)

Already, there have been claims that Ben and Lindsay are planning a wedding.

Other insiders have insisted that Affleck and Shookus can’t wait to have a baby together.

As usual, it seems as though the tabloid media is rushing things just a smidge, but Ben and Lindsay do seem to be quite smitten with one another.

They’ve already survived the first big hurdle of their relationship with Ben resisting the urge to morph into Sad Affleck over the fact that Lindsay’s hometown Bills have claimed the top spot in the AFC East ahead of Ben’s beloved Patriots.

But there are other challenges that lie in wait — and Affleck’s drinking might be chief (no pun intended, Ben) among them.

According to photos and multiple eye witness accounts, Ben is hitting the bottle again, just months after completing a stint in rehab.

Though she’s concerned for the father of her children, Jennifer Garner reportedly believes that Ben’s drinking is Lindsay’s problem now.

Unortunately, it doesn’t seem that Shookus has any interest in helpong Ben to stay sober.

It’s certainly not her responsibility to do so, but it seems that Ben is unlikely to stay clean or even keep his boozing somewhat under control when his new girlfriend is doubling as his drinking buddy.

Affleck and Shookus have already been spotted sipping wine at L.A. hotspot Craig’s and leaving a Maine liquor store with their arms loaded with bottles.

Sources say that over Labor Day weekend, the couple hit Lindsay’s hometown, where they presumably washed down their chicken wings with large quantities of Canadian beer.

Last weekend, Ben and Lindsay were spotted walking the streets of Manhattan (she’s a producer for Saturday Night Live) looking considerably worse for wear.

In contrast, Garner was in Texas helping with the relief effort in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

It’s easy to say she’s winning the divorce from a PR perspective, but we have no way of knowing how many bartenders Ben helped with his generous tipping.

It’s about time someone took a moment to recognize this country’s real heroes.


Friday, September 8, 2017

Ben Affleck & Lindsay Shookus: Wedding on the Way?!

It’s only been a few months since the world learned that Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus are dating, but it’s possible the couple has been together much longer than that.

In fact, it’s widely believed that Ben and Lindsay started hooking up while they were both still married to other people.

You’d think the experience would leave them both a little cynical about the concept of marriage, but apparently Ben and Lindsay can’t wait to do it all again.

According to the latest issue of In Touch, Affleck and Shookus are already planning a wedding.

In fact, the tabloid claims, they’d be further along in the process were it not for the fact that while they’re both legally separated, they’re still technically married to their first spouses.

But while Ben and Lindsay may not be able to tie the knot just yet, it seems they’re enjoying the process of planning a wedding together.

“Ben knows Lindsay’s the one,” a source tells In Touch.

“They plan to tie the knot as soon as their divorces are finalized.”

Understandably, Ben and Lindsay’s former significant others aren’t quite as thrilled about the idea.

Noting that Garner “isn’t in any hurry to help Ben move on with his life,” the insider stated that both divorces are expected to take awhile,” in part due to the fact that both Garner and Lindsay’s ex, Kevin Miller, are  

“Ben hasn’t told Jen about wanting to marry Lindsay… as she’d likely freak out and tell him it’s too soon,” says the source.

Considering there are three kids and tens of millions in assets involved, Ben and Jen’s divorce was always going to be a messy, protracted affair.

And we’re guessing reports about Ben’s eagerness to re-marry aren’t inspiring Jen to speed things along.

Regardless, Affleck and Shookus are reportedly deep into the planning process.

“They both agree that it would be a very small affair,” the informant claims.

“They don’t want a church wedding, just an intimate gathering, a few friends.” 

The source helpfully adds:

“They both think that their second marriage will be the one that lasts.”

Uh … we’re guessing they felt that way about their first marriages, too.

At least we hope they did.
