Showing posts with label DeMario. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DeMario. Show all posts

Saturday, October 7, 2017

DeMario Jackson and other "Bachelors" Strip at Dog Charity Auction

DeMario Jackson and a bunch of other ‘Bachelor’ alums apparently love it doggy style … when it comes to charity auctions. Five former ‘Bachelor’ contestants threw on their fanciest garb Thursday night and stripped, sung and danced at the…


DeMario Jackson and other "Bachelors" Strip at Dog Charity Auction

DeMario Jackson and a bunch of other ‘Bachelor’ alums apparently love it doggy style … when it comes to charity auctions. Five former ‘Bachelor’ contestants threw on their fanciest garb Thursday night and stripped, sung and danced at the…


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Corinne Olympios, DeMario Jackson NOT Dating, Disneyland Pics Are a Fairy Tale

Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson looked like they were living happily ever after at Disneyland, but the pics don’t tell the REAL story … not to DeMario, anyway. Sources close to DeMario tell TMZ … he and Corinne are NOT dating or even…


Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson Hookup at Disneyland

Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson are making the leap — from showstopping sex in a pool to hand-holding in The Happiest Place on Earth! Yeah, it’s kind of a downgrade. The ex-“Bachelor in Paradise” stars hit up Disneyland on Monday, and the…


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Corinne Olympios & DeMario Jackson Reunited and it Feels So Fake!!!

Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson hooked up again — literally — and DeMario said something during the encounter that registered in a big way on our BS detector. The “Bachelor in Paradise” stars were leaving Nightingale Wednesday…


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Rachel Lindsay to DeMario Jackson: STFU! You Don’t Know Me!

If you were to ask Rachel Lindsay, DeMario Jackson has a lot in common with Jon Snow.

Because he came back from the dead? Because he may be the Prince That Was Promised?


Because, according to Lindsay, Jackson knows nothing.

Appearing on The E&G Podcast yesterday, Jackson touched on his brief stint as a suitor on The Bachelorette this past season, one in which Lindsay gave him the boot after learning DeMario had a girlfriend.

“I was only there for the two weeks in the house,” Jackson said, prior to delving into controversial territory:

“From the beginning you knew that she was attracted to white men. You knew that. No disrespect, you just knew. She had that vibe.

“From night one, we all set down, all the guys and I said, ‘They’re going to have a black representative, either myself or Eric, and they’re going to have Dean, Peter, and Brian as the final four.’

“We all caught that.”

In the end, Lindsay selected Bryan Abasolo over Peter Kraus on the show’s finale.

Both men are white, but that’s nothing more than a coincidence, Lindsay says.

Commenting on a photo from the podcast’s official Instagram page that was promoting Jackson’s appearance on E&G, she wrote the following on Tuesday:

“Says the guy that dated Lexi [a white woman]. Demario never knew me and still doesn’t.”

DeMario, of course, has become more famous for the controversy that engulfed him and Corinne Olympios on Season 4 of Bachelor in Paradise than for his time on The Bachelorette.

Production on that spinoff was halted for a couple weeks while Warner Bros. conducted an internal investigation that eventually cleared DeMario of all sexual misconduct charges.

He appeared on the show last night, sat down opposite Chris Harrison and discussed all he’s been through.

“I know who I am. I know I’m not that monster they’re trying to portray on TV,” Jackson said.

“Like Michelle Obama said, ‘When they go low, you go high.’ It was hard to go high, but I had to do it because I train and mentor children, and I can’t tell them to be something that I’m not.

“That’s what kept me going. And great family, friends, school teachers, people at the gym. It was crazy to see the response from them… There was just so much love. I was extremely humbled.” 

Olympios will speak on air to Harrison next week.

Asked about his one-time sexual partner turned quasi nemesis, DeMario had only kind things to say.

“I felt bad for her ‘cause she was being slut-shamed,” he said.

“I love my mother and I love the women in my family more than anything in this world, and it hurt me knowing she was going through the same thing I was, but a little bit more aggressive and intense.”


Thursday, August 17, 2017

DeMario Jackson: The Bachelor in Paradise Sex Scandal Wouldn"t Have Happened if I Were White!

Sometimes, even when a scandal is resolved, the people involved are haunted by rumor and resentments.

The Bachelor in Paradise sex scandal is, unfortunately, an example of that. DeMario Jackson is understandably bitter at how some portrayed him.

