Showing posts with label Lying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lying. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Ex-Michigan State Prez Charged with Lying to Police About Nassar Investigation

Breaking News
Ex-Michigan State president Lou Anna Simon has been charged with lying to cops to cover up the Larry Nassar scandal … and now she’s facing years behind bars.
The ex-prez has been charged with 2 felony and 2 misdemeanor counts after an investigation determined she lied...
Ex-Michigan State Prez Charged with Lying to Police About Nassar Investigation

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Ex-Michigan State Prez Charged with Lying to Police About Nassar Investigation

Breaking News
Ex-Michigan State president Lou Anna Simon has been charged with lying to cops to cover up the Larry Nassar scandal … and now she’s facing years behind bars.
The ex-prez has been charged with 2 felony and 2 misdemeanor counts after an investigation determined she lied...
Ex-Michigan State Prez Charged with Lying to Police About Nassar Investigation

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Tori Spelling Says Wildfires Forced Her to Evacuate; Fire Marshal Says She"s Lying

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, dozens have lost their lives and millions of dollars in property has been destroyed, as California continues to battle the deadliest wildfires in the state’s history.

Numerous celebrities have lost their homes, including Miley Cyrus, Gerard Butler, and Robin Thicke.

Those stars have received an outpouring of support from fan,s and it seems Tori Spelling may have taken one look at the tidal wave of sympathy and thought, how can I get in on that?!

Tori took to Instagram this week and told a tale of being evacuated just as the fires made their way to her neighborhood:

“My big brood and I were evacuated last night. My eyes swell with happy tears when I reflect on how many friends immediately reached out and offered their homes to us,” the actress said.

“No small offer when you are talking about a family of seven. Some I don’t even know that well but as part of our school community they stepped up. Thank you all!”

Fans were quick to rally behind Tori with words of love and support.

“Praying for you and your family,” commented one follower.

“I’m so sad and sorry this is happening! Praying for you all,” wrote another.

It’s great that Spelling has such caring friends and fans … but it looks like those folks may have been bamboozled by the notoriously unstable actress.

“I haven’t heard anything about Mulholland Drive [where Spelling resides] being affected,” a Los Angeles County fire marshal tells Radar Online.

“I can tell you that I was just sent from Miracle Mile and we’re here in Woodland Hills in kind of a standby mode. We have been dispatched to different place across the city. We have different pools of fire engines kind of in a standby mode.”

The unidentified firefighter went on to say that there’s a possibility Spelling’s neighborhood could be affected by the fires — but it definitely hasn’t happened yet:

“We still have high winds and there is danger, so there could be spots and new fires that can break out. So we are sieging resources to get ready for that,” says the fire marshal.

It’s possible there’s some confusion here, or that Spelling and her family made the decision to evacuate on their own out of an abundance of caution.

But if it turns out Tori is lying, we think it’s safe to say this incident won’t do any wonders for her already battered reputation.

It’s anyone’s guess as to why she would concoct such a story.

Spelling’s financial troubles have been well-documented, so it’s possible she exaggerated her situation in hope of a handout.

Insiders who know the actress say Tori seems to lie compulsively, and they’ve learned to take everything she says with a grain of salt.

Here’s hoping Tori will provide soon post an update clarifying that this has all been one big misunderstanding.

Otherwise, she may have just reached a new rock bottom in a career that’s been filled with them.


Monday, November 12, 2018

Ashley Jacobs: Kathryn Dennis is LYING About Being Sober!

One woman’s redemption arc is another woman’s villain origin story — but is everything as it appears?

Former Southern Charm villain Ashley Jacobs says that she never wanted to be Kathryn Dennis’ enemy.

But Ashley also says that Kathryn isn’t sober and has never been sober, and that her trip to rehab was a publicity stunt.

Ashley Jacobs took to Instagram to chat with fans … and she began by sharing that she was asked to return to Southern Charm.

(Others, including Patricia Altschul, have suggested that Ashley was never invited back)

“They wanted me to film with Eliza Limehouse and one other cast member,” Ashley claims.

Ashley even furnishes additional details, writing: “They asked us to film while getting our nails done.”

“Kathryn and Eliza do not get along,” Ashley shares. “So it felt like a setup.”

