Showing posts with label SLAMS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SLAMS. Show all posts

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Michael Jackson Estate Slams Sexual Abuse Documentary ... Premiering At Sundance

Breaking News
Michael Jackson‘s estate is slamming a new documentary making allegations of sexual abuse by the late singer … by calling out the doc’s producers for what it says is a clear attempt to exploit Michael when it premieres at Sundance.
MJ’s estate tells TMZ...
Michael Jackson Estate Slams Sexual Abuse Documentary ... Premiering At Sundance

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Joey Chestnut Chugs Beer & Slams Fan Through Table ... At Bills Tailgate

Breaking News

Wiener-eating champ Joey Chestnut chugged beer and slammed some dude through a table Sunday … officially becoming a new member of #BillsMafia — and the video is epic.
It all went down in the New Era Field parking lot before the Bills took on the Jets — when...
Joey Chestnut Chugs Beer & Slams Fan Through Table ... At Bills Tailgate

Joey Chestnut Chugs Beer & Slams Fan Through Table ... At Bills Tailgate

Breaking News

Wiener-eating champ Joey Chestnut chugged beer and slammed some dude through a table Sunday … officially becoming a new member of #BillsMafia — and the video is epic.
It all went down in the New Era Field parking lot before the Bills took on the Jets — when...
Joey Chestnut Chugs Beer & Slams Fan Through Table ... At Bills Tailgate

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer SLAMS Ryan Edwards: You Selfish A-Hole!

Last month, Mackenzie Standifer welcomed her second child, a boy named Jagger Ryan Edwards.

Sadly, the boy"s father and namesake (Ryan Edwards, not Mick Jagger) was unable to be there for his son"s birth.

Edwards is in rehab being treated for a severe addiction to heroin.

It looks as though he"ll remain there for quite some time, and though the treatment might literally save his life, it seems Mackenzie is NOT happy about it.

Take a look:

1. Troubled From the Start

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer

We would begin by discussing a simpler time in Ryan and Mackenzie’s relationship — but really, these two have had issues since day one.

2. Wedding Woes

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

Ryan famously passed out while driving to his wedding with Mackenzie. Shortly thereafter, he checked into rehab for the first time.

3. The Relapse

Ryan edwards teen mom og picture

He left treatment ahead of schedule and relapsed within weeks. That’s when the real downward spiral began.

4. Fighting the Law and Losing

Ryan edwards mug shot new

Ryan was arrested three times in less than 18 months for possession charges and probation violations. On one recent occasion, he spent nearly a full week behind bars.

5. Bottoming Out

Ryan edwards on teen mom photo

On one recent occasion, Ryan spent nearly a full week behind bars. Shortly thereafter, he checked into rehab again.

6. A Fresh Start

Ryan edwards is mad

This time around, Ryan decided to remain in treatment for 90 days. And thus far, reports of his progress have been promising.

View Slideshow

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Vicki Gunvalson Defends Shannon Beador, Slams Gina and Emily

Maybe a year and a half ago, Shannon Beador was blaming Vicki Gunvalson’s rumor-mongering for her weight gain. Now, things are very different.

On the most recent episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County, Shannon Beador flipped out.

Vicki is riding to Shannon’s defense, saying that the situation was unfair — and was Gina and Emily’s fault.

Vicki Gunvalson took to her Bravo blog to defend Shannon.

First and foremost, Vicki set the stage for Shannon snapping the way that she did.

“We were all miserable in Jamaica, as it was way too hot,” Vicki shares.

She writes: “And the hotel rooms did not have air conditioning due to an air compressor being broken.”

(I wouldn’t wish for even my worst enemy to be in Virginia without air conditioning. Jamaica? I’d have quit the show and flown back right away)

“They were able to eventually accommodate us on the last few days and moved us to a new villa where it was nice and cool,” Vicki says.

“I think all of our nerves were shot,” Vicki explains. “And things heated up and got out of control.”

Now that she’s explained everyone’s frayed nerves and Shannon’s ponytail, she starts in on the actual conflict.

“I think we should have calmly discussed our concerns or issues with Shannon, without going on the attack mode,” Vicki writes.

“I’ve been on the receiving end of this type of argument when people go after you,” she says. “And it’s not fun by any means.”

Vicki wants to make it very clear that she was not a deliberate participant in this, and that her concern about Shannon appearing to be drinking alone was genuine.