What’s more, he says that the “scandal” would never have happened if he’d been white.

Last June, just days into the first attempt at filming Bachelor in Paradise season 4, production was shut down after DeMario Jackson and Corinne Olympios had a drunken hookup in the pool.

The alleged problem, brought forward by two producers, was that they thought that a sexual assault had taken place, because Corinne and DeMario were both said to be pretty heavily intoxicated.

You can plan to hook up with somebody and drink, sure. But if you’re plastered, folks, you can’t consent.

Nobody involved was ever heard accusing DeMario of taking advantage of Corinne or Corinne of taking advantage of DeMario, but the lack of information did lead to a lot of rumors.

It didn’t help that Corinne was unable to remember what had happened.

The investigation found no evidence of sexual assault, and Corinne publicly expressed satisfaction with the findings, but apparently even that vindication hasn’t soothed all of the hurt feelings during the investigation.

Understandably, DeMario still feels a little bitter.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, DeMario Jackson says that the scandal never would have happened if he were white.

He suggests that the producers who expressed their concerns thought that they were seeing a narrative play out that wasn’t real.

“They wanted the angry black guy and this little, innocent white girl. But it wasn’t that.”

Very true.

And before you say that it looks like DeMario is slut-shaming Corinne, he’s not.

(We’ll get to that)

“If I would have been [white contestants] Alex [Woytkiw] or Derek [Peth], we wouldn’t even be having this conversation.”

Kind of awkward to name specific names.

(Also, it’s funny that he mentions those two, because Alex Woytkiw and Derek Peth look like they could be related)

DeMario laments his missed opportunities.

“I would probably be engaged to Alexis [Waters] right now.”


DeMario has mentioned before on Instagram that he has fond memories from his few days on Bachelor in Paradise.

One of those fond memories was throwing coconuts into the water with Alexis Waters at, like, 3am.

He apparently asked Alexis to marry him, but we don’t know at what point.

She turned him down, though.

We don’t think that DeMario is saying that he’d be engaged to Alexis if he were white, but rather that, if the scandal hadn’t happened, he’d be married to Alexis.

And … maybe? White privilege is a real thing, and it’s certainly the case that some people are more likely to call the police on interracial couples, alleging either kidnapping or prostitution. (Racism sucks, folks)

It’s always easy to imagine that your life would be better if that one thing hadn’t occurred. It’s not always true.

We just hope that DeMario doesn’t get hung up on this and, personally and professionally, can move past this.

DeMario has more to say about how things would have been if he were white.

“This wouldn’t have been a story.”

We’re not sure about that, because the producers who raised the (false) alarm may have been sensitive to a drunk woman hooking up rather than to DeMario’s race.

But was there racism involved in the backlash? Absolutely.

“We wouldn’t even be having this discussion at all. … I had white America calling me the N-word and telling me to ‘go back to Africa."”

That is so sad.

We’ve spoken about how even DeMario’s mother was told hateful things.

Again, Corinne never once said anything bad about DeMario.

And DeMario is returning the favor, talking about how shamefully people talked about Corinne:

“And they were slut-shaming Corinne, which sucked.”

Racism and sexism combined to shame both people when there wasn’t even a sexual assault.

DeMario says that this has impacted his entire worldview.

“For me, I’m just sitting here thinking, ‘Wow. Our world.’ The human race continues to let me down.”

That is wildly relatable.

Like, there was a literal Nazi rally over the weekend that included a terrorist attack against counter-protesters.

“Wow, Our world” is right.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

DeMario Jackson: The Bachelor in Paradise Accusations Made Me Suicidal!

ABC aired a “very important episode” of Bachelor in Paradise that featured a group discussion of  maybe felt a bit more like an after school special.

Some fans maybe felt patronized, but it’s a super important topic — especially for their younger viewers. 

But while DeMario couldn’t speak for himself on air, he’s given a new interview and … it sounds like things got really, really rough for him.

We all remember how production on Bachelor in Paradise was shut down in June after two producers expressed concerns that Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson hooking up in the pool was some form of sexual assault.

The two of them were said to be more or less plastered at the time after having been drinking all day.

Sometimes people plan hookups and deliberately get drunk for them, but nobody had the impression that Corinne or DeMario had planned much of anything.

For a while, we didn’t know what had happened, and there was even speculation that perhaps some overly eager producers had arranged the hookup in a misguided attempt to boost ratings.