Ashley and Kathryn’s feud was a major storyline last season.

Ashley Jacobs exposes Kathryn Dennis on IG 01

“My intent is not to hurt her,” Ashley says.

Contrary to how it has appeared, Ashley writes: “I have no animosity towards her.”

You know how sometimes a discussion seems settled, and then someone texts I just think it’s funny that

That’s what Ashley does here.

“But I think it’s wrong to pretend you are sober and to use it as a platform if it’s not true,” Ashley writes.

Ashley explains that she objects to Kathryn’s alleged lies because they’re an insult to real sober folks.

“There are people that are truly trying to turn their lives around,” Ashley says.

She insists that: “It’s not something you lie about.”

Ashley, we should probably note, is a registered nurse.

People in the medical profession can be particularly sensitive to what addiction can do to people.

“Considering [Kathryn]was seen at [Vintage Lounge] and several [other] bars on Saturday night drinking… I think it’s pretty clear,” Ashley concludes.

Ashley Jacobs exposes Kathryn Dennis on IG 02

Ashley then doubles down on her insistence that Ashley is not and has not been sober.

“She was never sober,” Ashley insists. “Rehab was paid for by Bravo.”

“She didn’t complete the program,” Ashley claims. “It was a publicity stunt.”

“As soon as she came back to Charleston she was seen drinking at Halls, Vintage, Deco, Republic… the list goes on,” Ashley reports.

“She doesn’t try to hide it,” Ashley adds.

“In Charleston everyone is aware,” she says to explain that she’s not starting this rumor. “I’m not broadcasting it.”

“In Charleston everyone knows,” Ashley repeats. “She just hides it well on social media.”

Ashley Jacobs exposes Kathryn Dennis on IG 03

Despite having just put Kathryn on blast and accusing her of being a lying hypocrite as well as an addict, Ashley laments that they’re not friends.

“The interesting thing is,” Ashley points out. “She was painted as the villain for several seasons.”

Yep. And then, very notably, Kathryn became a much more chill person.

“I know she understands what I am going through,” Ashley says.

“I wish we could have used the common ground as a foundation for a positive relationship,” Ashley says.

Ashley Jacobs exposes Kathryn Dennis on IG 04

If Ashley really did hope to become friends with Kathryn, these comments are not the way to do it.

Perhaps she just figures that it’s too late anyway.

We have to say that dating Kathryn’s ex who is also her baby daddy was probably not the best way to make a good first impression.

Also, no amount of “editing” could make their on-camera interactions last season seem anything but hostile.

We know that Ashley has admitted that she did not respond well to being on a realtiy show.

(We are also fully aware of the way that Thomas would bait her into getting upset, as was pointed out by the other stars)

But ultimately, Ashley chose to have an adversarial relationship with Kathryn.

As for Ashley’s accusation against Kathryn … we obviously can’t vouch for them.

We can confirm that Ashley tested positive for marijuana (who cares) and cocaine (okay that one’s not ideal) in her system.

It was because of that drug test that Thomas got custody of their children. Only this summer did Kathryn start fighting back.

While Kathryn has spoken about her sobriety, that word can mean different things to different people.

Some people get sober from hard drugs but continue to use marijuana, often as a medicine.

Others might do the same but continue to drink alcohol, especially socially.

That said, we’re not saying that this is what Kathryn is doing.

We’re inclined to take Ashley’s statements with a grain of salt.


Thursday, November 8, 2018

Christmas Abbott Speaks Out After Arrest: People Are Lying About Me!

Big Brother alum Christmas Abbott was arrested for an alleged attack on her baby daddy’s side piece.

Now, she isn’t hitting back at the allegations directly, but she’s put up a cryptic post.

Christmas is implying that there is more to the story that the public doesn’t know.

Fresh after news spread about her arrest, Christmas Abbott took to her Instagram stories to share a cryptic message.

“There are lies & truth to every story,” her post begins.

“And,” she says. “I’ll share mine when I’m ready.”

If you are part of an ongoing legal matter, publicly commenting is generally considered unwise by any decent attorney.

“Until then,” Christmas continues. “I am being proactive with taking care of my responsibilities to have this matter [resolved].”