“I told Shannon just today that she is in a much better place than she was six months ago when this was filmed,” Vicki adds.

“And,” she continues. “I’m proud of her strength and accomplishments.”

“It was taken out of context when I said Shannon has ‘rich girl problems’ when she was talking about having to move again,” Vicki writes.

“She was not discussing the amount of support she receives,” Vicki clarifies. “Or that she was ungrateful for it.”

Vicki says: “she was just saying she just got settled in her home and now she had to look for a new place.”

You know what? That’s valid.

Also, has anyone noticed how much Vicki is trying to hold herself accountable for her words these days? Good for her.

Hey, so, remember that part of this week’s episode when Tamra responded to Shannon by screaming at her? Vicki remembers.

“I don’t know all the history of why Tamra got so upset with Shannon,” Vicki says. “Other than what I have heard from Tamra.”

“She was truly concerned for Shannon,” Vicki continues. “And felt Shannon wasn’t there for Tamra during that time.”

Vicki continues: “I just think the delivery could have been a little ‘softer."”

“Like Shannon said, she thought it was resolved at their lunch date at Roger’s Garden,” Vicki notes. “So clearly there was more that transpired after that, which I wasn’t aware of.”

As we discussed, Tamra no longer feels sorry for Shannon, which is quite a thing to say about your BFF.

Vicki sounds fed up: “I don’t know why Gina and Emily are so obsessed with ‘being friends with Shannon."”

“It’s clear that they don’t have an authentic interest in her life or what she is going through,” Vicki assesses.

“Nor do I think it’s fair to continue to talk about it,” Vicki says. “Friendships happen naturally and are never good if they are forced.”

(Spoken like a woman who’s never used overt friendliness as a weapon to get her way, we take it)

Real talk, though, Gina and Emily probably want to forge these friendships to cement their place on the show.

“It’s like they are obsessed with talking about it,” Vicki continues.

In Vicki’s eyes, “Just because they are hanging out with Shannon doesn’t mean they have to be BFF’s.”

“My feeling,” Vicki writes. “Is to let it flow naturally.”

It can be difficult to very naturally form friendships while on camera, however.

“Shannon and I don’t see much of Gina and Emily,” Vicki shades. “So I don’t know why they are so focused on it.”

In Vicki’s eyes: “For some of the girls to continue to prod Tamra on her friendship with Shannon when they knew it was issue is just plain mean.”

“It is disingenuous of Gina to purposely try to drive a wedge between Tamra and Shannon and then claim to be some victim,” Vicki accuses.

Vicki has a theory: “It’s like she thinks she is going to win Tamra over if she is friends with her and not Shannon?”

“Are we in grade school?” Vicki asks. “Is this a game?”

“Gina does not have the history Tamra and Shannon do,” Vicki says. “And my advice is to leave them be and let them sort this out on their own.”

“They sure don’t need Gina’s advice on this,” in Vicki’s opinion.

“Shannon’s situation is completely different than anyone else’s,” Vicki affirms. “Her divorce is nasty and very difficult to handle.”

“Kelly stirred the pot by telling Shannon that Tamra thinks Shannon isn’t a good friend,” she accuses. “That’s not being a friend at all.”

“She threw that out there and then walked away smirking, which is extremely mean,” Vicki writes. “It is NOT ok talking ‘crap’ on your friend behind her back.”

“And,” Vicki continues. “When Kelly said ‘David must have been a saint’ is wrong and NOT ok.”

“She owes Shannon an apology,” Vicki concludes. “As they are very good friends still.”

Who’d have thought this time last year that Vicki would come riding to Shannon’s defense?


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Kim Zolciak SLAMS Accusations of Photoshopping Her Kids

Just last month, Kim Zolciak was accused of photoshopping the butt of her 4-year-old daughter. Yikes.

Now, after new photos have surfaced that appear to show her kids before and after being digitally altered, Kim is blasting the accusations.

Kim calls the accusation “sick,” but even some of her own fans are convinced that she’s doing it.

Kim Zolciak kids photoshop accusation

An Instagram accounts called @wigzncigs is dedicated to exposing Kim Zolciak as an alleged fraud.

And they may have hit the jackpot.

They shared what they say are before and after photos of two of Kim Zolciak’s very young children, Kaia and Kane.

Though the differences are almost imperceptible, it does appear that the photos were modified.

