Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Wayne Rooney Visits Trump"s White House ... Christmas Party!

Breaking News
Wayne Rooney was happy to spread a little Christmas cheer with Donald Trump … ‘cause the soccer legend was 45’s guest of honor at the White House over the weekend!!
It all went down at Trump’s Christmas party Sunday … where Rooney and his wife, Coleen,...
Wayne Rooney Visits Trump"s White House ... Christmas Party!

Wayne Rooney Visits Trump"s White House ... Christmas Party!

Breaking News
Wayne Rooney was happy to spread a little Christmas cheer with Donald Trump … ‘cause the soccer legend was 45’s guest of honor at the White House over the weekend!!
It all went down at Trump’s Christmas party Sunday … where Rooney and his wife, Coleen,...
Wayne Rooney Visits Trump"s White House ... Christmas Party!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Wayne Rooney Visits Trump"s White House ... Christmas Party!

Breaking News
Wayne Rooney was happy to spread a little Christmas cheer with Donald Trump … ‘cause the soccer legend was 45’s guest of honor at the White House over the weekend!!
It all went down at Trump’s Christmas party Sunday … where Rooney and his wife, Coleen,...
Wayne Rooney Visits Trump"s White House ... Christmas Party!

Monday, November 12, 2018

"Big Brother" Alum Christmas Abbott"s Alleged Baby Daddy Wants Paternity Test

“Big Brother” alum Christmas Abbott has some baby daddy issues … because the guy she says fathered her kid is seeking a paternity test to confirm her story and, if he is, he wants joint custody. According to legal docs, obtained by…


Thursday, November 8, 2018

Christmas Abbott Speaks Out After Arrest: People Are Lying About Me!

Big Brother alum Christmas Abbott was arrested for an alleged attack on her baby daddy’s side piece.

Now, she isn’t hitting back at the allegations directly, but she’s put up a cryptic post.

Christmas is implying that there is more to the story that the public doesn’t know.

Fresh after news spread about her arrest, Christmas Abbott took to her Instagram stories to share a cryptic message.

“There are lies & truth to every story,” her post begins.

“And,” she says. “I’ll share mine when I’m ready.”

If you are part of an ongoing legal matter, publicly commenting is generally considered unwise by any decent attorney.

“Until then,” Christmas continues. “I am being proactive with taking care of my responsibilities to have this matter [resolved].”

Christmas Abbott Instagram story after arrest

Christmas makes it clear where she’ll be directing her attention in the near future.

“I’m focused on providing for Loyal,” she reports.

Her one-month-old baby, Loyal Atticus, should definitely be her primary concern.

“And,” Christmas says, she will be “recovering from a very emotionally challenging pregnancy & difficult delivery.”

No childbirth is easy, but it sounds like she really had a hard time with it.

“Being a single mother is challenging enough,” she writes. “Without the world having an opinion on a situation they know nothing about.”

Christmas’ post may be vague, but her meaning is no mystery.

As we reported earlier this week, the Big Brother alum was arrested after allegedly attacking her baby daddy’s side piece.

According to reports, she confronted the woman, and then “rammed another vehicle multiple times.”

“[Abbott] came to the gym to confront her child’s father’s romantic partner,” documents say.

“Once there, she threw a coffee cup and caused a scene,” the report continues.

“The suspect entered her Mercedes-Benz SUV and proceeded to ram the victim’s vehicle twice,” the document reports.

It concludes: “This caused over $ 5,000 worth of damage to the victim’s vehicle.”

Christmas has had more to say on Instagram this week, however.

“How could I ever get enough of that sweet smile?!” she wrote on Wednesday, beside two sweet glimpses of her wee little baby.

“I literally can stare and watch him all day long,” she confesses. “Just to watch him & maybe see a lil laugh or giggle.”

That’s why they’re so cute, folks.

Christmas gushes: “He simply lights up my heart & makes me so fulfilled!”

She made this post at the same time that everyone was reading about her arrest.

But she made it clear that she just wanted to rave about her baby, not address her rap sheet.

“No teaching point on this post,” Christmas writes.