Christmas Abbott Instagram story after arrest

Christmas makes it clear where she’ll be directing her attention in the near future.

“I’m focused on providing for Loyal,” she reports.

Her one-month-old baby, Loyal Atticus, should definitely be her primary concern.

“And,” Christmas says, she will be “recovering from a very emotionally challenging pregnancy & difficult delivery.”

No childbirth is easy, but it sounds like she really had a hard time with it.

“Being a single mother is challenging enough,” she writes. “Without the world having an opinion on a situation they know nothing about.”

Christmas’ post may be vague, but her meaning is no mystery.

As we reported earlier this week, the Big Brother alum was arrested after allegedly attacking her baby daddy’s side piece.

According to reports, she confronted the woman, and then “rammed another vehicle multiple times.”

“[Abbott] came to the gym to confront her child’s father’s romantic partner,” documents say.

“Once there, she threw a coffee cup and caused a scene,” the report continues.

“The suspect entered her Mercedes-Benz SUV and proceeded to ram the victim’s vehicle twice,” the document reports.

It concludes: “This caused over $ 5,000 worth of damage to the victim’s vehicle.”

Christmas has had more to say on Instagram this week, however.

“How could I ever get enough of that sweet smile?!” she wrote on Wednesday, beside two sweet glimpses of her wee little baby.

“I literally can stare and watch him all day long,” she confesses. “Just to watch him & maybe see a lil laugh or giggle.”

That’s why they’re so cute, folks.

Christmas gushes: “He simply lights up my heart & makes me so fulfilled!”

She made this post at the same time that everyone was reading about her arrest.

But she made it clear that she just wanted to rave about her baby, not address her rap sheet.

“No teaching point on this post,” Christmas writes.

“Just some simple love & appreciation for my son,” she clarifies. “And all that he brings into my life.”

“There’s moments that are hard as hell,” she admits. “But countless more that are priceless.”

Some might cynically say that Christmas was trying to distract from the alleged vehicular attack by using her baby’s cuteness.

We hope that we do not have to explain that someone allegedly cheating on you is not an excuse for property damage.

In fact, it’s not much of an excuse for anything except a breakup. You can write a diss track if you like.

The fact that Christmas is accused of having confronted her baby daddy’s alleged side piece makes this even worse.

Any cheater — if he really was cheating — should be ashamed, but that other woman doesn’t owe Christmas the time of day.

That said, Christmas was very pregnant at the time of the incident.

While it doesn’t excuse her behavior, hormones can do wild things to a person’s mind.

Her state of mind should probably be taken into consideration if Christmas ends up facing any criminal penalties.


Saturday, November 3, 2018

"DWTS" Champ J.R. Martinez Says "Better Call Saul" Lying Amputee Deserves 2nd Chance

The “Better Call Saul” actor who made headlines this week for falsely presenting himself as a war vet, deserves a chance to make good in Hollywood … according to real Army vet and actor J.R. Martinez. J.R. — who won “Dancing With the Stars”…


Friday, October 26, 2018

Jen Harley: I Never Hit Ronnie Magro! I Can Prove He"s Lying!

Earlier this week, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro alleged that Jen Harley had attacked him yet again.

If you"ve been watching Jersey Shore Family Vacation this season, then we probably don"t need to tell you that this was not an isolated incident.

In fact, it looks as though Jen has gotten violent with Ron on multiple occasions.

But Jen says that while that may what Ronnie wants us to think, it"s simply not the case.

She says he"s been lying all the time, and now she"s offering up what she says is proof of that claim:

1. The Happy Couple

Jen harley and ronnie ortiz magro

Fans, friends, and family members have been encouraging Ron to part ways with Jen for months now — and it looks as though he’s finally taken that advice.

2. One Long Rough Patch

Jen harley and ronnie magro

It’s tempting to say that things began to deteriorate for Ronnie and Jen, but to be honest, things have been so bad between these two that it’s hard to imagine this relationship was ever healthy.

3. Ron-page

Ronnies black eye

Ron recently accused Jen of assaulting him and leaving him with a black eye. He even posted photographic evidence of his injuries on Instagram.

4. Harsh Words

Ronnie and jen harley

“Sorry for lying to my friends and family, sometimes u love people so much your willing to lie and the hurt the people that love u the most to protect,” he captioned the pic.