While an investigation eventually determined that no sexual assault took place, some rumors unfairly targeted DeMario Jackson as if he were some sort of predator.

To be clear, no one involved ever accused DeMario of anything of the sort. Not the producers, not ABC, and not Corinne Olympios herself.

Unfortunately, these unfounded accusations against DeMario cropped up anyway.

In a new interview with Entertainment Tonight, DeMario Jackson talks about how the show handled it with their recent special and about how the Bachelor in Paradise scandal impacted him.

He starts with their very special episode:

“I feel like they rolled enough of the tape. You can’t show too much, because that’s gonna disrespect Corinne and I, and I just feel like it wouldn’t be the best or the classiest thing to do. But, they showed enough.”

He’s absolutely right — if they hadn’t shown anything, questions would linger for eternity.

“The public, they need to see something. I think they just needed to see [that] she’s lucid. I’m lucid. We’re swimming around. We’re having fun. We’re friends.”

Humans are a very visual species and people need to see things to believe them, not hear them.

“It wasn’t like I’m some predator who was at the bar waiting for the girl to get extremely drunk, then I’m like, ‘Oops! Let me pounce on her.’ No, it was very mutual.”

There are plenty of ways that sexual assaults take place, including between friends, but based on what literally everyone is saying, that’s not what happened here.

“In fact, she was a little bit of the aggressor in it, and I love how they painted the picture and the story of us actually talking, mingling, getting to know each other.”

That’s very consistent with what other witnesses described.

“I do wish [they explained more]. Like, that very moment of us getting into the pool and everything, that’s when we had kinda got, you know, a little more cozier, so to speak. Everything happened and then we were just finished.”

“I signed up for this reality. I feel guilty, because my mom didn’t sign up for this, and she’s been getting harassed, people tweeting at her, on her Instagram saying, ‘Your son’s a rapist.’”

That’s awful.

We wouldn’t message any members of even Bill Cosby’s family about what a monster he is.

Direct your hate at bad people, not the relatives of people who haven’t been accused of anything.

“That was the part I was most sad about. I feel like I created this for my family, in a sense, by being a little reckless. … And I just want to say I’m sorry to them.”

There can always be fallout for celebrities. It goes with the territory, sometimes.

Alarmingly, DeMario describes some of his feelings during the scandal as: “suicidal, but not like the suicidal that you might think.”

That’s frightening, but he clarifies.

“I never thought, ‘Oh, I’m gonna kill myself,’ but it crossed my mind.”

That sounds like suicidal ideation, which is relatively normal, rather than a suicidal impulse.

More like how people might think “gee, I wish I could just die instead” when faced with something unpleasant like finishing all of their work at the end of the semester or attending a family gathering.

We hope that it wasn’t more than that, at least.

DeMario says that he’s totally “here for” Corinne Olympios and that, despite his experience, he bears no ill will towards Bachelor in Paradise.

If you’re wondering why there was an investigation to begin with if the determination of no sexual assault left Corinne Olympios satisfied with the investigation, it’s because Corinne didn’t remember what had happened.

This wasn’t because she was somehow so drunk that she couldn’t think or form memories.

Corinne has stated that this was the result of unthinkingly mixing prescription pills with alcohol.

While she’s obviously not responsible for what happened — the accusations came from producers, not from her — this could have been handled without any fuss if Corinne had remembered events and not had to rely upon what other people told her happened.

We can only imagine how terrifying it would be to go for weeks, told that you were somehow victimized in an event that you cannot remember.

Hopefully, Corinne will share her experience with the world soon. Or, at least, whatever she’s comfortable sharing.


"Bachelor in Paradise" Cast Mostly Turns on Corinne, Defends DeMario Post-Hookup

The remaining cast of “Bachelor in Paradise” made it clear whose side they’re on after the hookup between Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson that shut down production … and it ain’t really hers.  Chris Harrison had a sit-down with the…


Saturday, August 12, 2017

"Bachelor in Paradise" DeMario Jackson Wears "Show The Tape" T-Shirt

DeMario Jackson’s nothing if not confident … that the footage of the controversial hot tub incident between him and Corinne Olympios will clear his name. The “Bachelor in Paradise” outcast hit up Doheny Room in Weho Friday night clearly looking to…