If you can’t see the changes to both Kaia and Kane with the side-by-side images, perhaps seeing the contrast like this will help:

Kim Zolciak kids photoshop kaia and kane gif

“Check out the before & after,” the non-fan page writes.

“Kaia’s waist was taken in and her legs were made thinner,” the caption reads. “Kane’s ear was also made smaller.”

It certainly appears that way.

But Kim, who has been accused of doctoring photos of her children in the past, took to social media to express her outrage — and a firm denial.

“People are f–kin SICK!!” Kim exclaims.

She demands in her tweet: “Get the f–k out here!!”

“No post was taken down,” she asserts about the “before” photos.

“And,” Kim continues. “No photo has been nor will ever be edited of my children!”

As for the accusations, Kim writes: “I will no longer stand for this bulls–t!”

This is not Kim’s first time being accused of this.

This Halloween photo of Kaia and Kane brought on accusations that she had digitally manipulated the curve of her daughter’s butt.

Kaia Biermann, for the record, is four years old.

The idea of a mother being so obsessed with appearances that she tries to make her extremely young children look more “perfect” is stomach-turning.

Is this really what’s happening?

Even some of Kim Zolciak’s own alleged fans seem to think so.

“I’d love to believe you,” tweeted one person. “But I’ve seen a video of your IG pic/story, and it’s CLEARLY photoshopped-there are before and after shots. Sad, really.”

Others were less gentle, tweeting: “The photo was 100% photoshopped lol.”

Kim had defenders who sided with her, but her critics encouraged them to look at what they say is evidence of digital manipulation.

“Obviously you people haven’t seen the before and after,” a tweeter wrote to Kim’s defenders. “You can preach happiness and acceptance and joy…but damn girl, actions speak louder than words!”

Other fans spoke openly of their hope that her husband, Kroy, will step in and stop her from tweaking any more photos.

As we mentioned, @wigzncigs is serious about taking down Kim Zolciak.

Their Instagram bio reads: “Exposing Kim Zolciak-Biermann and her family for the liars & frauds they are! Ask, Believe, Deceive.”

The bio also links to, of all things, a petition.

The petition aims to implore Andy Cohen to cancel Don’t Be Tardy, on the grounds that they don’t like Kim Zolciak and think she’s fake.

Our first thought was that someone has way too much time on their hands.

Our second thought was to half-jokingly wonder if NeNe Leakes is somehow behind this.

(She’s not, but it would be so funny if she were using her massive paycheck to bankroll people to roast Kim)

But on a more serious note, if this “evidence” is somehow being faked or simply a misunderstanding, we hope that Kim can clear it up.

If Kim really is rounding out the butt and shrinking the ears of her very young children, though, that is … super f–ked up.

It’s one thing to have body image issues with yourself. It’s another thing altogether to project that onto your own babies.


Friday, September 28, 2018

Daniel Cormier Slams Jon Jones, You"re a Coked Out Snitch!

Daniel Cormier just went OFF on Jon Jones — the latest in their nasty rivalry — this time, DC’s labeling Jones a cheating, coke-abusing “snitch” who rolled on one of his teammates.  Jon started the latest round this week … taunting Cormier…


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Emily Simpson SLAMS Kelly Dodd for Vicious Attack on Husband!

Though viewers saw Vicki Gunvalson flip out on The Real Housewives of Orange County, she wasn’t the only Housewife to get a little hot under the collar.

When Kelly Dodd criticized Emily Simpson’s husband — when she called him a “b–ch” — Emily lashed out, even threatening to kill Kelly.

Emily cooled off and apologized, and she’s owning up to her words and actions. But she says that she’s the only one who’s doing so.

“I am in no way proud of my behavior at Tamra’s party,” Emily admits in a Bravo blog post.

In her own defense, Emily says: “I feel like any wife who respects her marriage and her husband would have become as irate as I did.”

“However,” Emily adds. “I am the ONLY one taking any responsibility for my own actions that evening.”

“And let’s be honest,” Emily says, preparing to school her co-star. “For a ‘death threat’ to be actionable, the other party has to have an imminent and reasonable fear that their life is in jeopardy.”

“The fact that Kelly continued to scream, ‘Hit me! Hit me!’ and was laughing means she was not scared for her life,” Emily reasons.

She says that Kelly has been targeted Emily’s words so that she does not have to look inward.