5. Jen’s Two Cents

Jen harley and baby ariana take a stroll in the park

Harley recently took to social media to dismiss Ron as an abject liar. And she claims to have proof that Magro is being dishonest with Shore fans.

6. It’s Over

Jen harley instagram image

“No I will never speak to him again,” Harley replied to a fan who asked about her relationship with Ron late last night. “I’ve kept my mouth shut for to (sic) long.”

View Slideshow

Friday, October 5, 2018

Vicki Gunvalson: I Still Think Gina Kirschenheiter is Lying ...

On the most recent episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County, Vicki Gunvalson was feeling very argumentative and accused Gina of being “selfish.”

Vicki is trying to clear the air, now.

But she still insists that it’s frustrating to hear Gina speak so casually of her divorce.

Taking to her Bravo blog, Vicki Gunvalson writes about her blowup fight with Gina Kirschenheiter.

“I did feel like I was too hard on her when we all had dinner at my house,” Vicki admits.

“And,” she continues. “I regret saying anything to her that may have hurt her feelings.”

“It’s been frustrating for me to see her so casual about divorcing her husband,” Vicki expresses.

“It doesn’t make sense to any of us,” Vicki says. “And I’ve come to the conclusion that there is a lot we don’t know.”

Vicki then shares her personal conspiracy theory about the Kirschenheiter divorce.

“My personal take on this is,” Vicki writes. “They were probably separated when we met her and that is why he decided to move to LA without her.”

“I don’t know if that’s true,” Vicki admits. “But that’s what makes sense to me.”

“If there is anything I do know, it’s the mistakes I made in my two marriages,” Vicki acknowledges.

“And if there is anything I could do to help her or anyone else,” Vicki says. “I feel inclined to speak up.”

“I have spent my entire professional life of almost 30 years helping people ‘plan for the unplanned‘,” Vicki writes.

And my goal is to always make sure their financial future is secure,” she says, referring to her insurance work.

“It’s hard for me not to want to offer my advice to Gina,” she confesses.

In other words, if she knew how to keep out of other people’s business, she wouldn’t be a Real Housewife.

“This is not my first rodeo,” Vicki says. “I know how this ends and it’s hard.”

“I want the best for Gina and her family,” she says. “And in the future I will not dismiss her reasons but will be there to help her if she needs me.”

“When Gina asked me a question about regretting my decision to be divorced,” Vicki writes. “Knowing that I am in a better place got me really thinking about it.”

Divorce is complicated, and everyone has different thoughts on the difficult process.

“I think it comes down to not making the same mistakes I made before,” Vicki suggests. “And being the best partner for Steve I can be.”

“I’m in an amazing place,” Vicki says. “And I’m incredibly grateful and thankful that such a solid, gorgeous, loving, ‘no drama’ man came in my life.”

That’s certainly an improvement over that total creep Brooks Ayers.

“We both live with the decision of divorce,” Vicki writes. “And we talk openly about it.”

“The truth is we both agree we should have done things differently in our past marriages to have saved them,” she continues.

“Divorce is difficult on the kids,” Vicki acknowledges. “Difficult financially and emotionally.”

“And,” she concludes. “I’m much clearer now than I was 10 years ago on what it truly takes to make a marriage work.”

After that, Vicki plugs her business and then encourages readers to follow her on Instagram.

Gina Kirschenheiter has really resonated with a sizable chunk of fans and viewers of The Real Housewives of Orange County.

She is, quite frankly, relatable.

Divorce can be difficult, but a lot of viewers were happy to see someone speaking casually about a difficult process.

Not every unpleasant experience is the end of the world.

If Gina is pretty chill about her split, maybe that’s a good thing.


Monday, October 1, 2018

Jessa Duggar to Fan: Stop LYING About My Family!

Whether they’re handed down by God or Jim Bob, rules are what make the Duggar family tick.

Even if you’re a casual fan, you’re probably familiar with the Duggar courtship rules, the dress code, and the bizarrely regimented lifestyle that governs life on the compound.

Some of these rules are expressed openly.

For example, many episodes of Counting On have featured various members of the massive Duggar clan explaining the many things they’re not allowed to do prior to marriage.

