Showing posts with label Olympios. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Olympios. Show all posts

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Corinne Olympios: I Know Colton Underwood is Lying About Being a Virgin!

Back in June, Bachelor Villain (or perhaps misunderstood Bachelor Hero?) Corinne Olympios lamented that The Bachelorette totally sucks now.

Well, it sounds like she’s not feeling super optimistic about The Bachelor, either, with Colton Underwood as the leading man.

Not only does she think that someone else would be better, but she doesn’t buy Colton’s claim to be a virgin for a second.

On Wednesday, September 26, Corinne Olympios did an interview on the Domenick Nati Show.

And she has some doubts about the indecisive jock whom ABC has selected as the next Bachelor.

“I just have some insincere feelings I get from him,” Corinne explains.

“So, we’ll see how that pans out,” Corinne says before explaining what she thinks is so insincere about him.

“I do think that [his virginity] was a lie,” Corinne admits. “I don’t know why, but I just don’t buy it.”

Corinne isn’t convinced that Colton is completely honest, but she shares who her pick for the Bachelor would have been.

“I liked Blake a lot,” she shares. “I totally thought it should have been Blake.”

Blake Horstmann is a very popular dude.

That said, Corinne says that she totally understands why the producers settled on Colton.

“But, you know, I think Colton was a crowd favorite,” Corinne acknowledges. “And that’s really what they’re interested in.”

Corinne also has some advice for Colton — or for anyone else who might fill those shoes.

“Don’t let the fame get to your head,” Corinne advises.

She would know — she’s been in the orbits of a lot of men from the Bachelor franchise.

Corinne shares: “I don’t like guys that get cocky after that.”

Honestly, who does?

Colton’s virginity could change a lot about this upcoming season of The Bachelor.

But, as he recently explained to Ellen, it won’t be as awkward as people make it out to be.

“You could do more in the fantasy suites than just have sex,” Colton points out.

A lot of Bachelor couples use the fantasy suites to speak without a camera for the first time. That can be important.

Or, as Colton suggests: “I mean, we could play board games, we could hang out.”

We don’t necessarily suggest that Colton play a board game. He and those final candidates to become his fiancee should really get to know one another.

Though many would be horrified at the idea of becoming engaged to someone without having sex first, we’re not saying that sex is mandatory.

Instead, he and the women can talk one-on-one without cameras or judgment. That could really help him to make a decision.

And, quite frankly, it could help the women decide if they want to accept his potential proposal.

After a while, they might decide that they, too, don’t think that he’s being entirely honest.


Sunday, August 5, 2018

Corinne Olympios Busts Out Her Booty for Beach Day

Corinne Olympios is giving all her haters a quick reminder about why Nick Viall handed her so many roses during “The Bachelor.” The self-described villain of Nick’s season was recently doing her best baddie impression on the hot sand…


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Corinne Olympios: Pranked, Humiliated by Sacha Baron Cohen

Remember Corinne Olympios?

The former Bachelor suitor was sent home a very long time ago by Nick Viall, but not before she made quite an impression on the star himself and viewers at home ny often prancing around topless.

Olympios then jetted off to be a contestant on Bachelor in Paradise…

… only to allege that she was sexually assaulted during filming, prompting an internal investigation and the near cancelation of that franchise entirely.

That was the last time we heard from Olympios, whose15 minutes of fame appeared to be over about a year ago.

Until, that is, Sacha Baron Cohen swooped in and made her relevant again.

The reality star was featured on Sunday"s episode of the Showtime series Who is America?, which features going around in various costumes and oulling pranks on unsuspecting victims.

In this case, Olympios was tricked into believing she was going to be a spokesperson for a chariety created by Gio Madano, an Italian photographer who documents the fabulous lives of the .001 percent.

(NOTE: Madano does not actually exist.)

As Madano, Cohen convinced Olympios to wear a bikini/hazmat suit ensemble and to be photoshopped into a picture of relief workers.

And then there was an interview…

First, Baron Cohen got Olympios to say she went to Africa to help people with ebola for about a month.

Despite the fact that she did no such thing.

Then, Baron Cohen asked Corinne to relay the story about the warlord who "was gonna do a massacre of this village" until he recognized Olympios and she talked him out of it.

Olympios hesitated for a moment, prior to playing along and saying "he was really nice, actually," and that she "saved 6,000 people" as a result of her intervention.

You may go ahead and commence slapping your forehead now.