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

"Bachelor in Paradise" Teases Corinne and DeMario Pool Hookup Footage in Trailer

Corinne Olympios looked more than willing and fully conscious when she led DeMario Jackson into a pool for the hookup that stopped production. A scene from the controversial incident — in which Corinne essentially claimed sexual assault…


Sunday, August 6, 2017

"Bachelor In Paradise" Reunion, Corinne and DeMario Won"t Meet Face-to-Face

“Bachelor In Paradise” is hyping a one-on-one showdown between Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson, but it will actually be more like Michael Phelps’ race against a great white shark. Sources close to production tell us Corinne and DeMario…


Friday, August 4, 2017

Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson: Bachelor in Paradise Will Air Their Poolside Sex Romp!

We were pleasantly surprised (thrilled, to be honest) when we found out that, despite everything, Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson will appear on the Bachelor in Paradise Special episode even though they didn’t end up being on season four.

A single episode is better than nothing, right?

Well, it turns out that we’ll be seeing more of Corinne and DeMario on Bachelor in Paradise than we’d ever expected to … and we are genuinely shocked. Because the world is basically going to see their sex tape.

Though a thorough investigation concluded that there was no sexual assault, the Bachelor in Paradise scandal rocked fans.

And the concern over what might have happened was so serious that producers shut down production on Bachelor in Paradise after they’d started filming and sent everyone home.

According to reports, after a lot of drinking, Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson were hooking up in a pool.

A producer was concerned that the two were too drunk to consent to what they were doing and what was going on, including being filmed.

It’s important to note that no one — including Corinne — ever accused DeMario Jackson of sexual assault.

He was reportedly too drunk to even pop an erection, which is why the reported sexual activity was very much centered upon Corinne’s genitals and took the form of, it is said, both licking and fingering.

The concern was that both Corinne and DeMario were being victimized by being filmed while hooking up while so thoroughly intoxicated.

There were some whispers that perhaps an overeager producer had deliberately arranged that they hook up.

Since Corinne was too drunk to remember events, she — as much as those of us reading up on events at home — was forced to listen to reports and statements and rumors in an effort to piece together what had happened.

All of that was a big deal, even if the investigation ruled that a sexual assault didn’t take place.

More importantly, Corinne Olympios closed the book on the case and expressed satisfaction with the findings.

And while that’s great, and while she and DeMario are going to appear on the season four special even though they won’t appear as planned on the full season, the Bachelor Nation still has a lot of questions.

Chris Harrison tells Entertainment Weekly that viewers will get a clear picture of what happened in the infamous poolside romp.

In fact, what we get might be more vivid than we’d ever imagined.

“It’s going to be literally dealt with the moment we come on the air.”

That’s smart — to clear the air but also to draw in more viewers.

(You gotta hit those ratings, especially with your premiere)

“We’ll start talking about it right away and start dealing with it. If you don’t, it’s the elephant in the room and then it will taint the entire season.”


Imagine if they filmed the fourth season and literally just didn’t address it.

This isn’t a TLC show where reality stars just get to pretend the bad things that they’ve said and done never happened after spending a little time off camera.

“So we want to show everybody and then get on with Paradise because there are some wonderful things that are going to be happening.”

That’s exciting, for sure.

Chris Harrison had more to say, though.

“There’s been a lot written and assumed and said about what we’re going to do and what we’re not going to do.”

Well, obviously.

If you don’t tell people the whole story right away, people have to connect the dots themselves.

“We had already shot for three days [before the shutdown] and a lot had actually happened — a lot of people had arrived, there had been dates, we’d gotten to the point where there was about to be our first rose ceremony — so we had a week’s worth of stuff.”

It’s good that all of that isn’t going to waste, then.

“We didn’t want to just throw that away because that’s what impacted the show and it’s what led to the shutdown.”

It’s all part of the same story, really.

Just like in real life, few things on Bachelor in Paradise happen in a total vacuum.

Chris Harrison tells us exactly what we can expect:

“We thought you needed to see that. So you’re going to see a lot of it, including Corinne and DeMario on the show.”

That’s something … but not the extent of what we’re going to see of Corinne and DeMario.

“When we restart, it will be me back in Mexico walking you through what happened and then we’re going to watch what happened.”

That’s a little more hands-on narration than usual, but it makes sense, given the circumstances.

“And then we’ll cut back to me and I’ll kind of shed some more light on things and then we’re going to go back and you’re going to see more of what happened, [and] not just the controversial.”