(The list of what’s not permitted is much, much longer than the list of what’s allowed.)

But there are other rules that are shrouded in mystery.

Take, for example, the Duggar policy regarding social media accounts.

It’s long been rumored that Duggars who are not either married, engaged or courting are not allowed to post on social media.

It was widely assumed that it was for that reason that the still-single Jana Duggar doesn’t have a social media account.

This became a matter of public discussion when Jessa Duggar posted the above photo of her sister earlier this week.

“I think their family has their own rule that they can’t have their own social media until they are in a relationship,” one fan commented.

Jessa was having none of that talk, and she was quick to cement her place as the most outspoken Duggar daughter by immediately clearing the air:

“It’s not a rule, it’s just coincidence,” Jessa responded, adding a laughing emoji to make it clear she’s not taking the situation too seriously.

Of course, that emoji also served to confuse the issue a bit.

Is Jessa really saying that it’s just a coincidence that Michelle and Jim Bob’s kids start social media accounts only after they’ve announced their courtships?

Is she actually suggesting it’s a pure coincidence that Jana is the only adult Duggar without any social media presence, and she also happens to be the only one who’s single?

We have a hard time with that one, but we doubt the Duggars really care.

It’s always been sort of understood that part of what the family offers is wholesome fiction, and fans seem okay with that arrangement.


Thursday, September 27, 2018

Corinne Olympios: I Know Colton Underwood is Lying About Being a Virgin!

Back in June, Bachelor Villain (or perhaps misunderstood Bachelor Hero?) Corinne Olympios lamented that The Bachelorette totally sucks now.

Well, it sounds like she’s not feeling super optimistic about The Bachelor, either, with Colton Underwood as the leading man.

Not only does she think that someone else would be better, but she doesn’t buy Colton’s claim to be a virgin for a second.

On Wednesday, September 26, Corinne Olympios did an interview on the Domenick Nati Show.

And she has some doubts about the indecisive jock whom ABC has selected as the next Bachelor.

“I just have some insincere feelings I get from him,” Corinne explains.

“So, we’ll see how that pans out,” Corinne says before explaining what she thinks is so insincere about him.

“I do think that [his virginity] was a lie,” Corinne admits. “I don’t know why, but I just don’t buy it.”

Corinne isn’t convinced that Colton is completely honest, but she shares who her pick for the Bachelor would have been.

“I liked Blake a lot,” she shares. “I totally thought it should have been Blake.”

Blake Horstmann is a very popular dude.

That said, Corinne says that she totally understands why the producers settled on Colton.

“But, you know, I think Colton was a crowd favorite,” Corinne acknowledges. “And that’s really what they’re interested in.”

Corinne also has some advice for Colton — or for anyone else who might fill those shoes.

“Don’t let the fame get to your head,” Corinne advises.

She would know — she’s been in the orbits of a lot of men from the Bachelor franchise.

Corinne shares: “I don’t like guys that get cocky after that.”

Honestly, who does?

Colton’s virginity could change a lot about this upcoming season of The Bachelor.

But, as he recently explained to Ellen, it won’t be as awkward as people make it out to be.

“You could do more in the fantasy suites than just have sex,” Colton points out.

A lot of Bachelor couples use the fantasy suites to speak without a camera for the first time. That can be important.

Or, as Colton suggests: “I mean, we could play board games, we could hang out.”

We don’t necessarily suggest that Colton play a board game. He and those final candidates to become his fiancee should really get to know one another.

Though many would be horrified at the idea of becoming engaged to someone without having sex first, we’re not saying that sex is mandatory.

Instead, he and the women can talk one-on-one without cameras or judgment. That could really help him to make a decision.

And, quite frankly, it could help the women decide if they want to accept his potential proposal.

After a while, they might decide that they, too, don’t think that he’s being entirely honest.


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Kylie Jenner Lying About Never Having Cereal with Milk?!!?