Later in the episode, Olymious starred a fake PSA where she asked for viewers to "Adopt a Child Soldier."

As in … buy grenades for child soldiers to launch at hospitals.

In an interview published prior to this episode airing, Corinne tried to save face with The Daily Beast.

"Hopefully people just see that it is a Sacha Baron Cohen prank. He"s pranked a bunch of people with big names. It"s light, it"s funny, it"s nothing serious," she said, adding:

"I hope people can see that and they"re not going to freak out about me saying certain things, because people that know me know that I"m a really amazing person."

Watch the video atop this post and judge for yourself!

Corinne olympios pranked humiliated by sacha baron cohen

Monday, July 23, 2018

Corinne Olympios Says Sacha Baron Cohen Interview Doesn"t Prove She"s a Liar

Corinne Olympios says her interview with Sacha Baron Cohen – where she advocates grenades for kids — is no reflection on her character, instead it only proves he strong-arms folks into looking stupid. The ‘Bachelor’ alum was fully duped on…


Corinne Olympios Says Sacha Baron Cohen Interview Doesn"t Prove She"s a Liar

Corinne Olympios says her interview with Sacha Baron Cohen – where she advocates grenades for kids — is no reflection on her character, instead it only proves he strong-arms folks into looking stupid. The ‘Bachelor’ alum was fully duped on…


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

"Bachelor" Alum Corinne Olympios Doesn"t Buy Colton Underwood"s a Virgin

Corinne Olympios isn’t buying what Colton Underwood is selling on “The Bachelorette” — insisting the ex-football player’s already swiped his V card.  The villain from Nick Viall’s ‘Bachelor’ season was in Venice on Monday when she…


"Bachelor" Alum Corinne Olympios Doesn"t Buy Colton Underwood"s a Virgin

Corinne Olympios isn’t buying what Colton Underwood is selling on “The Bachelorette” — insisting the ex-football player’s already swiped his V card.  The villain from Nick Viall’s ‘Bachelor’ season was in Venice on Monday when she…


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Corinne Olympios Calls "Bachelor" Arie Luyendyk Jr. "Repulsive"

You know Arie Luyendyk Jr. has earned the Worst Bachelor Ever title when one of the franchise’s most hated villains is throwing major shade his way. We got Corinne Olympios leaving Craig’s Tuesday night in WeHo with Jonathan Cheban, and…


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Tori Spelling Overwhelmed by Mommyhood, says Corinne Olympios

Tori Spelling talked mommyhood struggles the day before her mental breakdown … so says Corinne Olympios. The ‘Bachelor’ alum tells TMZ she hung out with Tori following her “Secrets in the Sauce” cooking segment Wednesday with Erica…


Monday, February 19, 2018

Corinne Olympios, New Owner of Adorable Mini Pooch

Corinne Olympios has finally found her Hunny and it’s not in DeMario Jackson, despite the two spending Valentine’s Day together.  We’re told the “Bachelor in Paradise” star just got a new mini-Pomeranian pup, which she’s named Hunny. Corinne…


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Corinne Olympios to Nick Viall: Want a Second Chance? Let"s Talk!

Corinne Olympios may not have won The Bachelor, but that’s not to say she is completely ruling out giving Nick Viall a second chance. 

“If I saw him getting back to the way he was when I first stepped out of the limo, I would seriously consider giving him a chance,” the controversial contestant dished to Entertainment Tonight on Tuesday, October 24. 

I would meet up with him, have coffee, talk to him and see how he is. He just broke up with his fiancée; it can’t be easy,” she continued. 

If you watch The Bachelor online, you will already know that Corinne put on quite the show for the cameras and was painted as the villain of the season. 

While that may have been a good way to raise her profile, it resulted in her doing everything and anything to grab Nick’s attention, and it certainly seemed like she was more of a novelty for producers because she was giving them a lot of material to weave together. 

Corinne was clipped before the end of the season, and Nick bid adieu to her after the hometown dates episode of the series. Corinne has been very public about her thoughts on being let go. 

Simply put, she felt like Viall made a huge mistake, and with him and Vanessa Grimaldi calling their engagement off, maybe she was right. 

“We clearly had strong chemistry, I was falling so hard, and I remember when he changed completely,” she told ET.

“I went up to him, cameras not rolling, and was like, ‘I just want to give you a hug before the night ends,’ which is something we normally did. He was like, ‘K, well, I’m gonna go give out this rose now.’