And, of course, there’s the show’s usual content:

“You’re going to see a lot of things, people falling in love, a lot of dates happening.”

“I think people have this preconceived notion of what it was like and what was going on and really the only way to prove anything or show you anything is to all watch it and you can judge for yourself.”

Did he just say what we think that he just said?


“So that will involve seeing Corinne and DeMario and it will also involve Carly and Evan’s wedding.”

Imagine getting married on television only to be upstaged by that scandal.

Chris Harrison isn’t really subtle about what we can expect to see from the poolside sex romp.

Because, with obvious censorship, it sounds like they’re going to show it.

“To the best of my knowledge, you’re going to see more than enough to show you what was happening that led up to the shutdown, within certain taste and values of what we can show on network TV.”

Obviously, nobody’s going to see any boobs.

Or anybody’s platinum vagine.

After all, this is Bachelor in Paradise, not Bachelor in Westeros.

Now that would be a show.

We have to assume that they’re only showing this (censored) video with the public after getting some sort of permission from both Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson.

They might not technically need approval, contracts being what they are.

But the optics would be terrible if they aired it over Corinne and DeMario’s objections.

First of all, this is an incident that Corinne apparently doesn’t remember.

Second of all, this is something that one of the producers witnessed and believed to be a sexual assault.

But they must have agreed to it, right?

They’re both appearing on the special.

We have to wonder what Corinne Olympios’ famously supportive boyfriend will think when he sees the controversial poolside sex romp in all of its censored glory.


Monday, July 31, 2017

DeMario Jackson: Will He Go Dancing with the Stars?

DeMario Jackson will no longer attempt to win over single women on reality television.

But might the former Bachelorette suitor soon be trying to win over viewers on… well… reality television?

According to TMZ, Dancing with the Stars producers have reached out to Jackson’s publicist and asked whether the ABC personality would like to join next season’s cast.

It makes perfect sense, really.

Dancing with the Stars often selects a contestant or two each season from its crop of ex-Bachelor or Bachelorette mainstays… and Jackson has been at the center of possibly the franchise’s biggest scandal in history.

Last month, DeMario and Corinne Olympios drank a lot of alcohol and shed a lot of clothing during an early season hook-up on Bachelor in Paradise.

After an employee on set wondered aloud whether Olympios was sober enough to give Jackson consent, the show shut down production and sent all cast members home.

The production company proceeded to conduct an internal investigation.

This controversy took place just a few weeks after Rachel Lindsay kicked Jackson off The Bachelorette because she discovered he had a girlfriend while trying to woo her.

After about two weeks of online rumors and accusations hurled his way, Jackson sat down for an interview in which he detailed all the X-rated action that went down between himself and Corinne.

Shortly thereafter, Warner Bros. concluded its investigation and determined that no sexual misconduct was committed by anyone on the series.

The company also announced that Bachelor in Paradise Season 4 will air in its entirety this summer.

Jackson, however, will only appear on the reunion special. He will not return to the program as a full-on cast member.

The 30-year-old reality star told TMZ a few days ago that he’d be thrilled to follow Bachelor Nation stars such as Nick Viall and Chris Soules on Dancing with the Stars.

Moreover, he already has a song in mind.

“I would murder Despacito on that show,” Jackson said, referring to Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee and Justin Bieber’s hit single, adding:

“You people don’t understand. I’m, like, a black, Latin, salsa dancer.”

Among other Q-Listers ABC is considering for the new season of Dancing with the Stars?

Disgraced White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer.

We wish we were kidding. But we’re not.


DeMario Jackson Is Negotiating With "Dancing With the Stars"

Turns out controversial “Bachelor In Paradise” star DeMario Jackson may not be done with reality TV — TMZ has learned producers are seriously considering him for a “Dancing With the Stars” slot. Sources close to production tell us the show reached…


Monday, July 24, 2017

Britney Spears Totally Rejected DeMario Jackson in 2008: Watch!

Did you guys know that DeMario Jackson once met Britney Spears? He even got a hug.

If you"re wondering why he doesn"t lead with that fact in literally every conversation and television appearance … the video will make that clear.

There"s a little secondhand embarrassment here, but it"s worth watching the video. To see how gracious Britney Spears is and always has been, but also to see just how far DeMario would go to chase a little fame. Watch the video below!

