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Shaq Defends Kevin Hart "He Apologized, Move On"
Friday, January 11, 2019
Shaq Defends Kevin Hart "He Apologized, Move On"
Friday, January 4, 2019
TMZ Live Ellen DeGeneres Defends Kevin Hart Against "Haters"
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TMZ Live Ellen DeGeneres Defends Kevin Hart Against "Haters"
Sunday, December 16, 2018
ESPN"s Cari Champion Defends Stephen A. Smith ... After NFL Brainfart
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ESPN"s Cari Champion Defends Stephen A. Smith ... After NFL Brainfart
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Camille Kostek Defends Gronk"s Missed Tackle Give Him Another Chance!!
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Camille Kostek Defends Gronk"s Missed Tackle Give Him Another Chance!!
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Baker Mayfield H.S. Coach Defends QB After Hue Beef ... He Was Easy On Coaches!
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Baker Mayfield H.S. Coach Defends QB After Hue Beef ... He Was Easy On Coaches!
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Jim Brown Defends Hue Jackson ... He Made A Good Move
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Jim Brown Defends Hue Jackson ... He Made A Good Move
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Rita Ora Lip-Syncs At Parade John Legend Defends Her
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Rita Ora Lip-Syncs At Parade John Legend Defends Her
Rita Ora Lip-Syncs At Parade John Legend Defends Her
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Rita Ora Lip-Syncs At Parade John Legend Defends Her
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
90 Day Fiance: Kalani Defends Sister, Father Against Viewer Backlash
Even though Larissa made Colt’s mom cry on this week’s 90 Day Fiance, she’s not the only target for the wrath of viewers.
Kalani’s sister and her father have both been the targets of intense fan criticism over how they treated Asuelu in the episode.
So Kalani took to social media to defend her family. She also took her social media private to block out the haters.
Kalani does not have time for haters who are coming after her family.
On this week’s episode, Asuelu met Kalani’s family and began his uphill battle towards being accepted.
It didn’t help that he took Kalani’s virginity and impregnated her while she was on vacation.
(That’s not a way to start things off on the right foot with someone’s deeply Mormon family, folks)
But Kalani’s sister also resented his sudden intrusion into the family — and the fact that he had cheated on Kalani.
Kalani’s dad had … other, more complicated concerns.
First, Kalani defended her sister, Kolini, after fans gave her a hard time for resenting baby Oliver’s dad.
“My sister WAS Oliver’s dad for his first five months,” Kalani writes on Instagram.
“She watched him when I had to go back to work for Asuelu’s papers,” she says.
“She bought all of the s–t I didn’t get from my baby shower,” she adds.
Kalani continues: “and let me skip rent/bills when I had to buy his plane tickets for his interviews and doctor’s appointments.”
That is one hell of a supportive sister — and a supportive aunt.
Kalani makes it clear that Asuelu deserved some of her sister’s ire.
“Asuelu wasn’t paid in coconuts, dumbasses,” Kalani says of her baby daddy’s job.
“He made $ 600 American a month,” she shares. “With no bills.”
“As a sister, if you know you’re throwing downtime and money to help your nephew,” she says.
Kalani continues: “and know that the father isn’t helping in ways that he could — YOU’D BE SALTY TOO!”
As we mentioned, things were a little more complicated for Kalani’s father.
Her dad didn’t want her to be with a Samoan man, which sounds racist until you remember that he himself is Samoan.
“You know how I feel about you being with my kind of people,” he told her on 90 Day Fiance.
“It’s just the way I was born and raised,” he said. “It’s a fast life here and it’s a slow life there.”
That sounds like internalized racism — when people absorb prejudices about themselves — and fans were upset.
Kalani says that some of her statements about her dad wanting her to be with “white men” were taken out of context.
(We absolutely had to include this — both Asuelu and baby Oliver’s first Halloween!)
90 Day Fiance is absolutely no stranger to scenes in which things were taken out of context.
We don’t think that Kalani thinks that white men offer more stability than Samoan men.
We hope that her father doesn’t really feel that way.
It is totally understandable that Kalani opted to make her Instagram private after dealing with all of that backlash following this week’s episode.
We all might wish that her family had been a little more open to Asuelu, but that doesn’t make them monsters.
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Landon Clements Defends Thomas Ravenel After Arrest
We have all witness the rise and fall of Thomas Ravenel.
Though he will never return to Southern Charm and has also been arrested for assault and battery, he still has his defenders.
Former co-star Landon Clements claims that she just can’t imagine him sexually assaulting anyone.
Recently, Southern Charm star Landon Clements attended the Sixth Annual UNICEF Masquerade Ball in downtown Los Angeles.
While there, she spoke to Us Weekly and came to the defense of her disgraced former co-star, Thomas Ravenel.
“I know in my heart that Thomas is a good person,” Landon claims.
That tells a very different story from what most of Thomas’ co-stars and alleged friends have said about him.
Landon continues: “and whatever happened, happened.”
That, at least, is a pretty safe statement to make.
Landon does admit that she doesn’t have any firsthand knowledge about the allegations against him.
“I wasn’t there that night,” she clarifies.
We assume that she’s speaking about the alleged sexual assault of Nanny Dawn, for which he has been arrested.\
To be clear, however, another woman accused him of sexual assault on a different night.
“But,” Landon protests. “I can’t imagine that he would ever hurt anyone.”
It quickly becomes clear that Landon was uncomfortable with discussing Thomas at all.