“I was like, ‘Whoa.’ It was a slap in the face, like, ‘I’m too busy for you right now.’ I don’t know why he got like that. … I feel like [in the beginning] I saw a different side of him than what [he] shows right now.”

Maybe Nick was just spoiled for choice on the set of the series. All of the women were vying for his attention, and while Corinne was a little out there, she was fun to watch. 

It’s no surprise that she’s calling Nick out on his behavior because he was initially seen as a villain when he first appeared on The Bachelorette

A lot of fans voiced their displeasure at his casting as The Bachelor because they felt like he had enough chances and there must be something wrong with him. 

As for Corinne, she followed up The Bachelor with a stint on Bachelor in Paradise that almost got the show canceled. 

She and DeMario Jackson had an alcohol-fueled romp in the pool, and it shut production down for days an investigation went on to establish who was at fault because Corinne alleged that she could not remember what happened. 

That’s not to say she and DeMario fell out in the aftermath. In fact, they have been photographed together several times since the scandal rocked Bachelor Nation. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Corinne Olympios, DeMario Jackson NOT Dating, Disneyland Pics Are a Fairy Tale

Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson looked like they were living happily ever after at Disneyland, but the pics don’t tell the REAL story … not to DeMario, anyway. Sources close to DeMario tell TMZ … he and Corinne are NOT dating or even…


Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson Hookup at Disneyland

Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson are making the leap — from showstopping sex in a pool to hand-holding in The Happiest Place on Earth! Yeah, it’s kind of a downgrade. The ex-“Bachelor in Paradise” stars hit up Disneyland on Monday, and the…


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Corinne Olympios: I Was Afraid There"d Be Even MORE Backlash!

Corinne Olympios is so much more than her Bachelor in Paradise scandal or the best possible choice to be the next Bachelorette.

Now that the summer’s controversy has been resolved as well as it can be, she’s all about looking forward and giving interviews on the subject.

She talks her recovery from the scandal, what her new project is, and … whether or not she’d give it another go with Nick Viall.

On a weekend in early June, news broke that Bachelor in Paradise production was shut down after concerns following some sort of sex romp between Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson.

A couple of producers had been concerned about the (relatively) softcore hookup, worrying that they had witnessed a sexual assault given the involvement of alcohol.

Though alcohol can absolutely impair someone’s ability to consent, it eventually turned out that there was no sexual assault.

That internal investigation might have been avoided if Corinne had been able to remember her hookup with DeMario.

The reason that she blacked out was an unforeseen interaction between her prescription medication and the alcohol that she was consuming.

Some meds can have that effect if mixed with only a small amount of alcohol.

Unfortunately, some people jumped to conclusions, accusing DeMario Jackson of being a rapist — which no one involved, Corinne included, had suggested — or trying to slut-shame Corinne.

Some people did both, because people can be awful.

DeMario Jackson did what he could to shut down that talk, but rumors and accusations like those don’t go away easily.

It takes time.

But it sounds like Corinne is, slowly but surely, moving on.

Yesterday, in an interview with The Daily Beast, Corinne Olympios talked about what it’s been like in the aftermath of the summer’s scandal.

“I’m just really glad that it’s all kind of unfolding, that people are seeing the bigger picture, as opposed to just like ‘media scandal in Paradise.’ I’m really happy that everyone’s moving past it now.”

We’re glad, too. For her sake and for DeMario’s.

“It’s honestly like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I was so nervous, I was afraid that there would be even more backlash, but I’m really glad that it’s done.”

Honestly, Bachelor in Paradise handled the resolution reasonably well.

Closure is a good way to close the book on a scandal.

“I never thought it would be like this. It’s never easy, especially for my friends and family, seeing this stuff in the media — they’ll see something in an article and be like, ‘Is this true? What’s true, what’s not true?’”

Corinne herself didn’t remember, so she had to find out some things with the rest of us.

“It was just really hard because I was trying to keep myself OK and also keep my close friends and family OK at the same time.”

It’s always harder when the people who love you are going through it with you.

And then, of course, the recently single again Corinne is asked if she would date Nick Viall again, if given the chance.

“No probably not, honestly. We’re friends! I love the guy, but just as friends.”

That’s probably wise.

By the way, these days, Corinne is working on something scripted.

That’s super exciting — not every reality star is cut out to make the leap from unscripted drama to bringing someone else’s artistic vision to life.