Kylie Jenner SAYS she hadn’t tasted one of life’s greatest delights — cereal with milk — until this week, but she’s cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs because we found out … she’s been on the milk for years! Or at least once. Kylie sang the praises of moo…


Friday, August 31, 2018

John McCain"s Body Lying in State at U.S. Capitol (LIVE STREAM)

John McCain’s casket has arrived at the U.S. Capitol where it will lie in state … and TMZ will be live streaming it when it begins at approximately 11 AM ET. Family, friends, colleagues and staff will pour into the U.S. Capitol Rotunda for a…


Monday, July 30, 2018

Anfisa Arkhipchenko: Caught LYING About Nude Camgirl Video?!

In part two of the 90 Day Fiance Tell All special, Anfisa got grilled about a camgirl video that made the rounds on the internet.

Anfisa has given direct answers about her breast implants recently, but she was clearly not comfortable with this conversation.

In fact, she continues to claim that the girl in the video is not her, but merely a lookalike.

Whether they’re called reunions or tell all specials, these are often the highlights of any given season of reality shows.

This time, Anfisa was pressed about the surfacing of a camgirl video of a girl who looks so much like her that, if it’s not Anfisa, some suggest perhaps they were twins separated at birth.

“I’ve seen a bunch of people sending me screen shots and videos with a girl that really looks like me,” Anfisa admits on camera.

“But it’s not,” Anfisa insists.

Even some of her fellow 90 Day Fiance castmates suggest that they saw it, but that does not lessen her denials.

Anfisa goes on to say that she has “Never done that.”

Fans naturally wondered if Jorge recognizes his wife’s naked body in the camgirl video.

“No,” Jorge says. But he doesn’t leave it at that.

“I have seen this other girl that they sent pictures of and they posted up pictures and videos of,” Jorge admits. “Some porn actress.”

He says that last part almost dismissively. Is he protesting too much?

“But,” Jorge says. “It’s not my wife.”


Now, obviously, there is zero shame in being a camgirl or in doing any other type of sex work.

So many are tempted to accept Anfisa and Jorge’s denials at face value. Why would they lie?

However, some cyber sleuths on social media compared the camgirl footage and the casting video in which Anfisa applied for 90 Day Fiance.

As you’ll see in the photos below, it appears that Anfisa and her alleged doppelganger have the same furniture … and also use the same camera angles.

Take a look at this wildly non-flattering photo of Anfisa as she applies for 90 Day Fiance.

Anfisa Arkhipchenko 90 Day Fiance Casting Pic

A perfect storm of her makeup and the lighting and the camera quality makes Anfisa’s face look computer-generated in such a way that she appears to be less from Moscow and more from the Uncanny Valley.

(Say what you will about Anfisa, but she really is a pretty girl in real life)

But don’t let her face (or cleavage) distract you in this shot, because you should notice two things.

One, that cabinet in the corner appears to be the same one that you see in the .gif that you can see above.

Two, look at the couch (or perhaps a day bed) on which Anfisa is seated. Now, look at this piece of furniture from the camgirl video.

Anfisa Arkhipchenko Camgirl Pic Comparison

The lighting is very different, for better or for worse, but it appears that both pieces of furniture have the same upholstery. It’s also pretty much the same camera angle.

(We should note that the cabinet also appears in the uncropped version of this image, but, for perhaps obvious reasons, we cropped the photo)

So … is someone trying to sabotage Anfisa’s semi-happiness by using a conspicuous lookalike in a wildly boring camgirl video staged with lookalikes of her furniture?

Or is Anfisa just intent on denying that she has a job so ubiquitous that almost everyone knows someone who has done it?

As we said, there is nothing shameful about cam work. And Anfisa wouldn’t even be the first reality star find that she has a sex tape out there.

(She’d be far from the first, in fact)

If this really is footage of Anfisa from before she came to the U.S. … it’s a shame that she’s doubling down on her denials. It’s totally her business, but it could be a teaching moment for people who condemn sex work.

If this isn’t Anfisa but just someone who looks like her and also has similar furniture in a similar arrangement … is Anfisa in danger?

Is someone Single White Female-ing Anfisa?


Friday, June 22, 2018

Matt Roloff: Caught LYING to Little People, Big World Fans!

Little People, Big World fans are still reeling from the news that someone bought the farm — well, the house — in which family patriarch Matt Roloff had been residing.

Matt had made it appear that he was searching high and low for a new home to buy with girlfriend Caryn Chandler. A new home in Arizona.