“Just some simple love & appreciation for my son,” she clarifies. “And all that he brings into my life.”

“There’s moments that are hard as hell,” she admits. “But countless more that are priceless.”

Some might cynically say that Christmas was trying to distract from the alleged vehicular attack by using her baby’s cuteness.

We hope that we do not have to explain that someone allegedly cheating on you is not an excuse for property damage.

In fact, it’s not much of an excuse for anything except a breakup. You can write a diss track if you like.

The fact that Christmas is accused of having confronted her baby daddy’s alleged side piece makes this even worse.

Any cheater — if he really was cheating — should be ashamed, but that other woman doesn’t owe Christmas the time of day.

That said, Christmas was very pregnant at the time of the incident.

While it doesn’t excuse her behavior, hormones can do wild things to a person’s mind.

Her state of mind should probably be taken into consideration if Christmas ends up facing any criminal penalties.


Christmas Abbott, Big Brother Alum, Arrested for Attack on Baby Daddy"s Alleged Side Piece

According to official police reports, it was not a very merry Tuesday afternoon for former Big Brother contestant Christmas Abbott.

TMZ and Us Weekly both confirm that the 36-year old reality star turned herself into Tampa authorities yesterday, at which time she was booked for felony criminal mischief.

For what rather incredible and violent reason? Scroll down to find out!

Based on records obtained by TMZ, Abbott drove to a local Florida gym back in August in order to confront her baby daddy’s alleged side piece.

Cops say that Abbott then flew into a complete rage, asking all kinds of questions of this unnamed woman prior to throwing a cup of coffee in her direction. But that wasn’t all.

Christmas then rammed into the alleged victim’s car in the parking lot with her own.

Abbott was eight months pregnant with her first child at the time, a boy who would be born a few weeks later and named Loyal.

The boy’s father is Benjamin Bunn, a fellow fitness enthusiast who is no longer with the Big Brother Season 19 third-place finisher.

TMZ quotes this same police report in stating that Abbott called the other woman a “pathetic home-wrecking little slut,” among other insults.

She believed at the time of the confrontation that the woman was sleeping with Bunn, even though Bunn told Us Weekly last month that he and Abbott ended their romance last December.

“Unfortunately, I had very little contact with Christmas in the last few months of her pregnancy,” Bunn told this tabloid, adding in October:

“However, prior to that, we spent almost every day with each other for six to seven months straight. I went to every doctor’s appointment, accompanied her for travel, moved furniture and did all the things that two caring adults do with and for each other…

“I was finally able to reach her a few days before [her] due date. I found out she was being induced through Instagram, and shortly thereafter received an email.”

But back to Abbott’s arrest:

The responding officer on the scene says Abbott kept yelling at her man’s mistress while the officer tried to calm her down.

Cops declined to process her because she was so far along, although her vehicle was seized and the sides agrees that Abbott could turn herself in at a later date.

And this is what she did on Tuesday.

As previously mentioned, Abbott came in third place during season 19 of Big Brother.

addition to her stint on the CBS reality show, Christmas is well-known for being a series CrossFit competitor – and she was actually the first female NASCAR pit crew member.

How cool and random, right?!?

Hours after her arrest, meanwhile, Abbott shared a video of son Loyal Atticus sleeping on her chest.

“How could I ever get enough of that sweet smile,” she wrote along with it.

“I literally can stare and watch him all day long just to watch him & maybe see a lil laugh or giggle. He simply lights up my heart & makes me so fulfilled!”


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

"Big Brother" Christmas Abbott Arrested, Allegedly Hit Baby Daddy"s Mistress" Car

“Big Brother” alum Christmas Abbott was arrested in Florida this week … TMZ has confirmed. Abbott turned herself into authorities Tuesday in Tampa, where she was booked for felony criminal mischief. According to a police report, obtained…


Jon Gosselin: I Want to Bring Collin Home in Time for Christmas!

Over the weekend, Collin Gosselin resurfaced in photos of him visiting his father, Jon Gosselin.

This was heartwarming for countless fans, especially since they know that Jon has filed for custody of Collin.