But we believe that Corinne has what it takes.

And now Corinne is sharing a little more about what that’s going to be about.

For starters, this show is about dating as a Millennial.

(Corinne is 24, and definitely a Millennial, so we don’t think that this is going to be awful like that so-bad-but-still-not-funny The Great Indoors show)

“I think people just get so worked up about creating, like, dating pages, or … I feel like it just becomes such a topic of conversation, like, ‘Oh my God, who are you dating? What kind of guy are you going to date? Does this person even look like their picture?”

That’s true.

Even if someone’s just perusing through Tinder or Grindr beside you, most of us snoop and offer some advice, solicited or otherwise, and who is or isn’t a good match.

There’s a lot of comedic potential, there.

“I just feel like there are so many questions and new ways of dating, so it’s comical in itself.”


In general, Corinne’s life is pretty okay these days.

“I’m really just taking my time to be with friends and family, to heal, and just really working on myself.”

“I’m just gonna keep doing all this great stuff, I’m not going to stop, I’m going to keep doing what I love, and I trust myself to lead me to the right path.”

We’re sorry that she didn’t get her chance to be on Bachelor in Paradise for the full season, but we’re pretty eager to see this scripted show.

And to see wherever else her career takes her next.


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Corinne Olympios & DeMario Jackson Reunited and it Feels So Fake!!!

Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson hooked up again — literally — and DeMario said something during the encounter that registered in a big way on our BS detector. The “Bachelor in Paradise” stars were leaving Nightingale Wednesday…


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Corinne Olympios: The Next Bachelorette?!

The world has seen the infamous Bachelor in Paradise hookup between Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson, and heard from everybody involved.

We think that the Bachelor Nation is pretty much ready to move on.

And, apparently, so is Corinne herself. Some of what she said has led people to ask if she’s going to be the lead on The Bachelorette.

First of all, can you imagine what a jaw-dropping, intense season of The Bachelorette we’d have if Corinne Olympios plays the lead?

This is the woman who famously took off her top in the pool on a group date, because honestly she’s kind of an unsung hero.

Seriously, when she isn’t blacked out thanks to an unforeseen interaction of alcohol with her prescription meds, Corinne knows what she wants and she goes after it.

Imagine her with a couple dozen suitors or so, all vying for her hand.

Imagine how many ridiculous gifs we’d get from that season.

So, yeah, even the slightest hint that Corinne might star on The Bachelorette makes our eyes widen with delight.

During a recent interview with The Insider, Corinne was asked if she’d ever consider returning in some form to a Bachelor series.

Specifically, as the Bachelorette.

Instead of a simple “sure, I’d consider that,” or “no, that’s not for me,” Corinne replied by looking past the reporter at someone else and asking:

“Am I allowed to answer this?”


Generally speaking, you don’t ask if you’re allowed to do anything unless you’re at least in talks to do something, whether it’s to get a book published or, say, star on a reality series in which multiple men compete to win your heart.

Now, the reporter kept asking Corinne about that, thank goodness.

To respond to the very specific question of: “Are you already the Bachelorette,” Corinne finally answered.

“No! Oh my God! No!”

First of all, the word “already” is a clue.

Corinne might be in talks to be the Bachelorette, but there might be others.

After all of the totally unwarranted slut-shaming that Corinne endured (no wonder she said that she was a victim of the media!), what better apology could producers offer her than a starring role?

Also, Corinne’s been known to play things close to the vest — that’s how she was about Bachelor in Paradise before it was announced that she’d be on it.

She could even be straight-up lying to keep to her NDA.

Interestingly, the actual interview itself was about a very different project that Corinne is working on.

She’s apparently going to be part of a scripted series.

Corinne teases that it’s going to be about “Dating and this new kind of life,” which is vague as hell but definitely piques our interest.

It’s always possible that Corinne could appear on another show in the Bachelor franchise and also have this scripted gig launch.

(She wouldn’t be the first person to make the leap from reality star to scripted acting)

We can’t wait to see what she gets up to next.


Bachelor in Paradise Season 4 Episode 6 Recap: Corinne Olympios Speaks!

For some reason, the drama in Bachelor in Paradise this season is all over the place. Just when you think it’s all calmed down, it all kicks off again. 

While that’s usually a good thing, Bachelor in Paradise Season 4 Episode 6 was a disaster. 

When the episode got underway, Matt had decided Paradise was not for him and peaced out from the place like it was a hot potato. 