But an explosive new report says that his house hunt was all a sham. Take a look:

RadarOnline got their hands on some documents and report that they prove that Matt Rolof and Caryn Chandler lied about when they purchased their Arizona vacation home.

Weird, right?

The couple also allegedly lied about how they bought the property, which might be even weirder.

The tabloid got their hands on Maricopa County property records.

According to those papers, Matt Roloff purchased his new home in Surprise, Arizona all the way back in May of 2017.

That’s more than a year ago. That’s the month in which Jackson Roloff was born.

Now, home purchases tend to be a slow thing.

The deed, RadarOnline reports, was only finalized last week, on June 13.

It was Caryn’s parents, Roger and Michele Bryngelson who signed over their home to Matt Roloff.

“For valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is herby acknowledged, ROGER AND MICHELE BRYNGELSON, husband and wife, the Grantor herein, hereby conveys and warrants to MATT ROLOFF, the Grantee herein,” the documents read.

The paper continues: “All of Grantor’s right, title and interest in and to the following described property situated in Maricopa County, Arizona.”

Matt reportedly put down a cash payment of $ 110,000. The house’s total sale value was $ 375,000.

Roger and Michele have apparently moved to a nearby residence.

So the inexplicable fakery comes in a couple of forms.

First, the timing — since it appears that Matt knew last May that he was going to buy this house.

Second, the idea that they had to search to find one at all. Because, again, the plan to buy Caryn’s parents’ home is at least as old as Jackson Roloff. And maybe older.

So yes, these two will be spending a solid chunk of the year in Arizona.

(Don’t worry — Matt isn’t moving there full time)

But, unlike what Caryn told fans, it doesn’t seem like they didn’t spend their winter break on a house hunt.

They had already begun the process of buying it … half a year earlier.

As we mentioned, Matt sold the house in which he had spent a great deal of time since his split with Amy.

In fact, he flipped the house.

“About a month or so ago I promised you all I would share a complete tour of the house I fixed up,” Matt wrote on Instagram.

“At the time,” Matt says. “I wasn’t sure if I was going to move into it or sell it… I actually did a bunch of the work thinking it would be my home one day…”

Matt continues: “Then plans change. Someone offered me a deal I couldn’t refuse so within an hour or so I sold it.”

“Now I’m all motivated to become a Little Flipper man,” Matt jokes. “Nah!!! I want to retire.”

He did a beautiful renovation and sold the three-bedroom house that is located just 15 minutes from Roloff Farms.

So … why did Matt and Caryn try to pull the wool over the eyes of Little People, Big World fans?

Maybe they just wanted to keep their lives in Arizona private and separate from their role as reality stars. That’s understandable.

But then … why would they even mention it at all if they’re not going to be honest about it?

We can’t know for sure.

It’s like Jacob Roloff famously said years ago when he stormed off of the show and off of the farm:

So much about Little People, Big World is phony.


Monday, June 4, 2018

Jesse Williams Says Ex is "Greedy" and Lying About Kids" Expenses

Jesse Williams is drawing a line in the financial sand in his child support war with his ex, and claims she’s lying about expenses for their kids … in order to pocket more dough. Jesse filed a response to Aryn Drake-Lee’s request to increase child…


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Tristan Thompson Says He Didn"t Cheat on Khloe Kardashian; Here"s Proof That He"s Lying

As you"ve likely heard by now, Tristan Thompson was caught cheating on a 9-months-pregnant Khloe Kardashian this week.

Some details are still unclear, but everyone agrees that the thing for Tristan to do now is admit he was wrong, devote himself to changing his ways, and maybe even check into rehab.

Unfortunately, one person who doesn"t see the value in that agenda is Tristan himself.

Shockingly, Tristan still claims he did not cheat on Khloe.

We"re guessing she"s not buying it, considering there"s an ever-growing mountain of evidence indicating that Tristan has in fact been sleeping around.

Check out the full case against disgraced the Cleveland Cavs foward below…

1. An Ugly Pattern

Tristan thompson

Tristan doesn’t have the greatest track record when it comes to fidelity. In fact, he left his pregnant girlfriend, Jordan Craig, in order to hook up with Khloe. But sources say he went to great lengths to convince the Kardashians he’d changed his ways. We now know it was all BS…

2. Horrendous Timing

Khloe kardashian with the smooch

Yesterday, several reliable media outlets, including TMZ and People magazine, reported that Tristan cheated on Khloe at least twice in the past six months. The news comes as Khloe is preparing to welcome a chld with Thompson.