“Kelly’s constant focusing on what I said that night is simply a deflection from dealing with her own abhorrent behavior,” Emily says.

“I have to say I’m quite disappointed in the other ladies,” Emily continues.

Emily asks: “Did anyone else notice that Tamra, in her last blog, says Shane likes to cause drama when all he did was stand at a table and have a nice, quiet conversation with Steve?”

Tamra’s last blog was more or less all about accusing Shane of being dramatic.

Emily spies hypocrisy in Tamra’s accusations.

“Yet she makes ZERO mention of Kelly’s behavior,” Emily points out. “Can Shane ever catch a break? Is he ever allowed to speak?”

Emily then points out that Shane was in a no-win scenario.

“If he said nothing, he would be attacked for being spineless,” Emily imagines. “If he speaks up, he’s attacked for causing drama.”

“At the very least, it is laughable that the queen of ‘That’s my opinion!’ is telling Shane to stay out of it,” Emily says, referring to the famous meme of Tamra screaming.

“I am happy that Kelly and I had the opportunity to sit down face to face and work it out,” Emily writes.

Emily continues: “I truly believe you can work things out by owning your own actions, forgiving, and moving on.”

“I feel that we both said what we wanted to say,” Emily says. “And we both took responsibility for our own part in the evening.”

Emily adds: “I even texted Kelly after meeting with her and reiterated how I was happy that we chatted and worked things out.”

Despite that peacemaking, Emily points out that Kelly hasn’t given up on her insistence that Shane is a “b–ch.”

It’s part of human nature for people to get upset and defensive when their loved ones are targeted for criticism and ridicule.

And it goes with the Real Housewife franchise’s territory for people to have explosive arguments on camera. Viewers expect it.

It’s how the stars respond after the fact that shows fans what their character is really like. Emily, at least, is owning what she did and what she said.

We do hope that, in the future, Emily avoids issuing any death threats. It’s not cool.


Sunday, September 16, 2018

"OITNB" Star Dascha Polanco Slams Trump Over Comments About Puerto Rico Deaths

Dascha Polanco believes Donald Trump’s claim the death toll in Puerto Rico was inflated to make him look bad, only proves one thing — he’s all about diversions. The “Orange Is the New Black” star was at LAX Friday when she called out the…


Friday, September 14, 2018

Katt Williams Slams Tiffany Haddish as Unproven Comic in Radio Interview

Tiffany Haddish ain’t s**t as a comedian … is what Katt Williams is claiming after going on one of his patented rants, bashing her rise to success. Katt joined V-103’s ‘Frank and Wanda’ Friday and went nuclear on a bunch of comedians…


Monday, September 10, 2018

Luann de Lesseps Slams Dorinda Medley"s Claim About Rehab Stay!

At the reunion special for The Real Housewives of New York City, a number of the stars aired what they claimed was the "truth" about the countess — Luann de Lesseps.

Now, Luann is getting the chance to respond to those accusations and to set the record straight.

As you"ll see in this video, she"s starting with Dorinda, who claimed that Luann entered rehab just to stay out of jail.

Dorinda medley at the rhony reunion 2018

At the reunion special, Luann was absent — and therefore, she was not there to defend herself.

Dorinda Medley jumped at the chance to gossip behind Luann"s back.

"Luann didn"t go to rehab because she had some huge revelation," Dorinda claimed to Andy and the entire audience.

She went to rehab because she needed to stay out of jail," Dorinda accused.

"And," Dorinda threw in. "it was practically court-ordered."

Luann de lesseps a selfie

On Watch What Happens Live, Andy Cohen asked Luann how she would like to respond.

"I was not court-ordered to go to rehab," Luann begins.

She has a lot more ignorance to clear up.

"I went on my own recognizance, first of all," Luann says.

"So," Luann summarizes. "Dorinda doesn"t know anything about me."

That much is very obvious.

Luann de lesseps in cowboy hat

Luann makes it clear why she chose to enter rehab.

"I went because I felt that I needed to go and take care of myself," Luann explains.

"And," she continues. "I take it very seriously."

That has been very clear, for months.

"It"s 51 days today, by the way," Luann tells the audience. The audience applauds.

Good for Luann! Sobriety can be difficult, even for celebrities. This is especially true for stars who use alcohol as a coping mechanism for stress.

Ramona singer on e

Luann then responds to a claim that Ramona Singer made at the reunion, that she had been "out of it" at the Beacon following rehab.