While one of them was out the door, there was a new man drafted in to give a rose to a lady in need.  If you watch Bachelor in Paradise online, you will know that Lacey has been talking about Canadian Daniel all season long. 

As soon as he walked in, she was all over him like a rash and saying the craziest things to him. 

“I’ve been waiting for you!”

Daniel was not impressed about being left with Lacy, noting he’s been “left with the scraps of Paradise.” Like, where did they even get this dude from?

He’s disrespected one of the women, and he’s been on the show all of two minutes. And, if you thought Lacey was done with him after his little outburst, she was not. 

She must feel so dumb watching all of this back, but maybe she could fill in some of the blanks because we know the producers condense a lot of the content to create a narrative. 

The only saving grace for Daniel was that he handed Lacey over the rose at the ceremony, so he’s not all bad. Maybe he does see a future with her. 

Matt then made a return at the last second to hand over the rose to Jasmine. It was a cute gesture, but it was completely lost on her. 

“Go back to your little town in Connecticut. Enjoy your life. You’ll probably regret it. You’re dead to me,” she yelled in her confessional. 

Derek gave his rose to Taylor, Robby gave his to Amanda and Adam gave his to Raven. 

Dean then handed his rose over to Kristina after revealing he was more attracted to Danielle. Did his guilt take over? You’re meant to be finding love in Paradise, not keeping friends around. 

If Dean thought Danielle was out of the picture, he was so wrong because Ben handed over the rose to her, which meant the end of Sarah and Alexis. 

Things quickly got weird with Kristina daring Dean to get an inaudible thing, but we’re going to assume she said “boner.”

“Okay, give me a [CENSORED],” Dean replied. Kristina said she would be taking no part in it and he would need to do it all himself. 

“You’re not going to touch it at all?” And then he says, “Give me a second. Give me another 20 seconds.”

What the hell?

Meanwhile, the Tickle Monster made his grand entrance, and all of the women seemed high on him. 

Christen wasted no time in getting it on with the Tickle Monster. 

“I think it takes a lot of confidence to let your job title be Tickle Monster when you’re actually a doctor,” she says. 

While Christen and Tickle went on a date, Dean was back at the resort with Danielle on his mind. 

“I know if and when I pass on Kristina to move on to Danielle, Danielle will never be as into me as Kristina is at this point,” he revealed. 

Like, who even says that? He is a first class D-Bag, and we hope all the women reject him now. 

Eventually, he did cut Kristina off but essentially said they could end up back together. 

“He and I stayed the night last night, and you can assume what happened,” Kristina wails to Robby as they watch Dean get up close and personal with Danielle. 

Then, it was time for Corinne to open up about what really happened to her in Paradise. 

Olympios explained that she was on medication that did not react well with the alcohol and that was the reason she blacked out. 

She said that when she woke up, she did not remember anything, and was confused by production being shut down. 

She then stressed that she had no hard feelings to Demario and that he was a victim in all of the drama. 

Corinne called the whole thing annoying and noted that she could not even go tot he grocery store without her name appearing on magazines and people judging her. 

Yep, she still blames the media!

What do you all think about this?

Sound off below!


Corinne Olympios Finally Clears DeMario"s Name in "Bachelor in Paradise" Scandal

Corinne Olympios finally spoke out about her “Bachelor in Paradise” scandal with DeMario Jackson, and wanted it known … he did nothing wrong.  Corinne sat down with Chris Harrison on Tuesday’s “BIP” tell-all episode and confirmed…


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Corinne Olympios Insists: I Was SO the Victim!

Corinne Olympios has no problem with DeMario Jackson.

She has no problem with Bachelor in Paradise producers, either.

In an interview today with Good Morning America, the former Bachelor suitor and Bachelor in Paradise contestant made it clear that she harbors no ill will toward those directly involved with the scandal that halted production on Season 4 of the latter program.

So, who does Olympios blame for what happened?

For the way she feels as though her name was dragged through the mud after she and Jackson hooked up and a Warner Bros. investigation soon followed because it was unclear whether Corinne gave DeMario permission to lick her clitoris?

The media.

“I was a victim of… just being blown into the media and having people make these crazy assumptions and judgments about what happened that day,” Olympios said on GMA.

You know, I was really a victim of the media. All of a sudden people became an expert on the situation and what happened, and it’s like, ‘Well, I’m still trying to figure out what happened.’