Now, a family friend has opened up — and reveals that Collin could be home with Jon and Hannah surprisingly soon.

Eric Rodriguez is the guy who’s been cutting Jon Gosselin’s hair for about 20 years now.

Just this week, Jon shared a photo of Eric with Collin, and referred to Eric as “family.”

Well Eric spoke to RadarOnline to reveal that Jon’s quest to bring his son home has a goal: before Christmas.

“Jon is hoping for December 18,” Eric reveals.

Folks, that’s only a little over a month away.

Speaking of Collin, Eric says: “Lets hope he gets out soon.”

We all share the sentiment of hoping that Collin is soon free.

Fans all want him to be free of the institution that holds him and free of Kate, who put him there and made his childhood a living hell.

But Eric has actually seen and spoken to Collin recently, as the photo Jon shared makes abundandly clear.

Eric says that Collin seemed “so happy” during his visit.

“Oh my god. His smile,” Eric gushes to RadarOnline. “Honestly, his smile was unbelievable”

Eric even shares that Collin seems very healthy.

“He lost a lot of weight from the last picture I saw of him that Jon showed me,” Eric divulges.

it is important to remember that teenagers tend to have weights and body proportions that fluctuate wildly as they grow.

“He looks really, really good,” Eric concludes.

That is so heartwarming to hear.

Collin has been out of sight — but not out of mind — for the better part of two years.

As we reported, on October 24, Jon Gosselin filed for custody of Collin.

In the court documents filed in Pennsylvania court, Jon argues that it’s in Collin’s best interests to live with him.

Anyone familiar with Kate’s troubled and at times allegedly violent interactions with Collin will find that difficult to dispute.

Hannah is already with her father, and most of her siblings have gotten to spend time with him here and there.

Now, no one is saying that Jon should be winning any Father of the Year Awards.

but Kate will be hard pressed to prove to the court that he should return to the home from which she banished him.

Collin was sent away in the first place for vague “special needs.”

Jon has explained in the past that Collin is smart and questions Kate, which infuriates her.

Kate has been widely perceived as being deeply controlling, which brought her into conflict with her son who wanted to be his own person.

Some fans believe that his alleged “anger issues” are simply the result of growing up under the suffocating constraints of Kate’s household.

Others believe that perhaps he inherited his mother’s rage, and that working on it in an institution as he has is the best way to keep him from turning into another Kate.

Either way, it sounds like him leaving Kate’s household, as hard as it must have been, was for the best.

But now, countless fans are keeping their fingers crossed and hoping that Collin can come and live with Jon.

It’s not super clear how many of his children Jon can afford to support on a DJ’s salary.

But plenty of parents have made do with less in order to give their children a safe, loving home.

Jon and Kate have been waging a custody battle off and on for nearly a decade, now, since their messy split in 2009.

Maybe Collin can finally join Hannah and get to start really experiencing his teenage years.

Leaving his current institution just to return to Kate’s house sounds like an “out of the frying pan, into the fire” situation.


Saturday, June 2, 2018

Drake Has Met Alleged Son Multiple Times, Including Christmas

Drake’s done more than just financially support his baby mama and her son … he’s pulled out all the stops to be with him almost since birth. Sources connected to Sophie Brussaux tell TMZ … Drizzy wasn’t present when she gave birth,…


Monday, February 19, 2018

Kim Kardashian"s Christmas Stocks from Kanye Have Already Netted Her a Fortune

Kim Kardashian’s Christmas gift from Kanye West isn’t going to stop the chorus from grousing she keeps getting richer for doing nothing, because in this case … it’s absolutely true. As we reported, Ye hooked up his wife for Xmas with $ 100k of…


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Lil Yachty"s #1 Fan Iced Out in Sailing Team Swag for Christmas

Sometimes it pays to be a Lil Yachty mega-fan — just ask this 17-year-old who got showered with gifts from the rapper … as a late Christmas gift. Yachty personally delivered a bundle of goodies to Danielle Combs (no Diddy relation) in…


Friday, January 5, 2018

Audrey Roloff Explains Why Her "Mom Guilt" Almost Ruined Christmas

Audrey Roloff still has a lot to learn as a new mother.