"Ramona, look at me, with those eyes," Luann says. "I was never at the Beacon this summer so that is a total lie."

"And at Chris Birch"s party," Luann continues. "I was not kicked out, Ramona."

Luann adds: "So you"ve got to stop making stuff up to make yourself look better, Ramona."

As a final jab, Luann tells Ramona: "It"s not going to happen."

Luann de lesseps on watch what happens

The video closes on Jerry O"Connell doing his best impression of Ramona Singer.

But the real takeaway is that Dorinda made a real butt of herself in front of fans with claims that she absolutely cannot substantiate.

If Luann did enter rehab with the intention of avoiding prison time, it was a two birds, one stone scenario — because she"s clearly serious about her sobriety.

In the mean time, Dorinda is just leveling accusations based upon what might as well be spectral evidence. The fans know that, and they"re not loving it.

Some even commented that Dorinda seemed fun when she first joined the series, but now she appears to be toxic.

We get it — they"re Real Housewives. Feuding, gossiping, and assuming the worst go with the territory. But attacking someone"s sobriety seems like a low blow.

Luann de lesseps slams dorinda medleys claim about rehab stay

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Kailyn Lowry SLAMS Jenelle Evans: You"re Too Dumb to Homeschool Your Kids!

We"ve known for years that Kailyn Lowry and Jenelle Evans aren"t exactly besties.

But lately, their mutual dislike for one another has escalated to the level of an all-out war.

Earlier this week, Lowry blasted Evans on Twitter, calling her co-star out for much of the scandalous behavior that"s made Jenelle so unpopular with fans.

She also revealed that Jenelle had blocked her, which led many to believe that was the end of the feud.

Of course, we should have known better …

Jenelle can"t resist talking trash, and today she fired more shots at Kail — and was swiftly put in her place.

Jump into the gallery below for one of the ugliest Teen Mom exchanges to date:

1. Back At It

Kail jenelle split 2

Jenelle and Kail have been at one another’s throats lately, and many now believe Evans is badly outmatched in this battle of wits.

2. The Podmother

Kailyn lowry on podcast

It seems Jenelle has taken issue with the fact that she’s occasionally a topic of conversation on Kail’s Coffee Convos podcast.

3. Jenelle Goes Off

Jenelle goes off

“Soooo it’s OK to constantly talk about me on their podcast tho? Don’t you have any other topics than me?!”

4. Just Don’t Listen?

Jenelle evans dude shirt

When fans pointed out that it’s actually quite easy to avoid a podcast that one doesn’t care to listen to, Jenelle argued that the problem goes beyond Coffee Convos.

5. Talking Smack

Jenelle evans best picture

“Nah, articles are always written talking s–t about me,” Jenelle tweeted, adding of Kail: “Don’t blame her though… she’s just always trying to remain relevant.”

6. The Coward’s Way Out

The cowards way out

It was then that we learned Jenelle was hurling insults at someone she had blocked. It looked like kail would have the final word this tweet, but today, Evans fired back …

View Slideshow

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Farrah Abraham SLAMS Bristol Palin: She Scares Me!

The 2018 MTV Video Music Awards were held last night, and as in year’s past, the best and brightest of the music world rubbed elbows with some of the network’s longest-standing stars — who might be a bit less well-known to the show’s mainstream audience.

Among the attendees were Farrah Abraham and Kailyn Lowry, both of whom were asked for their thoughts on MTV’s decision to add Bristol Palin to the cast of Teen Mom OG.

Kail — displaying the warmth and optimism that have made her a fan favorite in recent years — had only good things to say about Bristol:

“I think it could be a great addition to the Teen Mom OG cast,” Lowry told Us Weekly on the red carpet.

“I welcome her to the family!”

Farrah, as expected, was a bit more melodramatic and — what’s the word? — batsh-t crazy in her response to the same question.

“I think I’m watching Girl, Interrupted. She moved to the same place I live,” Farrah said when asked about Bristol.

“I’m actually scared. I want to stay away from that.”

Just about every Farrah quote is unintentionally hilarious, but this one might take the cake.

For starters, we literally have no idea what sort of thought she’s trying to convey.

On top of that, Farrah has either never seen Girl, Interrupted or doesn’t remember it very clearly.

In fact, we’re pretty sure she meant to reference Single White Female, which is just one of the many factors that make this a dark horse candidate for funniest Farrah quote.