“Because it is an ongoing court procedure,” Landon says. “I can’t really comment.”
She says this after having already commented, of course.
“And I don’t want to comment,” she continues.
Landon concludes: “I will let the courts take care of it, I suppose.”
Yeah, that’s how it usually works after a creep gets arrested.
In case you’re hazy on the details of the allegations, as Landon appears to be, here is a reminder.
Thomas Ravenel is accused of assaulting his children’s nanny while one of those young children slept nearby.
“While inside the location, the defendant undressed and made sexual advances on the victim,” court documents accuse.
The documents read: “The defendant grabbed the victim’s hand and placed it on his penis before attempting to removed the victim’s clothing.”
“While attempting to remove the victim’s clothing,” the accusation continues. “The victim’s underwire bra cut into her skin and her shirt wrapped around her neck,”
“Which,” the documents say. “Caused the victim to struggle to breathe.’”
Court documents say that Ravenel “pulled down the victim’s pants and said, ‘Show me your p–sy,’ and began grabbing the victim’s vagina.”
Absolutely horrific.
“The victim [then] crouched down to the ground to try and prevent further assault,” the papers explain.
But the accusations say that “the defendant then put his penis in her face and asked, ‘Do you like big dicks?’”
Obviously, even if your literal favorite thing in the world is large penises, without consent, that’s a terrifying situation.
In her own words, Nanny Dawn has shared that she kept quiet during the assault for fear of waking up Ravenel’s young child, who would be traumatized by seeing it.
On a less horrifying subject, Landon was asked about who keeps in touch with her the most.
“Mostly Shep,” she answers.
Shep Rose is quite the character.
“I mean we’ve been friends for so long, he’s like a brother,” she explains. “It’s like a love-hate relationship always, but you know I still talk to him.”
“He was just in England with a bunch of our friends this summer,” she reveals.
“Whitney and I are still super close,” Landon adds, referring to Whitney Sudler-Smith.
“You know I knew Whitney actually from my ex-husband,” she notes. “Because one of my ex-husband’s best friends went to boarding school with him.”
“So it’s all a very tangled web,” she admits.
A lot of rich people know each other through extended family or schooling. It’s part of how they stay on top.
“Even if I don’t talk to them on a regular basis, I doesn’t mean that I don’t love them,” Landon explains.
“They have a big place in my heart always,” she concludes.
Landon Clements is a kindhearted person, but she seems to be directing that kindness at her friend Thomas and not at his alleged victims.
Sometimes, people don’t show you their worst selves.
Thomas will have his day in court. And it’s worth noting that, unfortunately, sexual assault is very difficult to prove in criminal court.
At the time when our court system was designed, sexual assault had a fairly narrow definition, and women were not full citizens — they were closer to property.
Perhaps, however, #MeToo has shifted the culture enough so that Thomas Ravenel’s court case ends the way that Bill Cosby’s has.
We will see.
Friday, October 26, 2018
Ronda Rousey Passionately Defends WWE In Saudi Arabia, We Can Build Bridges
Ronda Rousey tells TMZ Sports … pulling out of the WWE event in Saudi Arabia would be the WRONG move, because there is SO much good that can ultimately come from it. And she’s so passionate about the event, she was fighting back tears while…
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Vicki Gunvalson Defends Shannon Beador, Slams Gina and Emily
Maybe a year and a half ago, Shannon Beador was blaming Vicki Gunvalson’s rumor-mongering for her weight gain. Now, things are very different.
On the most recent episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County, Shannon Beador flipped out.
Vicki is riding to Shannon’s defense, saying that the situation was unfair — and was Gina and Emily’s fault.
Vicki Gunvalson took to her Bravo blog to defend Shannon.
First and foremost, Vicki set the stage for Shannon snapping the way that she did.
“We were all miserable in Jamaica, as it was way too hot,” Vicki shares.
She writes: “And the hotel rooms did not have air conditioning due to an air compressor being broken.”
(I wouldn’t wish for even my worst enemy to be in Virginia without air conditioning. Jamaica? I’d have quit the show and flown back right away)
“They were able to eventually accommodate us on the last few days and moved us to a new villa where it was nice and cool,” Vicki says.
“I think all of our nerves were shot,” Vicki explains. “And things heated up and got out of control.”
Now that she’s explained everyone’s frayed nerves and Shannon’s ponytail, she starts in on the actual conflict.
“I think we should have calmly discussed our concerns or issues with Shannon, without going on the attack mode,” Vicki writes.
“I’ve been on the receiving end of this type of argument when people go after you,” she says. “And it’s not fun by any means.”
Vicki wants to make it very clear that she was not a deliberate participant in this, and that her concern about Shannon appearing to be drinking alone was genuine.
“I told Shannon just today that she is in a much better place than she was six months ago when this was filmed,” Vicki adds.
“And,” she continues. “I’m proud of her strength and accomplishments.”
“It was taken out of context when I said Shannon has ‘rich girl problems’ when she was talking about having to move again,” Vicki writes.
“She was not discussing the amount of support she receives,” Vicki clarifies. “Or that she was ungrateful for it.”
Vicki says: “she was just saying she just got settled in her home and now she had to look for a new place.”
You know what? That’s valid.
Also, has anyone noticed how much Vicki is trying to hold herself accountable for her words these days? Good for her.
Hey, so, remember that part of this week’s episode when Tamra responded to Shannon by screaming at her? Vicki remembers.
“I don’t know all the history of why Tamra got so upset with Shannon,” Vicki says. “Other than what I have heard from Tamra.”