Heck, every single woman on the planet who recently gave birth has a lot to learn as a new mother.

This whole parenting thing is not easy.

The Little People, Big World star is well aware of this fact, of course, having opened up last fall about the challenges she faced early on breastfeeding.

Roloff even admitted to showing signs of postpartum depression.

But the reality star and husband Jeremy have seemingly come a long way over the past couple months, sharing endless photos of daughter Ember Jean and gushing over her on Instagram.

In her latest blog, however, Audrey opens up yet again about a parenting obstacle.

And how it nearly ruined her very first Christmas with Ember.

“I started the morning off with a champion mom moment,” Audrey writes sarcastically, elaborating as follows:

“I cut Ember’s nail to short and it bleed for a solid hour… I laid in bed with her all morning, refusing to get up and make us Christmas brunch, and wallowing in mom guilt.

“Ember cried for all of 10 seconds, but of course it left my eyes watery and my heart throbbing for the next few hours.

“Lord, why did you have to make babies nails grow so fast?!”

LOL. That’s sort of funny.

And something to which millions of parents can relate.

But it was clearly no laughing matter for Roloff at the time.

“It wasn’t how I wanted Christmas morning to start off,” she continues, explaining:

“I wanted it to be a perfect, cuddly, picturesque, breakfast-in-bed kinda morning. But it wasn’t.

“Does anyone else set too strict or too high of expectations for holidays, birthdays and anniversaries?! I can’t be the only one… but I am learning to let go of this, and not let one wrong turn have such a rock skipping effect.

“Come on Auj, buck up and move on.

“Maybe I’m just a wee more emotional because it was her first Christmas and maybe mom guilt really does make you a little crazy.”

It’s true, right?

But here’s the thing: mom guilt will never really go away.

Right now, it comes out when you cut your loved one’s nails too closely.

In a few years, it will come out when you forget to pack her lunch for first grade or something.

This is just part of being a parent and it’s something all mothers and fathers must deal with. It’s important to remember, however, that such small mistakes really have no impact on one’s son or daughter.

Just provide a loving home and a healthy environment for your children to live in… and do your best on a daily basis with everything else.

That’s all one can realistically ask of oneself.

Thankfully, it’s pretty clear Audrey got over her mistake and the family had an epic time on December 25.

“Ember’s first Christmas brought out the child in us both again,” she concluded on her blog, writing:

“I cannot wait to celebrate the holidays with Ember and our future children in the years to come, it makes everything so much more fun!”

Whoa! Future children?!?

Forget those Jacob Roloff baby rumors. Is Audrey pregnant again?

We can’t imagine so. She just gave birth four months ago!

But will she do so again and is she excited about the possibility? Yes.

And that’s great to hear. We’re glad excessive nail cutting didn’t crush Audrey’s dream of adding to her family someday.


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Tamar Braxton and Vincent Herbert Fly Together After Christmas Arrest

Tamar Braxton and Vincent Herbert traveled TOGETHER Tuesday morning, and declared they’re still a family … even though she had him arrested on Christmas day. We got ‘em at LAX where it looked like there’s no animosity. It would be a true holiday…


Tamar Braxton and Vincent Herbert Fly Together After Christmas Arrest

Tamar Braxton and Vincent Herbert traveled TOGETHER Tuesday morning, and declared they’re still a family … even though she had him arrested on Christmas day. We got ‘em at LAX where it looked like there’s no animosity. It would be a true holiday…


Jesse Williams Wants Joint Physical Custody After Christmas Break Screw Up

Jesse Williams is asking a judge to modify his custody agreement with his estranged wife after he claims she stiffed him on time with the kids over Christmas. Jesse says Aryn Drake-Lee continues to make it difficult for him to…


Sunday, December 31, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Dumped by Travis Scott on Christmas?!

Man, it sure has been a hell of a year for Kylie Jenner, huh?

And not really in a good way, either.

She’s had more success with her cosmetics company, but it hasn’t been without controversy — who could forget when she tried to charge people hundreds of dollars for a cheap set of makeup brushes?