Demario jackson and britney spears 2008

Awww, remember Myspace?

(No, Myspace isn"t relevant again — but it"s mentioned in this video. Though, let"s be real, it was barely clinging to relevance even in 2008)

See, in a video — believed to have been taken by a fan of Britney — DeMario Jackson tries to get a date with Britney by sharing some information about himself.

He starts by getting her attention — and a laugh:

"You need a black dude!"

Mind you, this is 2008 Britney.

This is after Britney"s epic breakdown that fit perfectly with the archetypal hero"s journey to the underworld (before rising like a phoenix, stronger than ever).

So this was when Britney"s life was still in flux.

These days, of course, she"s happily dating the unnecessarily handsome Sam Ashgari and focusing on being a mom while still having epic global performances because she rules the world of music.

But before she was living the life that she deserves, Britney was unlucky in love … to say the least.

We think, though, that she"s perfectly happy with how her life"s worked out at this point, so we don"t think that she"s looking back and wondering if she should have dated DeMario Jackson.

Britney spears looking hot in japan

Seeing his opening after Britney laughs, DeMario follows up by saying more.

"My mom loves you!"

Smart mom, right?

"Call me right now! I’m dead serious. My name is DeMario Jackson. I’m an up-and-coming actor."

We wonder if he had any idea where his career would go at that time.

We can"t imagine that he imagined himself as being known for his role in the Bachelor Nation, you know?

"I want to be like you."

So does literally everyone, DeMario.

"I want everybody to see me on TV."

On that account, he"s gotten his wish.

He also yelled out his Myspace URL, which gives us such a chuckle.

Britney didn"t seem totally taken in by the verbal barrage, but being the sweetest woman on the planet, she did pose with him for a hug.


Really, though, we don"t think that DeMario was really after a date.

Which is good, because he is not displaying healthy boundaries here in terms of seeking romance.

(Please, please do not go up to random strangers and try to chat them up — don"t try to date coworkers, either. Just naturally meet women in your life and let other people go about their lives)

He was putting his name out there, less for Britney"s benefit and more because she"s mega-famous and he knew that, through that interaction with her, he could get exposure and get noticed.

(Through Britney, all things are possible)

Of course, when DeMario Jackson talks about wanting to be famous, he can"t have meant the Bachelor in Paradise pool sex scandal.

(Be careful what you wish for, folks)

Britney spears performs at the billboard music awards

Britney was more gracious than anyone has a right to expect of her.

Like, a lot of celebrities get tired after a while and can"t put up with constant fan attention when they"re just going shopping or living their lives.

And then, when celebs finally decline to meet someone by putting up a firm boundary, the world looks at them and calls them out for being rude to their fans.

Fame can be vicious like that.

So, brace yourselves for a speck of secondhand embarrassment as DeMario really puts himself out there for Britney, but it"s a cute video.

It"s amazing to see things that the internet just digs up like this:


Awww, remember Myspace?










Britney spears totally rejected demario jackson in 2008 watch

Sunday, July 9, 2017

DeMario Jackson Says He"s Going to "BIP" Reunion Show and is Down with Corinne

DeMario Jackson is not only willing … he’s eager to appear on a “Bachelor in Paradise” reunion show so he can hug all his former castmates who privately supported him over Corinne Olympios’ sexual assault allegations. DeMario was at Toast in L.A.…


DeMario Jackson"s Ex Puts a Bow on Her Assets!!!

Lexi Thexton’s message to DeMario Jackson for ditching her to go on “The Bachelorette?” — the pose says it all … ya assed out on getting this!!! Lexi showed off her buns in a pink bikini in Santa Monica … and she’s as…


Saturday, July 8, 2017

DeMario Jackson Says Screw Oklahoma "Racist Assholes," Glad I Did "BIP"

DeMario Jackson doesn’t care that some people think he committed sexual assault on “Bachelor in Paradise” — despite being cleared — and he seems to target the haters as racists from Oklahoma. DeMario was at a WeHo spa this week, when he told…


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

DeMario Jackson Is Neck Deep With Hot Chicks Post "BiP" Scandal

DeMario Jackson doesn’t need the ‘Bachelor’ franchise to help him wrangle hot chicks … dude’s leaving the club with car loads of them post his and Corinne’s “Bachelor in Paradise” mess. Corinne didn’t get an invite back to the show, which is back…