“She was truly concerned for Shannon,” Vicki continues. “And felt Shannon wasn’t there for Tamra during that time.”
Vicki continues: “I just think the delivery could have been a little ‘softer."”
“Like Shannon said, she thought it was resolved at their lunch date at Roger’s Garden,” Vicki notes. “So clearly there was more that transpired after that, which I wasn’t aware of.”
As we discussed, Tamra no longer feels sorry for Shannon, which is quite a thing to say about your BFF.
Vicki sounds fed up: “I don’t know why Gina and Emily are so obsessed with ‘being friends with Shannon."”
“It’s clear that they don’t have an authentic interest in her life or what she is going through,” Vicki assesses.
“Nor do I think it’s fair to continue to talk about it,” Vicki says. “Friendships happen naturally and are never good if they are forced.”
(Spoken like a woman who’s never used overt friendliness as a weapon to get her way, we take it)
Real talk, though, Gina and Emily probably want to forge these friendships to cement their place on the show.
“It’s like they are obsessed with talking about it,” Vicki continues.
In Vicki’s eyes, “Just because they are hanging out with Shannon doesn’t mean they have to be BFF’s.”
“My feeling,” Vicki writes. “Is to let it flow naturally.”
It can be difficult to very naturally form friendships while on camera, however.
“Shannon and I don’t see much of Gina and Emily,” Vicki shades. “So I don’t know why they are so focused on it.”
In Vicki’s eyes: “For some of the girls to continue to prod Tamra on her friendship with Shannon when they knew it was issue is just plain mean.”
“It is disingenuous of Gina to purposely try to drive a wedge between Tamra and Shannon and then claim to be some victim,” Vicki accuses.
Vicki has a theory: “It’s like she thinks she is going to win Tamra over if she is friends with her and not Shannon?”
“Are we in grade school?” Vicki asks. “Is this a game?”
“Gina does not have the history Tamra and Shannon do,” Vicki says. “And my advice is to leave them be and let them sort this out on their own.”
“They sure don’t need Gina’s advice on this,” in Vicki’s opinion.
“Shannon’s situation is completely different than anyone else’s,” Vicki affirms. “Her divorce is nasty and very difficult to handle.”
“Kelly stirred the pot by telling Shannon that Tamra thinks Shannon isn’t a good friend,” she accuses. “That’s not being a friend at all.”
“She threw that out there and then walked away smirking, which is extremely mean,” Vicki writes. “It is NOT ok talking ‘crap’ on your friend behind her back.”
“And,” Vicki continues. “When Kelly said ‘David must have been a saint’ is wrong and NOT ok.”
“She owes Shannon an apology,” Vicki concludes. “As they are very good friends still.”
Who’d have thought this time last year that Vicki would come riding to Shannon’s defense?
"Love & Hip Hop" Star Amara La Negra Defends Spice for White Face
“Love & Hip Hop: Miami” star Amara La Negra is totally behind Spice’s decision to go white face for her album, because she believes Spice had a noble purpose and executed it brilliantly. Amara tells TMZ, the haters who have…
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Megyn Kelly Defends Blackface, Asks: What is Racist?
Oh, crazy, desperate, race-baiting, ignorant Megyn Kelly…
… how we’ve missed you!
The formerly controversial Fox News host moved over to NBC at the outset of 2018, determined to shed her polarizing reputation and settle in as a harmless and happy morning personality.
She wanted to be the next Kelly Ripa, basically.
The thing is, though, there’s already a Kelly Ripa on television — and Kelly quickly learned that you can’t go from ranting and raving about the plight of the rich white person on Fox to casually discussing makeup and paleo recipes on NBC.
Viewers do not forget.
So, with her Today Show ratings dwindling, Kelly has returned to what she does best:
Making really dumb, close-minded and misguided statements.
She sided with Brett Kavanaugh a few weeks ago, for example, arguing that the Supreme Court justice nominee was innocent of sexual misconduct simply because he said so.
And now Kelly is here to wonder why people dressing in blackface is such a big deal.
“I have to give you a fair warning, I’m a little fired up about Halloween costumes this morning,” Kelly said on Tuesday to open a segment.
“I mean, truly, political correctness has gone amok. There are strict rules on what you may and may not wear by someone who thinks is the boss of you.”
“Isn’t the whole purpose of Halloween to dress up and pretend you’re someone other than yourself?” she continued. “I feel like it’s so absurd. Who comes up with these rules?”
What rules, you may be wondering?
Receiving flak for painting one’s face black for a costume, Kelly used as a major example.
“What is racist?” she actually asked.
“You do get in trouble if you are a white person who puts on blackface for Halloween, or a black person who puts on whiteface for Halloween. Back when I was a kid, that was OK just as long as you were dressing as a character.”
For the record:
Blackface was a form of theatrical make-up used predominantly by non-black performers to represent a caricature of a black person in the 19th century.
It contributed to the spread of racial stereotypes such as the “happy-go-lucky darky on the plantation” or the “dandified coon” and it was very offensive to African-Americans.
It was stereotypical and insulting and a reminder to African-Americans that they were viewed as a lesser other by those who wore it.
This really isn’t complicated.
But Kelly brought up Real Housewives of New York cast member Luann de Lesseps to try and prove her point.
Luann faced backlash in April when she attended a Halloween party dressed as legendary singer Diana Ross.
de Lesseps said soon afterward that she understood the criticism and apologized for it. But Kelly doesn’t comprehend why she had to do so.
“People said that that was racist! And I don’t know, like, I thought, like, ‘Who doesn’t love Diana Ross?"” said Kelly, adding:
“She wants to look like Diana Ross for one day. I don’t know how that got racist on Halloween. It’s not like she’s walking around [wearing blackface] in general.”
Patton Oswalt spoke for most of the free world when he responded to Kelly’s viewpoint as follows:

It seems hard to believe that Kelly herself believes this one.
But we’re pretty sure we know what’s going on here:
She’s auditioning for a return to Fox.
Someone is clearly yearning to be employed by a company that will appreciate her racist views.
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Jenelle Evans Defends Husband, Claims Everything is Peachy Keen
Jenelle Evans would like to set the record straight.
The Teen Mom 2 star was rushed to the hospital a few days ago after getting into some kind of altercation with husband David Eason.
This much is not up for debate.
But what actually transpired between the couple?
Did Eason really attack Evans, as Jenelle herself seemed to admit to on a 911 call?
Evans has spoken to E! News about the incident and done the best she can to explain where things stand between her and Eason.
Scroll down to see what she has to say..
1. How Did This Latest Controversy Start?

2. What Else Do We Know About This Call?

3. Was Eason Involved?

4. Oh… Really?!?

5. Nothing to See Here… Except Hotness!

6. But Here’s the Thing:

Thursday, October 11, 2018
Jim Brown Defends White House Visit Says It Was "Very Postitive"
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Sunday, September 30, 2018
Tom Green Defends Kawhi Leonard"s Laugh, Stop Shaming It!
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Sunday, September 23, 2018
RZA Defends NFL Over Maroon 5 Pick, Adam Levine Is Dope!!
Here’s something you don’t hear rappers say a lot lately … CUT THE NFL A BREAK!!! RZA — the leader of the Wu-Tang Clan — says he doesn’t think the NFL deserves all the crap it’s been getting for booking Maroon 5 for the Super Bowl halftime…
Sunday, September 16, 2018
Weather Channel Defends Reporter Accused of Exaggerating Hurricane Wind
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Thursday, September 13, 2018
Lisa Vanderpump Defends "RHOBH" Costar Dorit Kemsley Over Dog Feud Rumors
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