3. The Proof

Khloe kardashian and tristan thompson on snapchat

And how do we know Tristan has been unfaithful? Well, the outlets that made the original claims came bearing receipts, and it’s getting harder and harder for Thompson to play innocent.

4. The First Incident

Tristan thompson picture

The first evidence of Tristan’s infidelity is from back in October of 2017. Khloe would have been about three months pregnant at the time.

5. The Hookah Hookup

Tristan thompson bundles up

Video from the night in question shows Tristan getting intimate with two different women at a hookah lounge. One of the women puts her hand on Thompson’s crotch. He later places his face on the other one’s breasts.

6. And That’s Not All…

Tristan and khloe

We’re sure that probably would have been enough to prompt Khloe to kick her baby daddy to the curb. However, it wasn’t long before news of a second, more recent incident emerged…

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Thursday, March 29, 2018

Ryan Edwards: Caught LYING About His Arrest & Addiction?

Yesterday, we reported that Teen Mom OG star Ryan Edwards had been arrested for a probation violation.

The arrest came less than 24 hours after the world learned that Ryan"s wife, Mackenzie Standifer, is pregnant with her and Ryan"s first child together.

The news of Ryan"s legal trouble was shocking for a number of reasons, not the least of which was that fans had no idea that Edwards was on probation or that he"d been taken into custody back in April.

It"s enough to make you wonder what else Ryan and Mackenzie are concealing – and it turns out the answer to that question is "quite a lot."

1. A Surprising Arrest

Ryan edwards mug shot

Ryan was taken into custody in Red Bank, Tennessee after a petition to revoke his probation was issued by a judge. Edwards was on probation in connection with a heroin possession arrest in April.

2. Terrible Timing

Mackenzie and ryan edwards

News of the arrest came just 24 hours after the world learned that Ryan’s wife, Mackenzie Standifer, is pregnant. It will be the second child for both partners and their first as a couple.

3. Lyin’ Ryan?

Ryan edwards of teen mom

Edwards gave viewers the impression that he had been completely honest about his drug and legal problems. However, this was the first the public heard about his probation and April arrest.

4. Mackenzie Comes Clean

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer son

Ryan has remained silent in the day since his arrest, but Mackenzie recently opened up to Radar Online about her husband’s legal troubles. “Possession of heroin was the original charge from April before he went to rehab,” she told the site.

5. No Cause For Concern

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer photo

Perhaps troublingly, Mackenzie seems completely unconcerned about Ryan’s latest brush with the law. “Part of his case was he had to be booked. Everything is fine,” she assures TMOG fans.

6. Off the Wagon?

Kenzie standifer

Regarding her husband’s sobriety, Mackenzie seems completely untroubled, and her comments on the situation have led some fans to believe she’s being naive…

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Monday, March 12, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Is She Lying About Who Stormi"s Father Is?!

Earlier this month, Kylie Jenner was kind enough to share the first real photo of her brand new baby girl, Stormi.

In the photo, we actually got to see little Stormi"s face for the first time … and her face has ignited a whole lot of controversy.

And that"s because many, many people are convinced that the baby doesn"t look a lot like Travis Scott. Instead, those people say she bears a strong resemblance to Tyga.

You know, the guy Kylie was with a few seconds before Travis got her pregnant.

Check out Twitter"s explanation for why Tyga might actually be the father — if you"re not convinced by the end, at least you"ll have been entertained!

1. Hmmm …


As it turns out, a whole, whole lot of people think that. Like, so many people.

2. Like This Person

Like this person

To some, it’s not even a question — Stormi looks like Tyga and his son with Blac Chyna, King Cairo.

3. Stormi Stevenson

Stormi stevenson

Do you see Tyga here?!

4. Uh …


What about here, do you see a resemblance?


Jerry jerry jerry

Where’s Jerry Springer when you need him?! Seriously, where is he? Can he get on this?

6. Maury, Help Us!

Maury help us

Forget Jerry Springer … you know who we need here.

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