Farrah Abraham-Bristol Palin

That said, we’re forced to grudgingly agree with Farrah on one point.

The Palins are scary and anything that lures them away from their Russia-adjacent stomping grounds and into the lower 48 is even scarier.

MTV has unleashed a pox upon the mainland, and those who fear the future are right to.

That doesn’t mean we won’t be watching every cringe-y second of Bristol on TMOG.

We’re just gonna keep in mind that we might be witnessing the beginning of the endtimes.


Sunday, August 19, 2018

Nicki Minaj Slams Kylie Jenner & Stormi for Fueling Travis Scott"s Album to #1

Nicki Minaj is going nuclear, blaming Kylie Jenner and her daughter Stormi for Travis Scott’s victory over her on the charts. Nicki is furious because she believed she would soar to the top of the Billboard Chart with her new album, “Queen” … but…


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

David Eason"s Mom Slams Barbara Evans: He Doesn"t Beat Jenelle! Shut Yer Yap! [Exclusive]

Barbara Evans has been outspoken when it comes to her daughter Jenelle Evans’ husband David Eason, who she believes is dangerous.

David’s own mother tells a different story, however, telling Barb off in a lengthy missive shared exclusively with The Hollywood Gossip.

According to Barbara, David is a violent, aggressive, hot-tempered, controlling yahoo – with a penchant for firearms, no less. 

Bit of a worrisome combination right there.

On the Teen Mom 2 reunion on Monday, August 13, Jenelle Evans didn’t show up, but Barbara did – and she didn’t hold back.

Babs openly speculated on MTV that Jenelle no-showed the reunion because her husband wouldn’t let her out of his sight.

“I don’t feel Jenelle is OK,” Barbara said.

“I’m just so so so worried.”

Due to David Eason’s aggression and love of guns, Barbara even said, “I’m going to be the first one shot cause I live closest.”

“It scares me,” she said of living in fear of him.

“He could come over and kill me any time.”

Scary stuff … but complete nonsense, according to another figure who claims she knows him – and his family – better than Barbara:

David’s mom, Mary Jo Eason.

Having heard several versions of this same, savage theme from Barb (above), Mary Jo has had just about enough, telling THG:

“I don’t like to comment on all of this because someone will be there to tell me they know more than I do about my own son!”

“My son does not beat Jenelle or boss her around! He doesn’t beat the children!” she adds, before addressing Babs directly:

“Barb you know he doesn’t! Tell the truth and shame the devil! You should be trying to help your daughter and her family.”

“You never say anything nice,” she says, pointedly directed at a woman she believes lies, manipulates and distorts the truth.

“You hated David from the start … you would rather be on that stupid show then [sic] be a loving parent and grandmother!”

(Jenelle has echoed this sentiment recently, accusing her mom of using her for fame and alleging that Barbara is the real child abuser.

The younger Evans also called 911 on Babs last winter, claiming that her mom had harmed or was going to harm son Jace.)

Mary Jo, she says, is “there every week,” while Ensley, David and Jenelle’s young daughter, “doesn’t even know [Barbara].” 

“How can you keep right on saying horrible things about my son? They are happy and you can’t stand it! I’m so sick of so many lies!” 

“Our children and grandchildren don’t deserve to be pawns in your nasty games!” Mary Jo continues, pleading with Barbara to stop.

“I’ve always been nice to you and your daughter and your grandchildren. How about try to put love and understanding and help in their lives.”

“Family and love for your family is all that matters,” Mary Jo pleads. “Please be honest and stop your vendetta.”

“You are only a year older than me. Don’t you know with each passing day our time in this Earth gets shorter.”

Damn. Now she’s getting deep.

In closing, David’s mother wants Barbara – and everyone else – to think before they repeat what they think is true.

There are usually multiple sides to a story, but she implies that Barb (and the media) only follow one narrative.

“All of you that keep saying things because you just think them should search your heart and soul and stop,” she concludes.

“David is my son and I know him better than all of you that don’t! I’m sure I’ll have to delete this but I have to speak up for my son.”

“He loves his family.”

Well, there you have his side of the story. Do you believe her? Or is David every bit the dangerous person Barbara alleges?



Friday, August 10, 2018

Khloe Kardashian SLAMS Kris Jenner: Stop ART-SHAMING Me!