“It was just horrible to deal with.”

Jackson has sat for numerous interviews since he and Olympios got drunk, hooked up and stirred major controversy.

He’s fought back against accusations of rape and blamed racist for the snowballing crisis.

Olympios, meanwhile, has admitted she mixed alcohol with prescription pills on the night in question… and she does take responsibility for that action.

“I was on a medication that severely blacks you out and impairs your judgment and messes with your balance,” she told GMA, adding:

“But I didn’t know you were not supposed to drink on. And so I really just caused a horrible, horrible blackout. It was like I went under anesthesia and just woke up.”

Olympios says she has tuned in for Bachelor in Paradise this season and reacted in “shock” upon seeing her actions.

“It’s like I’m watching not me. I’m watching someone else.”

Olympios doesn’t blame producers for what happened.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

“I would hope that if a producer saw anything that they were uncomfortable with with anyone, they would do the proper investigations,” she says, adding that she’s “super thankful.”

She also wishes DeMario “well, always.”

Corinne will chat with Chris Harrison on tonight’s episode of Bachelor in Paradise.

It should be an interesting back and forth.

“I definitely am weaning off that medication. I don’t want to be taking something that…you know, it was very scary what happened,” she said this morning.

“I cut down the drinking.”

We’re glad to hear it.


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Corinne Olympios: I Maybe Shouldn"t Have Mixed Alcohol and Drugs; My Bad!

Corinne Olympios seems like a fun person who’s partied before, so it always seemed kind of odd that she blacked out for the scandalous poolside sex romp on Bachelor in Paradise.

That’s one of the reasons that, when the news first broke that production had been shut down, we wondered how much of the story we weren’t getting.

It turns out that Corinne’s figured out what happened … and it has to do with mixing drugs and booze.

So, you know when your pill bottle says to not mix drugs with alcohol?

That’s not just a suggestion.

Now, maybe you think that it’s overblown and only on the label like government mandates, like a lot of expiration dates.

Maybe you’ve watched people crush their prescription pills, snort them, and then down a half-dozen shots of rum and just keep on partying with zero apparent consequences.

But different pills have different effects and interactions.

And different people’s bodies handle those combinations in very different ways.

What’s good for the proverbial goose could kill the gander … or at least make them have a blacked out pool hookup with DeMario Jackson.

(Which would be fine … except for the blacked out part, and everything that followed)

TMZ reports that Corinne Olympios had mixed booze and pills that day.

It sounds like she’d taken prescription medication before she began drinking, and so when she drank, the two interacted and resulted in … well, everything that happened.

This report came out at the taping of the Bachelor in Paradise reunion special, which filmed on Saturday.

TMZ didn’t provide any direct quotes from Corinne explaining, and we don’t know the exact medications involved.

(Which, you know, is totally her private medical business)

But we’ll get to hear it all once this season of Bachelor in Paradise airs its reunion special.

Well before that, of course, viewers will actually see Corinne and DeMario’s pool sex encounter for themselves.

(With obvious censorship and editing where appropriate)

You might be thinking gee, why didn’t Corinne mention this earlier?

Remember that, first and foremost, she didn’t know what happened.

She was told about what happened in the pool by the show’s production after a producer saw what was happening and worried that a sexual assault had taken place.

Warner Bros’ own investigation determined that there was no sexual assault.

More convincingly (no offense to WB, but internal investigations are what they are), Corinne closed the book on the topic, expressing that she was satisfied with their findings.

That must have been a horrifying ordeal for her.

It must have been awful for DeMario, too.

While no one involved — Corinne included — ever actually accused him of sexual assault or any sort of wrongdoing, some people added two plus two and got “DeMario’s a bad guy!”

There’s a long, sad history of racist accusations against black men for sexual assault when it comes to hookups with white women.

DeMario spoke about how much the scandal impacted his mother.

He’s been cleared of all wrongdoing, officially, which is great.

But it must have been awful.

Corinne wasn’t mixing pills with drinks to party or anything, but her story is still a good cautionary tale, folks:

Pay attention to the instructions on your medications.

Don’t mix them with alcohol or other medicines (prescribed or alternative or whatever) without knowing how they’re going to interact.

You might get sick, you might die.

Or you might do something that you regret forever.

Everyday people don’t have producers and crew members to stop them from driving when they’re unaware of their own actions.

As bad as this scandal was, it could have been so much worse.