She debuted her very own reality show, Life of Kylie, and while that was an accomplishment, the show was garbage. The content, the ratings, it was all just so bad.

Another big that that happened for Kylie in 2017 was that she finally broke up with Tyga for good.

That was very exciting, but instead of taking time to herself, to chill and have fun like a 19-year-old should, she immediately began dating Travis Scott.

And a few seconds after they got together, she got pregnant.

Yep, Kylie’s pregnancy is no doubt one of the biggest celebrity stories of the year, and for good reason.

There is not one single thing about the whole entire thing that is not, as the kids would say, juicy AF.

Unfortunately, it sounds like the story is getting even juicier now — because Travis may have just set Kylie up to become a single mother.

In a new report that will shock literally no one, a source tells Radar Online that on Christmas, Travis told Kylie that he simply “can’t do this anymore.”

“He finally plucked up the courage to tell Kylie he’s done,” the insider claims, “that he loves her and will always be around for the baby, but they’re not compatible as a couple.”

And what’s worse, “Kylie was totally blindsided even though everyone else in her life saw this coming.”

“She’s still refusing to admit it’s over, and begging him to stick around.”

Poor Kylie … but like the chatty source here says, everyone else in her life saw this coming. Even the people who just observe her life from afar.

Depending on her exact due date, she and Travis were dating for maybe a month or two before she got pregnant. Nine times out of ten, you’re not going to get a fairytale ending from that kind of situation.

Besides that, we’ve been hearing for a little while now that things haven’t been all that great between them.

Reports claimed that they’d been fighting about where to spend their first Christmas together — he wanted to bring her home to his family in Texas, and she wanted to stay with her family in L.A.

They did take a photo together at Kris Jenner’s Christmas Eve party, so it looks like we know who won that fight.

Before that photo, however, they hadn’t been seen together for a while, and that’s at least in part because Travis has been touring a lot while Kylie’s been in hiding.

He’s even performing a concert in Miami tonight, so they’d have missed their first New Year’s Eve together, too.

You know, if he hadn’t dumped her on Christmas anyway.

We’d say that 2018 will be a better year for Kylie, but let’s be real … does anyone actually think she’s going to take to motherhood right away?

Babies are hard, and they’re probably harder when you’re a 20-year-old mega celebrity who’s used to flying around in private jets and dedicating 95% of your time to wigs and lip injections and dumb selfies.

Bless this mess. Just … just bless it.


Saturday, December 30, 2017

Stephen Belafonte Isn"t Dating Nikki Baby, Christmas Dinner Was Business

Mel B’s ex-husband, Stephen Belafonte, hasn’t moved on to ‘Love & Hip Hop’ star Nikki Baby — even though they grabbed Xmas dinner together … TMZ has learned. A source close to Nikki tell us she and Stephen’s dinner at Mastro’s on Christmas…


Friday, December 29, 2017

Roloff Christmas Album: Adorable Baby Photos Galore!

The stars of Little People, Big World had an extra special reason to enjoy the holiday season in 2017.

Actually, TWO extra special reasons:

  1. Jackson Kyle Roloff.

  2. Ember Jean Roloff.

The son of Tori and Zach and the daughter of Audrey and Jeremy both got to experience their very first Christmas and, naturally, various family members had to snap photos of the babies for the occasion.

We"ve collected a number of these adorable images below.

Click through and enjoy!

1. Lucky Grandpa

Lucky grandpa

Matt Roloff made a point to often say how fortunate he was to have two adorable grandkids to spoil on Christmas. He’s so great with them both!

2. Christmas Eve Celebration

Roloffs on xmas eve

Awww! Jackson and his father are wearing matching shirts!

3. Actually, Matching ONESIES

Actually matching onesies

Wow. This is even better.

4. With Santa!

With santa

We don’t know what Jackson asked Santa for, but we just want more and more photos of this adorable child!

5. Who Are You, Again?

Who are you again

Santa? Santa CLAUS, you say? Sorry. Never heard of you.

6. First Christmas!

First christmas

Look at how proud Audrey and Jeremy are of holding their daughter in this holiday pic.

View Slideshow