Back before she was feuding with Kim, we saw Kourtney be so rude about Khloe"s upholstery choices that Khloe asked what crawled up Kourtney"s ass.

Well, Kourtney"s not the only one giving Khloe a hard time. In this KUWTK sneak peek clip, it"s Kris" turn.

And now Khloe is calling out Kris for, get this, "art-shaming" her. Art-shaming.

Khloe kardashian with her arms krossed

"What are those gold things?" Khloe asks her mother in a new preview clip from Keeping Up With The Kardashians. "Are those, like, ceramic …?"

"Those are Jeff Koons," Kris replies.

Khloe replies: "I don"t know what a Jeff Koons is."

Khloe"s tone of voice, as you"ll hear, is precisely the tone that you might use if a coworker brings up a professional athlete when you"ve never watched a sports game in your entire adult life.

"He"s famous for the balloon dog," Kris explains.

Khloe kardashian kris jenner and jeff koons

Kris has a suggestion for how her daughter might broaden her horizons and ask fewer gauche questions.

"You need to go to, like, an art class," Kris suggests to Khloe.

Khloe did not appreciate Kris" artsplaining, which she felt was a condescending response to her question.

"Just because I"m not as knowledgeable as you," Khloe protests. "You shouldn"t turn your nose up."

"You should be like, "Khloe, Jeff Koons is …" instead of making me feel less than and uneducated," Khloe suggests.

Her feelings are valid, but that doesn"t necessarily mean that she is not overreacting to her mom"s words a little.

Jeff koons art owned by kris

Speaking to the konfessional kamera, Khloe explains her frustrations with her mom.

"My mom has not known about art for years and years," Khloe reveals.

Khloe continues, saying: "She"s just learning about art — which is great!"

It"s good that Khloe isn"t bashing her mom"s interest in art, just what she perceives to be Kris" newfound know-it-all tone.

"But," Khloe says. "You can"t art-shame people just because they know less than you."

Fun art fact: art-shaming is … not a thing.

Kris jenner at her computer

"I"m your f–king daughter," Khloe protests. "And you"re art-shaming me! And it"s mean!"

Some might argue that Kris had simply answered her question, and then offered a helpful suggestion for how Khloe could learn more.

"I don"t understand why people like to make other people feel like s–t," Khloe laments.

"Sorry," Kris says, starting over. "It"s a Jeff Koons."

This time, there is no suggestion that Khloe could take an art class.

Kris then helpfully spells his last name: "K-O-O-N-S."

Khloe kardashian facepalm pic

Sometimes people who are just learning about something will be condescending about what they do know, in part to shield themselves from embarrassment about their past ignorance.

That"s just part of human nature.

It"s also more than possible that Khloe was being a little overly sensitive about her mother … answering her question.

Jeff Koons is a famous artist, but he"s a modern artist (several years ago, one of his pieces set a record for most expensive art of any living artist).

It is totally understandable that Khloe wouldn"t know his name. Art history dates back thousands and thousands of years, folks.

Khloe kardashian slams kris jenner stop art shaming me

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Lindsay Lohan Slams #MeToo Movement: These Women Are Weak!

Lindsay Lohan has been back in the news lately, which is exciting if you’re the kind of person who reflects fondly on Charlie Sheen’s meltdown, but highly triggering if you’re disturbed by the sight of track marks wending their way through an archipelago of ginger freckles.

We kid LiLo, of course.

By most accounts, the actress-turned-wannabe-reality-star is sober(-ish) these days — which makes her latest comments all the more baffling.

In case you’ve been blissfully unaware, Lohan is currently filming a new show for MTV, a reality series that’s been described as a “docu-series” focusing on Lindsay’s eponymous nightclub in Greece.

Sources say the show was “inspired” by the Bravo hit Vanderpump Rules (read: it’ll be a lame attempt to piggyback on that series’ success).

The show just started shooting and it’s not set to debut until next year, but Lohan is already basking in the media attention generated by news of the project.

And proving once again that you can take the girl out of Hollywood but you can’t stop her from saying idiotic things, Lindsay is already shooting herself in the foot every chance she gets.

During a recent interview, Lohan was asked about her thoughts regarding the #MeToo movement that’s shedding light on the rampant sexual assault and harassment that’s been plaguing Hollywood for decades.

Lindsay began by stating that she doesn’t “really have anything to say” … and she should have just left it there.

Instead, she pressed on with the sort of comments that would be career-ruiners — if Lindsay still had a career left to ruin.

“I can’t speak on something I don’t live, right? Look, I am very supportive of women. Everyone goes through their own experiences in their own ways,” Lohan began.

For reasons that defy logic or explanation, she went on to argue that victims discredit themselves by not reporting abuse immediately:

“If it happens at that moment, you discuss it at that moment,” Lohan said.

“You make it a real thing by making it a police report,” she added.

“I’m going to really hate myself for saying this, but I think by women speaking against these things, it makes them look weak when they are very strong women.”

Oof. Obviously the part about sexual assault survivors looking “weak” is getting the most attention on social media today, but this statement is atrocious for so many other reasons, as well.

Imagine telling an abuse survivor that their attack wasn’t “real” because they failed to report it prior to a deadline that exists only in Lindsay Lohan’s mind.

Hopefully, Lindsay doesn’t really believe this stuff, and she’s still just working as a mouthpiece for various foreign governments.

But if that’s the case, she should probably tell us soon before she’s forced to hire Paul Manafort’s legal team.


Angelina Jolie Slams Brad Pitt: A Loan is NOT Child Support!!

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have been trying to keep this ugly divorce as private as possible, but now their contentious battle has spilled out into the open.

Angelina can prove that Brad is an unfit father, because he hasn’t paid child support. Brad replied by slamming that as “media manipulation.”

Now, Angelina is firing back … and spilling a whole lot of details about his failings as a father.

Angelina’s attorney, Samantha Bley DeJean, tells People that Angelina’s grievances against Brad Pitt are legit.

She says that Angelina’s court filing “was both legally appropriate and factually accurate in all respects.”

“What has been filed by Brad’s side today is a blatant attempt to obfuscate the truth,” DeJean states.

“And,” DeJean continues, Brad wishes to “distract from the fact that he has not fully met his legal obligations to support the children.”

In other words, she’s saying that Brad doesn’t want the world to know that he’s a deadbeat dad.

So … what’s this business about a loan? As you may recall, Brad countered that he had loaned her $ 8 million to purchase a home.

“Following the incident of September 2016,” DeJean explains. “Angelina and the children needed to move from the family home, which Brad chose to keep, including all of its contents.”

The incident being the one that took place on a plane and led to Brad Pitt being investigated for child-abuse.

If Brad wasn’t going to leave, then Angelina had not real choice but to move out.

This was when, DeJean says, Brad was “asked to assist in the expense of a new home for Angelina.”

Brad offered assistance … after a fashion.

“Instead,” DeJean says. “He loaned Angelina money, for which he is charging her interest on a payment plan.”

Yikes. While interest on $ 8 million is definitely something that Angelina can afford, she might as well have gone to a bank for the loan instead of to the man who claimed the family home for himself.

DeJean affirms that Angelina fully intends to “honor that loa.n”

However, DeJean makes clear: “A loan is not, however, child support and to represent it as such is misleading and inaccurate.”

So it’s not like Angelina is trying to weasel out of paying interest on the loan.

Instead, DeJean says, she “is asking Brad to pay 50% of the children’s expenses.” You know, his job as a parent.

Unfortunately, DeJean says, Brad “has not” been contributing his fair share.

“Angelina has had to shoulder the majority of those without his contribution for the past two years,” DeJean says.

DeJean reminds everyone: “Child support is not optional in California.”

“Typically,” DeJean says. “A father of means would pay these expenses voluntarily”

A good father would, anyway. But we suppose that a good father wouldn’t do whatever Brad did on that plane to end his marriage and get himself investigated by the FBI, either.

DeJean says that a normal father with the cash would already be paying “without the need for a request or court order.”

This might be a good time to mention that, according to the internet, Brad Pitt’s net worth is nearly a quarter of a billion dollars.

DeJean concludes: “We are hopeful that this can be resolved without further delay or posturing.”

Divorces can be messy — especially ones that are triggered by an incident of alleged child-abuse rather than by a marriage slowly succumbing to entropy.

Angelina and Brad have tried to keep the details of their divorce quiet for a host of reasons.

We suppose that it’s no surprise that what’s making them lash out at each other publicly is money.

Just because Angelina is a wealthy woman who can afford to single-handedly provide for all of her children does not mean that she should have to.

We hope that both parties are doing their part for their children, as required by the law and also by basic decency.
